"Vertical, dare to do this!" Guan Yu is the person who can prove the most wrong. He never thought that Ma Chen would fight tit for tat because of a gang leader.

He also took out Zhou Cang's past, and then stepped forward to detain him. Currently, he is close to Ma Chen.

"Second brother, don't be reckless! Ziwei should also be cautious!" Seeing that something was wrong, Xuande quickly stood up and stopped drinking loudly.

When Guan Yu saw Xuande talking, he stopped and just glared at Ma Chen.

On the other hand, Ma Chen did not show weakness and never took a step back, at least not weaker than Guan Yu in momentum.

"Ahem. Although Li Chuang is a robber, he has never hurt the lives of the people.

It doesn't matter if Ziwei keeps it in the account. However, his second brother's words are not without reason.

If this is the case, he will no longer hold an official position and will only send him and the bandits to stay in Ziwei's account.

In the future, he will be rewarded again after he makes meritorious service. What does the public think?"

"Fu Shan thinks it is great."

Seeing Xuande's gaze, Wolong spoke out. Then Mi Zhu and others were seconded.

Guan Yu gave a cold snort and returned to his seat. Xuande had already set the tone at this time. He wouldn't say much, but the look in Ma Chen's eyes was still bad.

At this time, he quickly knelt down on one knee, thanking Xuande for his fuel. Li Jian and others can stay in his account.

enough. It doesn't matter if you lose your position. It is very clear in my heart.

If you will occupy an important position in the army in the future, Li Chuang and others will be even better. If you hold back for Zhang Fei and Guan Yu for so many years, it will be difficult for your subordinates to feel at ease.

After returning to the mansion from the Xuande House of Representatives, Li Chuang bowed his head as soon as he entered the courtyard and said, "The general is noble, and I am grateful to Ma Chen. From now on, he is willing to be the general's pawn, although he will die without regret!"

As a surrendering bandit, he witnessed this scene throughout.

Seeing Ma Chen, in order to keep it, he did not hesitate to compete with contemporary stars, like Guan Yu Li Chuang had decided in his heart that Ma Chen would follow his death.

If he changed someone else, he would be inferior to Yellow Turban Yuzun, so he dared to guard it all.

Ma Chen hurriedly helped him up and led him into the hall.

Now that you have surrendered to me, you should be under my command.

From today, the famous cavalry and the new infantry will be under your command.

They will camp outside the city and find a place away from other ministries.

Tomorrow will be queuing up for inspection! In addition, Ma Chao and a few vigilant people will stay at our house, and Ma Chao will practice military law!"

0......for flowers...

When Li Chuang received the order, he walked out of the mansion, led the army to the camp, and sat at home, thinking carefully about what he had done in the past few days.

Although he won the favor of Xuande and owned Ma Chao, Li Chuang and the famous Qin Bing, at the same time, his ties with Guan Yu deepened.

Ma Chen knew that Zhu was already waiting for a call from Caolu Chisongzi, and he was about to join the army in a few days. By then, the situation will be more complicated.


But my goal in the first stage was to save my small group in exile several times after the Xuande Group.

Only in this way, I will not fall into a situation where no one will be available when it is stable in the future.

"Just go and check it out. When the war comes, it's time to show your オhua!" Ma Chen knows that it is useless to have high ambitions.

At present, apart from Xuande, it is the kingly way to increase the combat effectiveness of the four hundred sergeants under his command.

Ma Chen looked at raising the spear and broadsword to the corner of the wall, frowning and thinking.

Early the next morning, Ma Chen ordered Li Chuang to take it to a place where 500 sergeants camped outside the city.

When Ma Chen arrived at the camp, five hundred sergeants were already waiting in line, but they couldn't help frowning deeply.ト.

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