Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 688 Sergeant Sacrifice Wine

"Dragon King, I am willing to follow the Dragon King for a while, it is not too late!" In Ma Chen, when watching Cao Jun, he trampled on each other in the flames, causing heavy casualties.

All the grain, hay, and trenches were made and abandoned on the ground, which made him unwilling.

After Akamatsuko ordered him to lure him back to Xinye, most of them were to obtain war profits for Ma Chen. Where is Ma Chen?

Seeing that Xiahou had escaped and disappeared, he would never be able to attack Xinye, so he didn't want to follow Kong Ming's order to let the "Zero 13" get a deal for no reason.

"Wei Zi, I have already given the sword to the military division. If he insists on punishment, I have nothing to say."

Xuande knew that the people of Chisongzi put Ma Chao behind Fancheng instead of using it, but he handed such a dangerous thing to Ma Chen.

When he first came, he must have been dissatisfied with the word Ma Chen.

If Ma Chen does not return to Xinye, it will be a struggle.

"I'm willing to bear it alone!" Opened my eyes, righteously speaking, knowing that I was not convinced by Zhu Chisongzi, recalling that this plan was first proposed by Ma Chen, so he did not stop it, and Ma Chen came back and killed Po. .

The two men led their troops and killed them. The scavengers caught in Wei Yan wanted to return to Bowang City. Ma Chen yelled loudly. Wei Yan remembered that Fancheng had been injured for several months, but he did not dare to confront him head-on.

Now he did not consider ordering the wounded soldiers and led hundreds of soldiers and horses to escape from his headquarters.

Ma Chen led Li Chuang and hundreds of cavalry under his command, followed closely behind.

After chasing for a few miles, Ma Chen rode his horse to a stop on the road.

Regardless of Cao Jun's death, he called Li Chuang to his side and told him in a low voice that the cavalry in this department would remove Cao Jun's armor and bring it back.

Seeing Li Chuang's order, Ma Chen will no longer pursue Wei Yan, and only choose to walk too far away slowly, avoiding the place where it is fighting.

In less than half an hour, the shouting and killing sounds around Ma Chen will gradually disappear, and the soldiers under his command will immediately place several complete sets of armor and several sharp weapons.

Until then, Li Chuangou ordered to hide it on horseback and retreat.

Walking out of the Bowang slope, Ma Chen saw that Xuande had become one with Zhang Guan.

It is said that Akamatsuko is unpredictable. When he saw nothing, he led his troops back to Xinye.

When they arrived in Xinye, they ordered Li Chuang to quickly bring his Qin Bing back to the camp, and distributed the armor he obtained to the people in Mangdangshan, and taught them to act secretly.

As Xuande returned to the Xinye House of Representatives, people found Chisongzi sitting in the hall, beaming with joy, indicating that he was very satisfied with less than ten thousand people defeating Cao Jun.

However, when he saw Ma Chen, he followed the people, but his smile was a clot, and a deep supervision showed that he was a little bit ignorant of Ma Chen.

"Military officers are resourceful and helpful. If there is no strong wind in Bowangpo tonight, this fire still does not know whether it can burn Xiahou's 10,000 soldiers and horses.

When Xuande saw Chisongzi, he thanked him for raising his hand.

This month, Xuande handed over all the responsibilities of command and dispatch to Akamatsuko and achieved this major victory. All red pine nuts are naturally the first achievement.

Xuande's voice did not fall. Guan Yu, Zhang Feifei and others all worshiped Chisongzi, and they knew in advance that Bowangpo would help the burning.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei admired this technique very much, and he was also very happy to kill, so he somewhat realized the originality of Chisongzi.

People are very enthusiastic about this victory. Only Ma Chen took care and self-reliance standing at 1.4 on the spot, expressionless, but their thinking took a turn for the worse. They knew that they did not return to Xinye as ordered by the red pine nuts, and these red pine nuts would never expose this matter.

Sure enough, when Ma Chen was thinking about this, Chisongzi made a fuss: "Master, in this battle, everyone is acting according to the plan, and only one person is not acting according to the plan. I hope that the master must abide by the military law.

Hearing this, he stared at Kong Ming angrily, knowing that Chisongzi didn't want to get things done.

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