"This is the flanking method taught by the Meng army. If it is dealing with infantry, it can be constantly changing, and the enemy can be overwhelmed by the enemy's flanks.

It is the method of fighting more with fewer enemies. If our army is proficient in archery all at once, this formation will be able to get twice the result with half the effort!"

Ma Chen knows very little about the laws of the Han Dynasty. When he heard Li's words, his mind was like a moment of initiation.

In ancient times, only one side of the serenade won, but on the other hand, he had to rely on the wisdom of the coach or the effectiveness of the law.

If the law is right, he can do more with less.

Thinking of this level, Ma Chen asked again: "Ma Chao Nianfang, how do you know the law of this enemy?"

Ma Chen knows that Ma Chao is a woman, but she has amazing wisdom.

When talking about the general trend of Ma Chen world 08, she pointed out that Xuande should first obtain the land of Jingzhou, and then compete for the Central Plains.

Although it is not as far-sighted as red pine nuts, it is better than pure thinking.

"What the general didn't know was that Ma Chao's father was General Zhang Bao in the Yellow Turban Army, and Zhang Bao was proficient in the law, so after following Zhang Bao for a few years, he also knew a lot.

Ma Chao has followed me since he was a child, but he paid special attention to this kind of power and law.

His father passed the laws and books obtained from Zhang Bao to Ma Chao, but he did not want Ma Chao to be self-taught. This is the lodge owner we recommend together. "

Ma Chao and Li Chuang are both Xinye, people, no one dares to mention the fall of Mang Dangshan.

Therefore, Ma Chen's past is also a bad omen.

Today, when Ma Chen asked about the law, Li Zhuang simply told Ma Chao’s life story to solve Ma Chen’s confusion.

Knowing that Ma Chao is proficient in the law and has hidden some books in Zhang Bao, Yellow Turban, he was very excited.

Then Zhang Bao and his brother Zhang Jiao stood up together. This is Zhang Jiao's masterpiece, called Huangjin Shuqi.

The three brothers Zhang Jiao and their unarmed people detonated the source of the troubled times of the Eastern Han Dynasty. So there will be some wonderful works in the books of the three people.

Ma Chen only relies on bravery and wisdom, plus his understanding of the troubled times of these three countries.

And a wizard like Zhu Chisongzi, although not brave, but proficient in all kinds of thaumaturgy, makes good use of the weather, and is at odds with Zhu Chisongzi.

They worry that Zhu Chi pine nuts will not benefit from the strength of the weather.

If Ma Chao can master these miracles, he can stop them before the evil intentions of Chisongzi happen.

Thinking of this level, Ma Chen returned to his home and walked towards Ma Chao's house. At this time, Ma Chao was studying in the house.

Seeing Ma Chen running in a hurry, he thought Cao Jun was coming, so he stood up and picked up the sword hung on the wall.

"Girls, don't panic. It's not Cao Jun who is coming this time, but there is something to discuss."

Seeing Ma Chao misunderstood his purpose, he stopped quickly and said with a smile.

"When the general has something to do, he only needs to order the little girl to go. Why come in person?"

When Ma Chao saw that there was no war, he let go of his heart. Before that, he led Dangshan, the people fell grass, and the Jingzhou army went to encircle and suppress several times.

Therefore, Ma Chao was very alert, he still could not get dressed in bed.

Because he inherited some swordsmanship from year to year, his father never left his body with his sword.

He just walked into the house and hung it on the wall so he could use it at any time.

"013 I'm in the barracks. I saw all the cavalry are well equipped and are practicing flanking. Li Chuang said that this battle is in your hands, so I will ask the girl one or two."

Ma Chen is very respectful to Ma Chao. First of all, Ma Chao is the best man in Ma Chen's army.

Ma Chen guessed that Wolong is here. He is not equivalent to Ma Chao, but that Ma Chao is not good at strategy, but resourceful.

Secondly, Ma Chao is a woman, born in troubled times, which is difficult, but he can understand many artistic laws, so he must be precious and heavy.

But as soon as this sentence came out, Ma Chao mourned Ma Chen and said, "The book that the little girl reads is indeed the Yellow Turban. The thief has the skill, but the 400 Cavalry has never mentioned the Yellow Turban method.

If the general doesn't like what the thief left behind, he will burn all the books today!".

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