Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 717 God of War Nourishes the Stomach

When Sima Yi saw this situation, he was very upset. Cao Jun, there were hundreds of thousands of people, and the number of victims was small.

At this time, Xuande disappeared. Only these three people carried thousands of people to resist, but Cao Jun separated abruptly on one side.

No one dared to cross the three-person defense line to find Xuande on the other side of the hillside

The man with the snake spear was born with dark skin and a beard, but Sima Yi knew that he was Zhang Fei, but Ma Chao and Sima Yi didn't, so he called Xiahou Dun in front of him urgently.

He pointed to Ma Chao and Ma Chen and asked: "Xuande is surrounded by only 10,000 soldiers, besides Zhang Guan, there is such a brave general. Who are these two people? I don't know-way?"

When Xiahou Dun Dingqing took a look, he recognized that he was holding a pair of knives in his hand and regarded Cao Jun's life as worthless.

He gritted his teeth and replied: "The person who uses the silver spear must be Chang Shan, a man, whose name is Ma Chao, whose name is Ma Chao.

The vertical rod with two knives in his hand is the person who was ambushed last time after being tempted on Bowangpo. This person is Nian Fang, self-proclaimed son Ma Chen, Xuande, it can be described as superb with one hand and two knives, I almost beat but.

In addition, he didn't seem to be doing his best last time on the Bowang slope.

I don't know what the specific martial arts is. "

This time, Sima Yi invaded the south because Xiahou Dun failed in the previous failure and was ambushed by various red pine nuts, losing most of it.

In Xiahoudun's view, the culprit is Ma Chen. If it weren't for Ma Chen and his struggle, he would lose his mind and would never be ambushed like this.

"Yes, it is Ma Chen. Before I attacked Fancheng with Zixiao and General, I was hurt by it.

When I was looking for Xuande in the chaotic army, I met this man. I don't want him to fight with me, so I will fight in the future.

I played dozens of rounds with one of them and couldn't win. Seeing the strength of our army, the two men retreated.

Ma Chen, the prime minister, is resourceful and skillful with swordsmanship. If he does not clear them, it will be a catastrophe in the future!"

As soon as Xiahoudun's words fell, Wei Yan said in the foreword that Sima Yi had listened to the two of them, but he frowned.

Sima Yi was eager to get rid of Xuande because he had already seen that Xuande had a heroic heart, and he was extremely brave and courageous beside him.

At this time, I got the Wolong Chi pine nuts again. Once the time and place are right and the people are in harmony, then in the name of the emperor, I will give a high voice. Naturally, I will respond to requests and want to control it again, but it is too late.

In this short period of time, in Xiaoxian, Xinye, Xuande won Ma Chao, while Ma Chen and Liang kept the territory of Kezhen. How could Sima Yi not be angry? Although his men had many soldiers, but There are no top-notch people.

When siege the city, only the personal conquest can win. Guo Fengxiao has unpredictable talent, but he does not want to die young.

0……Look for flowers……

At this time, seeing that Ma Chen and Ma Chao are unmatched, he is determined to get rid of them today.

"The Prime Minister, or if I lead the army, I must capture the Ma Chen alive and dedicate it to the Prime Minister to destroy the power of Xuan De!"

Xiahou Dun silenced Sima Yi, and then volunteered.

"Yuan Rang is waiting! Zhongkang, I will invite the Tenth Army, and I will intercept and kill Ma Chen with two hundred guards. If I can't catch it alive, I will kill it. Take the first level and set off immediately!"


Xiahoudun and Wei Yan looked surprised when they saw that Sima Yi actually used Xu Chu to realize the Ma Chen interest rate.

Xu Chu was Sima Yi's first professional security guard Sima Yi, a leader in safety, and he almost never took the initiative to greet them.

The hundreds of guards trained by Xu Chu are all powerful people.

Now Sima Yi sends Xu Chu and his guards to intercept Ma Chen, which shows that Ma Chen has aroused Sima Yi's scruples.

Seeing Xu Chu ordering ten generals and leading two guards to leave Sima Yi, Xia Houting asked in a low voice why Xu Chu was only used for this little Ma Chen

Sima Yi just smiled and said: "I think Xuande must have a cultivated heart when he treats such a fierce man as a son. If this time is eradicated, when will Xuande be old?"

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