Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 730 Zhangwu borrowed a sword

At present, Ma Chen summoned Ma Chao, Wei Yan, Li Chuang and others to his residence in Jiangxia to discuss the matter together. Several people didn't leave until late at night and went out to see them off.

On the surface, they have lost their previous panic. Instead, they have a pair of answers.

At this time, although it was late at night, Ma Chen didn't take off his clothes to go to bed, but put on casual clothes and hurried out. I don't know where to go.

A few days later, Jiang Xia was nothing special. People have rectified the army and rested in the city, but Ma Chen was not idle.

He personally led his cavalry soldiers and borrowed several warships from Liu Qi. Every day, he only allowed everyone to practice fighting methods on the boats, and pushed the sergeant into the water at any time to practice his water-based and underwater breathing skills.

This incident naturally spread to Chisongzi's ears, but Chisongzi sneered and said to himself: "Even if you train this non-commissioned officer to go to heaven and earth, I am afraid you will not be able to touch Jiangdong. Hundreds of counselors, then Jiangdong People have always been xenophobic.

Now you want to drive away tigers and wolves. If you don't have my plan, let's see how you get out!"

So more than half a month passed.

On this day, while Ma Chen was still training sergeants on the warship, someone suddenly reported that Mr. Liu Qi asked Ma Chen to order dinner.

Ma Chen stiffened, and then all the training matters were handed over to Wei Yan, and then he hurried to the Liu Qi Building.

At this time, Liu Qi was waiting anxiously for Ma Chen in the lobby, and there was no food waiting for Ma Chen to enjoy.

After seeing Ma Chen enter the door, he closed the door and whispered: "According to my cronies in Xiangyang, I flew to Malaysia to report.

Sima Yi worried that he would send troops to Jiangxia in a few days.

This time, not only will Sima Yi bring his own name Manaba, Jingzhou will also drop more than 10,000 soldiers, or even 10,000.

If you really let it attack outside Jiangxia, I am worried that this big incident will stop.

If Ziwei goes to Jiangdong, once Jiang Xia loses, he will not come back.~!"

Obviously, Sima Yi invaded so fast, it has already exceeded Liu Qi's expectations.

At this point, it was obviously a little messy. Before being sent to Sun Quan, he visited in the middle of the night. Notify Liu Qi that if there is any change in Jingzhou or Soochow, he will notify Ma Chen.

Ma Chen had saved Liu Qi's life before, and now he got news from Jingzhou. Liu Qi has not notified Xuande, so let Ma Chen know first.

"My son, don't panic. If it were not for a joint attack, the envoy would never give up on the envoy. He would be sent to stay. If something happens, he will let his son tell the matter so that he can teach people about it. two.

Otherwise, if someone wants to disadvantage us, his life is at stake. "Ma Chen will comfort him and tell Liu Qi a long time before he leaves.

Both Xuande and Ma Chen are ignorant people, so they dare not ask for help, but Liu Qi is different.

He has scruples about Xuande and his people, but he can't bear Ma Chen.

Therefore, all Ma Chen's requests have been answered by Liu Qi

After Liu Qi's residence left, Ma Chen returned to the camp, and urgently summoned Ma Chao, Wei Yan and Li Li, and sent a hundred non-commissioned officers to Jiangxia, on standby, Ma Chao and Wei Yan were sent to Ma Chen.

If there is a war between Ma Chao and Wei Yan, they both have the ability to protect themselves, and they are both men and women, Ma Chao is a woman, so it is much more convenient to do some things.

At this time, Ma Chen no longer thinks about it, but waits for Xuande's life.

Sure enough, after only one day, Xuande would assemble the manpower urgently.

After reaching Ma Chen's point (Is it Zhao), he glanced at Liu Qi who was sitting on the left hand side of Xuande, and then he knew that Liu Qi had not notified Xuande at this time, and Xuande only learned at this time, apparently only through spying. He spooned it himself.

"^" Everyone, Sima Yi has launched a battle, claiming to lead a million army, and will go straight to my Jiangxia another day, with the intention of annihilating our army here.

Although Cao Jun didn't like war, he should have won several Wan Shui troops in Jingzhou this time. There are dragons, Zhang Yun and others who are good at water warfare.

If you do not prepare early, you will worry that Jiang Xia will be in danger. ".

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