Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 741 Deliberately complicating the problem

He smiled and said: "Lu Zijing is worried that telling the truth about Cao Jun will weaken the momentum of Jiangdong and the ministers, make Sun Quan frighten, and cause the alliance to fail.

However, Sun Quan sits in Jiangdong, on the land of six counties and states.

If this is a district of Cao Jun, he will feel scared. It's useless to ally with him. Might as well return to Jiangxia to find another way out. "

After hearing this, Ma Chao frowned again and said, "If Sun Quan heard the truth and decided to defect to Cao, wouldn't the general be in danger?

Before that, the general was cut off almost before the battle, and Cao hated the general very much. Everyone knows this. If Sun Quan wants to get down to Cao and detain the general here, he wants to give it 047 to Cao, what should he do?"

Ma Chao became serious at this time, but the man in Ma Chen's heart was very helpless.

He had to stroke Ma Chao's fragrant shoulders, and said softly: "When you were born in a troubled world, how could everything be absolute?"

However, this risk is still taken. Once the alliance with Sun Quan is promoted, the next step can be gone.

At that time, the pain of displacement can be avoided, this girl no longer needs to travel with me, she can sit at home in Zhong. "

When Ma Chao heard this, his face was red, his hands twisted at the corners of his clothes. I don't know what to say. I just feel like it. In front of Ma Chen, he is very sweet and strong (aibe). Only when facing Ma Chao alone, he shows some tenderness. .

Often at this time, Ma Chao couldn't help it, but because of his identity, he couldn't show it.

"Girl, this land in Jiangdong is different from the Central Plains in terms of customs and food.

Since there is nothing to do in the past two days, how about Ziwei taking the girl to stroll around the land of Jiangdong?"

Ma Chao was stunned. Although he had been with Ma Chen for a while, there was nothing left besides discussing tactics and studying the law.

It was the first time to travel together, and the heart thumped in the moment, so I thought about it and asked Ma Chen to go back to the house to change clothes.

Ma Chen smiled and nodded. When Ma Chao left, he changed into casual clothes with the sword of the green red treasure in his hand, just waiting for the horse to go beyond.

"Without the identity of the son of Xuande, it is also beautiful for him to marry Ma Chao.

Ma Chen thought of Ma Chao's shy expression, and he thought to himself.

After a while, Ma Chao put on his clothes and came to the gate of Ma Chen.

At first glance, this is a bright spot. I saw Ma Chao had changed into menswear, but his figure was slender and uneven.

Under the menswear packaging, he showed a different beauty, which instantly attracted Ma Chen's attention.

"General. What happened to my little girl in this dress?"

Ma Chao saw Ma Chen staring at him, his face turned red. He felt that there was a problem with the men's clothing, so he asked embarrassedly.

"Yeah. It's not wrong, it's a bit confusing, a bit confusing.

Ma Chen hurriedly coughed to cover up his gaffe, but Ma Chao's unique look of a woman disguised as a man lingered in Ma Chen's mind.

After answering, Ma Chen waved to Ma Chao, and they left the post house one after another.

"In Jiangdong, on this land, the folk customs are mellow. This is almost a scene. The road does not go and the house is not closed at night.

If you were born here, why do you want to join the Yellow Turban Army?

When they were hanging out in Zhong, Ma Chao expressed his emotions in Chaisang County, thoughtfully, and slowly replied: “Since the second emperor Huan Ling, he has been on the westward expedition, and war is going on. intoxicated.

Jiangdong was also restricted by the natural dangers of the Yangtze River, which prevented many wars.

This is the image of this nation living in peace. Then the old minister Jiangdong will come, and China is worried that the war will pollute Jiangdong, and thus persuade Sun Quan to return to Cao."

"In that case, why did the general let Sun Quan ally with our army?" Seeing the helpless look between Ma Chen's eyebrows, Ma Chao became pessimistic and asked anxiously. .

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