"I am not Shanyecun, and my wife can't be so ignorant. General Ziwei is the most reliable person in Uncle Liu.

Now that the emperor is in trouble, it is a loyal act for General Ziwei to travel for the emperor.

It would be disgusting if I delay the alliance with my brother because of my love for my little daughter that day!"

Sun Shangxiang, although sometimes a bit rebellious and capricious, he fully understands the overall situation, so he likes this very much in his heart Ma Chen.

His heart is now horizontal. He stopped thinking about the story between Mrs. Sun and Xuande he had seen in the book in his previous life, and decided to get along with Sun Shangxiang

"What the girl didn't know in 2008 is that Ziwei was born in the year of the Dragon King, not the son of the Dragon King, but the foster father and adopted son.

What's more, there is no fixed place for the Dragon King to lead the army, even if he is lucky enough to get a small city.

Some foundations were also established in this troubled world, and the Dragon King’s parent and son Liu Chan was behind the seal, so for the seal, the road ahead is long, I don’t know.

When Ma Chen was right, he fully stated his current situation. Ma Chen is not a good disguise.

Since his heart has decided to get along with Sun Shangxiang, he doesn't want to have any reservations about it.

"In the name of Ziwei, General, it was passed back to Jiangdong from time to time.

The Korean Wu, often discussed with his brother, and said that the general is a matter of righteous sons, but I thought of the general. Will not be restricted by the identity of the righteous son in this district.

Otherwise, how could Liu Huangshu delegate the important task of ally with Jiangdong to the general? I am a female and I can dance swords.

Why can't the general contend for the world as a righteous son?" Sun Shangxiang's words were very avant-garde, and he was very happy without saying anything.

He picked up the wine in front of him and said to the girl in front of him: "Although the girl said so, the seal cannot easily ruin the innocence of the girl's life.

If the girl believes that when there is a city to live in, she will come here to ask General Sun to propose and marry the girl to a seal.

At the same time, if a girl falls in love with something else, she will marry someone else, and so will she.

Sun Shangxiang has fallen in love with Ma Chen. At this time, Ma Chen seems to have a great sense of pride.

Currently, my heart is beating. I know that if I forcefully go back with Ma Chen, most of Ma Chen will not refuse.

However, looking at Xiang Ma Chen's firm eyes, she thought for a while in her heart, and said softly: "Since the general has this heart.

My little girl is here waiting for the general to get married. She swears that except for Ziwei, the general, my little girl would rather die alone than marry another person.

Ma Chen did not expect that Sun Shangxiang was such a strong person, but it said that Ma Chen's heart was stirred by some waves,

The wine in his hand was drunk, and then he stood up suddenly, sat next to Sun Shangxiang with a big hand, and then he hugged Sun Shangxiang's delicate body in his arms.

Sun Shangxiang didn't expect Ma Chen to have such a bold behavior, but he broke free a little, but where he could break free of Ma Chen's power.

He couldn't break free, so he leaned his head on his chest honestly and closed his eyes shyly.

"Today is only this half day, but being able to spend this half day with the girl is Ziwei's biggest gain in this river."

Ma Chen felt the beauty in her arms and sighed.

"This is an alliance with my brother. Isn't it as good as General Ziwei's mind?"

Sun Shangxiang listened to Ma Chen's whisper, couldn't help laughing, and then asked with pretended curiosity.

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