Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 801 I can't drink enough

So, Ma Chen and Sun Quan drank until midnight that night. In the end, everyone was drunk, so they gave up and returned to their respective homes. Ma Chen was also sent to the post by Zhang Ziyi and others to rest.

When he arrived at the inn, Zhang Ziyi fired all the others, leaving him and Ma Chao in the Ma Chen room.

At Sun Quan's dinner, Zhang Ziyi witnessed Ma Chen getting drunk. At this time, there was some anxiety on the surface.

"Xingba, General, why is General Ziwei so drunk?" Ma Chao saw Ma Chen question and answer himself and asked Zhang Ziyi eagerly.

Zhang Ziyi sighed and was about to explain a sentence or two when he heard someone in the room whisper: "How do you two know that I am drunk?"

When Zhang Ziyi and Ma Chao heard it, they were all shocked 077. The voice is undoubtedly Ma Chen? And they were not half drunk. Before the voice fell, Ma Chen dressed neatly and walked out of the room. Except for the reddish complexion, there was nothing else. abnormal.

"General Ziwei has this amount of alcohol?" Before Zhang Ziyi saw one cup after another, he kept drinking, but this time he was able to stay sober and his heart was shocked.

Those courtiers in Jiangdong, including Sun Quan himself, are all rubbish, and they cannot be fakes.

"It's okay, just a little trick. When I came to Chaisang this time, I underestimated Sun Quan's determination to seek Jingzhou.

(aibe) From today’s banquet, it can be seen that this trip to Chaisang is the nest six of Longtan that I have been waiting for these days, even I have to be careful.”

Ma Chen scanned and saw that there were no other people around, so he called them closer and said with a helpless expression on his face.

When they finished listening, they were all stunned, especially Zhang Ziyi, who asked doubtfully: "General Sun and Jiangdong's ministers seem to have no malice towards the general today. The general does not know where to see this from Longtan. nest?

After he listened, he was not eager to refute.

He just smiled and replied in a low voice: "Unsurprisingly, although he has made great contributions, he has already reported the situation between our army and the battle.

At this time, we had a deep understanding of the plight. Our army had a battle with Zhu Chisongzi, but there were no soldiers in the water battle. The sergeant was not familiar with this river battle.

I am afraid that Sima Yi's collapse is only a matter of time. Therefore, I am afraid that Sun Quan's heart is already the heart of Jingzhou's post-war affiliation. "

After Ma Chen analyzed, Zhang Ziyi nodded slightly, but then his brows wrinkled slightly.

He asked again: "If General Sun wants to find land to control the state, he must notify Gong Jin to cause more trouble on the front line and call on General Ziwei Chaisang.

Ping Ziwei? General's ability, how could he return to Fankou alone? If he wanted to imprison General Ziwei and Chai Sang in this area, he had miscalculated. "

Hearing what Zhang Ziyi said, he smiled and waved his hand disdainfully, saying: "If I leave Chaisang without telling Sun Quan's frontline situation, Jiang Dong will accuse me of concealing selfish behavior after Sima Yi's army retires.

Put the responsibility of disintegrating the Liu Alliance on my shoulders.

At that time, if the Dragon King wants to seize the land of Jingxiang nine counties from Jiangdong again, it will require a lot of effort. "

"Leaving is Longtan's nest, leaving is a sinner. What should I do?"

Although Zhang Ziyi is a member of the Iliad, he is not a consultant after all.

In this case, he is a little impatient. Seeing Ma Chen trapped here, he is the only military commander in front of Ma Chen.

Suddenly, he felt the heavy responsibility, and was anxious to know how to crack it.

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