The more Sun Shangxiang heard these brave performances, the more she fell in love with Ma Chen. She admired her brother Sun Ce very much.

When Sun Ce was young, he was like Ma Chen.

He is called Jiang Dongba, fighting with each other, winning more and losing less. This is Sun Quan's solid foundation in Jiangdong today.

Sun Shangxiang sneered at Sun Quan, who relied on his own mind and strategy, so he and Sun Quan were not very close.

Suddenly, it was dark. Sun Shangxiang and Ma Chen were still in a good mood, but just an apologetic smile.

Sun Shangxiang did not agree to discuss the matter in detail during the hunting tomorrow, instead he was unwilling to walk out of the restaurant under the escort of Ma Chen and slowly walk towards his home in 08.

Ma Chen and Sun Shangxiang walked out of the restaurant. The police glanced at the restaurant dressed up as a young man, and couldn't help but secretly look at them.

They didn't get out of the restaurant until they left completely and disappeared into the night. Ma Chen couldn't help but sneer at this situation.

Naturally, Sun Shangxiang didn't know this, but he was still immersed in Fang Chen when he met Ma Chen, and hoped to accompany Ma Chen to go hunting tomorrow.

Just as Ma Chen sent Sun Shangxiang back to his office and returned to the post house alone, the scene of Sun Quangong was different.

I saw that Sun Quan was in a dimly lit room. Except for Sun Quan himself, the front of the room was the dress page of Ma Chen and Sun Shangxiang restaurant before, but at this time, he had changed into a normal dress.

"On this day, Ma Chen and Shang Xiang just talked in the restaurant and didn't go out?"

I saw Sun Quan stroking his long beard with his hand, and asked slowly.

"As the general expected, the Ma Chen did not take the princess from the restaurant

They just tasted Jiangdong cuisine in the building and learned about each other's affairs. Apart from that, there is nothing else.

The villain has been in the room next to the two of them, and the two said the same, and the villain did not miss anything.

Unsurprisingly, before Ma Chen ordered, the conversation between him and Sun Shangxiang had been heard word by word by those placed by Sun Quan and Sun Quan.

He can firmly control the land of Jiangdong, six counties, and he can be an easy person.

Therefore, once he has the opportunity to test Ma Chen, Sun Quan will not let it go.

In that Ma Chen's speech, I will stay in Jiangdong this time. Is there any question about this?

Sun Quan obviously does not believe that Ma Chen can settle in Jiangdong so easily, so he has been hesitant about this matter.

This time, he sent someone to monitor the Ma Chen, to see Sun Shangxiang, but also to see if the Ma Chen was dissatisfied.

"no doubt.

Ma Chen only spoke for the princess, once a war broke out, the general would send it back to the front line to meet them. no doubt.

According to the villain, Ma Chen was very submissive to the princess. There was no domineering in my Jiangdong court that day. Even when the princess asked the woman next to him, Ma Chen also answered patiently.

Seeing this, I am afraid to provoke the princess"

Sun Quan listened, only a slight smile appeared on the surface. Ma Chen's attitude towards Sun Shangxiang is definitely not a fake.

In that case, in Sun Quanxin 093, Sun Shangxiang finally made the right game.

Sun Shangxiang occupies a very high position among the six counties in Jiangdong.

All the young talents in Jiangdong intend to marry Sun Shangxiang, but in Sun Quan's view, Jiangdong has been completely controlled by it.

If Sun Shangxiang married Jiangdong for no reason, it would be meaningless and the game would be lost.

When Sun Quan was still a hero, inheriting the legacy of his father and brother, he thought not only to preserve Jiangdong's foundation, but one day to enter the Central Plains and complete hegemony.

Therefore, Sun Shangxiang is in Sun Quan's heart. Just a pawn.

If with the emergence of Sun Shangxiang, Sun Quan can add some weight to the road to hegemony, why can't Sun Quan?

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