As soon as this sentence came out, Sun Shangxiang looked at Xiang Zhang Ziyi. He did not believe that Zhang Ziyi could let him go alone, but to his surprise, Zhang Ziyi did not refute, but Xiang Ma Chen stopped at the same place and gave a fist.

Wan'er, you should accompany General Xingba here, don't disappear!

Sun Shangxiang, worried that Zhang Ziyi would secretly follow after agreeing, and simply ordered his maid to watch Zhang Ziyi here.

Zhang Ziyi also showed a wry smile upon hearing this.

Therefore, these three people separated from Zhang Ziyi and advanced several miles.

What puzzled Sun Shangxiang was that the number of beasts the three people saw on the road was already very impressive, but Ma Chen and Ma Chao did not hunt, they just marched forward.

At the end of 08, Ma Chen stopped first, looked back, and then dismounted, followed by Ma Chao, and Sun Shangxiang jumped down and looked at them puzzled.

"Girls who want to come to grandchildren are quite puzzled by this move, but it's not just hunting to seal the invitation.

There are some words in my heart. I want to talk to that girl, it is related to your and my future. I wonder if the girl would like to hear a sentence or two?"

When Sun Shangxiang heard these words, his heart jumped wildly. Ma Chen took him to this desolate land.

He drove away Zhang Ziyi, leaving Ma Chao on his side. This made him feel solemn, and he did not dare to neglect for a while.

He said: "General Ziwei is not artificial.

I think there must be a reason for what happened today. No matter what the general said, it didn't hurt. The little girl will definitely not teach the fourth person to know!"

Seeing that Sun Shangxiang had such a statement, he took most of it in his heart. His silver teeth clenched when he thought about it.

He said word by word: "If you want to propose to General Sun and marry a girl in a few days, I don't know what that girl thinks?"

Upon hearing this, Sun Shangxiang immediately looked at Ma Chen with an unbelievable expression.

Before that, he had made it clear in the letter he stayed there that he could only propose to Sun after he got the city and had a basis for settlement.

At this time, Xuande and Sun's coalition forces had not yet penetrated Sima Yi's hundreds of thousands of troops, let alone the city.

However, at this moment, Ma Chen proposed to Sun Shangxiang, how could Sun Shangxiang not be surprised?

"General Ziwei is serious? My daughter still remembers what the general said in the letter."

Sun Shangxiang is not an ordinary little woman.

The Ma Chen took her into this dense forest, leaving only Ma Chao by her side and Zhang Ziyi outside the forest.

This brought up the matter. Obviously, there is a reason for this, so Sun Shangxiang has this question.

"Feng Hou's intention is to marry a girl when you succeed, but now it seems that if you wait until that time, even Feng Hou and a girl will find it difficult to meet again.

Therefore, you should mention this rashly here. If the girl still loves the seals, you can propose to General Sun.

If the girl doesn't want to, she might as well do something. The girl will forget the seal!

Ma Chen's face is real, and it's not a lie at first glance.

After listening to Sun Shang 093 Xiang, he thought for a while, and then asked, "Is it because my brother is against Ziwei?

The general is in trouble. If so, the little girl can ask each other.

Although his brother is the owner of Jiangdong, if he invites his mother, he will also give her some thin noodles. "

"Don't deceive the grandson girl, I'm afraid this matter cannot be solved by my mother. Under today's circumstances, I can't tell you the truth. The girl doesn't know.

When General Sun invited me to come here this time, he saved the heart of forcing me to stay in Jiangdong to work for her.

When I found out, I naturally couldn't lie down and wait for death, but I really couldn't let the girl go alone. This is what happened today!".

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