Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 827 Weakness is too strong

Ma Chao explained what happened between her and Ma Chen, and Sun Shangxiang listened, the helplessness in front of her gradually disappeared.

Suddenly, half an hour passed, a rush of horseshoes came, and Ma Chen returned on time.

On his horseback, besides some rabbits and the like, the most conspicuous thing was a white-headed tiger.

Although the tiger is also the overlord of the mountain, he is obviously not domineering at this time and has already died under the arrow of Ma Chen~.

When the two women looked at Ma Chen, they saw that the armor on their arms seemed to be damaged, and there was some blood in it, so they knew Ma Chen would get this one.

Is the injury on the general's arm important? When Ma Chao saw this, he asked.

"It doesn't matter, I don't know if Miss Sun has a plan in her heart. If it takes a while to beat this tiger, how can he survive this half an hour!"

Obviously, Ma Chen is very concerned about Sun Shangxiang's determination, so he can only kill time by fighting beasts.

Seeing the scar on Ma Chen's body, Sun Shangxiang couldn't sit down anymore, so he stood up and went to the vicinity of Ma Chen.

"My little daughter, thanks to the general, willing to take risks for my little daughter's mediocre appearance.

If the general is allowed to leave this time, I am afraid that my little daughter will not sleep well in the future. In the alley that day, the general had captured my little girl's heart.

My little girl has lived in Jiangdong for nearly years. Now that she is an adult, she naturally has the right to decide whether or not to go.

For the next half of my life, I will let my little daughter and Ms. Meng serve by the general, okay?"

Sun Shangxiang said that his eyes were foggy, and he looked at Ma Chen without hesitation.

"The girl's intention is to go to Jingzhou with her seal?"

"Yes, when I return from hunting today, I will ask the army to propose to my brother. My daughter and mother will also test the pressure and try to get married here in three days.

On the night of the wedding, I followed the general to Fankou and never parted again!"

How much courage does Sun Shangxiang need to know his heart?

He couldn't help feeling relieved. A large rock fell to the ground. At this point, the purpose of this Jiangdong trip has finally been successfully realized

. In fact, what he wants most is that Sun Shangxiang would rather go to Jingzhou with him. As for marriage, it is not the focus of his heart.

Ma Chen heard Sun Shangxiang's words and did not answer. He just pulled it into his arms and hugged him tightly to show love and feel the temperature in his arms.

Sun Shangxiang's eyes were already full of tears, and her heart was almost certain. Compared with the big family of Sun Quan, Ma Chen Mansion must not know how warm it is.

Ma Chao looked at these two people with happy endings not far away, and there was no trace of jealousy in her eyes.

0……Look for flowers……

On the contrary, she was moved by most people. If she didn't dare to speak out today, and then moved with emotion, Sun Shangxiang would naturally not be able to make a decision so quickly.

This is the end of the matter, and finally the dust settles. After Ma Chen and Sun Shangxiang were enthusiastic, the three of them discussed in the forest, hunting for half an hour before entering the forest.

He also dedicated the tiger to Sun Quan to express Ma Chen's friendship, so that Sun Quan fell into a paralysis, so that Ma Chen proposed to Sun Shangxiang.


When night fell, the Ma Chen returned with Sun Shangxiang, Zhang Ziyi and others with a full load.

Just like last time, the Ma Chen went directly to Sun Quangong, and Sun Shangxiang and Sun Quan dedicated the tiger to Sun Quan. I was really happy.

Seeing that Ma Chen was still injured for this reason, he quickly invited him into the house.

After the medical officer diagnosed and treated Ma Chen, he asked Ma Chen to drink here in return.

Ma Chen was talking about this, and quickly thanked him, and sent Ma Chao and others back to the post house, while Sun Shangxiang stayed in Sun Quan for dinner.

Sun Quan saw Ma Chen and Sun Shangxiang's relationship really fell in love, and he was very happy.

At the banquet, Ma Chen and Sun Shangxiang just urged Sun Quan to drink. Although Sun Quan is good at drinking, he is not as good as Ma Chen.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Sun Quan's eyes were slightly blurred.ト.

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