Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 835 Hide a knife in a smile

"To live and die with the general, the girl's wish is enough. Such a big wedding night is very unusual. The general does not need to worry!"

Sun Shangxiang talked about this, but looked away, turned to Ma Chen and said with a smile

There was no grudge in their hearts, Ma Chen finally let go of his heart.

He has never had a good night's sleep in Jiangdong these days. At this time, by Sun Shangxiang, he fell asleep quickly.

In the middle of the night, Sun Quan slept soundly for several hours.

Finally, because he had drunk too much, he was awakened by a burst of urine. The waiter waiting beside him hurriedly reported that General Sun Yu had important military affairs and had been waiting in the hall for several hours.

There is no doubt that there is a very urgent thing he is still waiting for his return from the call of nature.

He had just arranged his clothes in the hall when he saw Sun Yu in uniform walking anxiously in the hall.

He might not wake Sun Quan before, and he was very worried.

"I don't know what important things Zhong Yi has in the middle of the night.

If it’s okay, talk about it tomorrow!"

Just after Sun Quan woke up, he got a headache.

He didn't like Zhou Yu being here, his face was full of intolerance.

He urged. "The general doesn't know.

When I was walking in the city at night, I suddenly saw the monarch riding a horse-drawn carriage of the Ma Chen, dashing around the city, but I stopped him.~.

“Don’t Zhong Yi know that today is the wedding day of Ma Chen and my sister Shang Xiang. She drank and played at my house until late at night before returning home. I guess she was in a hurry to leave.”

At this point, Sun Quan still has no doubts.

"Then Ma Chen picked up a letter in the car and said that it was Zhou Yu, a letter written in the Governor's previous book, and asked me to give it to the general, so I didn't dare to ignore it, so I came here on a starry night. , Show the letter to the general."

"E? ​​How could the letter written by Zhou Yu reach Ma Chen? Take a look!

Sun Yu said that this is obviously unreasonable. Sun Quan listened, somehow, a bad feeling appeared in his heart.

He hurriedly asked Sun Yu for the letter that had been sealed to Ma Chen. Seeing that there was no name on the letter, he quickly tore it open, took it out, and read it under the lamp.

At first glance, when Sun Quan saw the content of the letter, he saw the angry look on his face.

He still gritted his teeth and read the letter quickly. After that, Sun Quan finally couldn't help it anymore.

He tore the letter to pieces and threw it into the brazier.

He walked to the case and suddenly drew his sword, which was already provocative.

"General, why is this? Has the previous war changed?"

Sun Yu was surprised by Sun Quan's self-image. He grew up with Sun Quan since he was a child.

Although Sun Quan is five years younger than him, his vision is beyond his ability. This huge anger is the only thing in Sun Yu's life.

Ma Chen Jianzi, deceive me too much! How dare I kidnap my sister on the wedding night!

Zhong Yi hurriedly rectified the army and horses, and went to Fankou. If you don't reach Fankou, you must return it; if you can't return it, shoot it!"

When Sun Yu listened, there was a rough sea in his heart.

When I met Ma Chen before, Ma Chen was still very calm.

Sun Yu did not joking, nor took any precautions, and Sun Shangxiang was not unusual. How could people think that they fled to Fankou after that?

""At this time, Ma Chen has been away for several hours, and I am worried about the end."

Just go after it, even if you (get it) get to Fankou, you must bring it back!

Sun Quan was very angry when he moved this time.

How could he listen to Sun Yu? He hated not to drive a boat.

Only when he shoots an arrow can he get rid of hatred.

Ma Chen has said in the letter that this is the heart, and he has long found himself carrying the burden of humiliation here.

Not only because he has not yet been married, but also because he is married to or in-laws. At this time, he has already taken them back together.

How can Sun Quan swallow this breath after he is alive?

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