Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 844 Go to South County at night

Ma Chen knew very well that since Chisongzi arranged three ambushes in Wulin, Yiling, and Huarong Road, if Sima Yi could come here, most of Zhang Fei and Guan Yu would have been killed for a while.

Once Chibi won, Sima Yi's army was a remnant soldier, and he fled to this point. Xiangyang is hundreds of miles to the north.

If Ma Chen's ambush is appropriate, Sima Yi will certainly be defeated without fighting.

When they approached Huarong Road, they found that it was a winding road and the road was rough.

Therefore, all places in Jiangdong 08 are in the rainy season, and the low-lying areas are covered with mud.

Even if the horse arrives here, it is difficult to travel.

There are no trees on the road, and there are high mountains and cliffs on both sides, covering the sky and the sun. This road is very dark.

After private observation, we knew that this was a perfect ambush.

If Sima Yi is from the south, Ma Chen only needs to lead hundreds of riders to block the valley, and then send hundreds of people up the mountain to prepare some rolling stones and other things.

Even if Sima Yi had ten thousand people, it would be difficult for him to retreat. But out of this place, it is ten miles north of South County.

At this time, there are not many horses in South County. When this is thought of, everyone will be called into the crowd.

"If you want to block the terrain here, if you want to ambush, you definitely don't need many people. So, you have a plan. I don't know what everyone thinks."

"Ziwei, general, but it doesn't matter!" As everyone knows, Ma Chen is smart and brave.

At this time, it was natural to be all attentive to Ma Chen.

"Tomorrow, when Sima Yi comes, it will be night.

Therefore, I lead elite soldiers and General Xingba waiting here. The mountains on both sides are perfect ambushes.

Since I came so early, not tonight Li Chuang led the troops to go up the mountain and prepare to roll the rocks. Instead, I will obey my orders.

In this way, Sima Yi's remnant soldier was defeated and taught him to flee in a hurry!"

"According to the general's opinion, what should the remaining two thousand troops do?"

Obviously, the focus of Ma Chen this time is not the ambush in Huarong Road, but where the remaining two thousand people should go.

"The remaining two thousand people, led by Teacher Shiyuan and Wen Chang, will leave immediately after a break tonight, and will take the South County by tomorrow morning and establish a defense in the South County.

If Sima Yi's defeated army escapes to Southern County, he must repel it!"

"This. At this time, he went to seize the South County. The South County was empty. There was only one prefect, hundreds of sergeants in the city.

When I went there in the middle of the night, most of them couldn't keep the city, but General Ziwei led only elite soldiers to ambush here.

Once Sima Yi's large forces are not impacted, isn't General Ziwei in danger?"

Feng Chu naturally knew Ma Chen's determination to take the southern county. If he ambushed Sima Yi and then tried to capture the southern county, the prefect of the southern county might have learned that Sima Yi's defeat was under strengthened guards, and it would be very difficult.

In addition, once Sima Yi and other 123 people escaped, they would think of the first stop to take temporary refuge in Nan County. Then Sima Yi will rectify the army.

Once the number of tens of thousands increase, it will be more difficult to win again.

So, tonight is indeed the best time to go.

But Feng Chu was worried about the safety of Ma Chen here, and Huarong Dao was indeed an excellent ambush.

However, when Sima Yi arrived here, once there were many military commanders around him, they were all capable of fighting again. It was difficult for Ma Chen and Zhang Ziyi to lead elite soldiers to pose a threat.

Ma Chen's strategy to try to seize the South County is a risky move.

In Feng Chu's view, there is no need to do so now, so Ma Chen doesn't need to exchange his safety for Southern County. .

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