Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 852 Raiders of Huangzhongzhai (Part 1)

"It has been successful. I am waiting for Sima Yi's many people to start chasing for a few miles. I can only follow them. Don't chase them when they pass the land of Nanjun. Go back to Jiangling, join Shiyuan, and consider the long-term plan!"

Ma Chen said to Ma Chao, and pointed to Ah Dou's back

"Who is this kid?" "If you don't know him, you can tell that this person is younger than Ma Chen. He

Looking at Ma Chao and the others with an uncontrollable expression, it was a kind of curiosity.

"This is Zijian, the son of Sima Yi, Adou, and this word is his favorite son in Sima Yi's heart.

In order to get away, Ah Dou is my proton.

With him, he has a bargaining chip with Sima Yi! "The general is really a smart man. He zoomed in. Now Sima Yi has the handle in our hands, and most of them will be restricted in the future."

I don't know who this teacher is?"

When Ma Chao looked at A Dou, he saw Xu Shu. A Dou was surrounded by several non-commissioned officers below Ma Chen's degree, and Xu Shu was beside Ma Chendu, very free, which made Ma Chao quite curious~.

I don't know when Xu Shu will appear.

This is the time when the Yingchuan people were back in, and they had a close relationship with Feng, but they were a lowly income, and they had talents.

If you work under the Sima Yi account, most of them will be abandoned. Therefore, I will take this opportunity to bring Yuan Zhi back. In the future, Yuan Zhi will become a think tank like Teacher Shi Yuan!"

Ma Chao had heard of this in the name of Xu Shu. When he saw Ma Chen order, he compared it with Pang Tong, and then bowed quickly.

After Xu Shu returned the gift, he turned to Ma Chen and asked, "Is it just that General Xingba said that Shiyuan was Pang Tong, Feng Xiao, and Ziwei had invited him? "Obviously, Xu Shu also admired Pang Tong's talent.

"Yuan Zhi didn't know. Before the seal was tricked into Chaisang by Sun Quan, he met Xingba and Shi Yuan in Chaisang.

Mr. Shiyuan is depressed under Zhou Yu's account, while Mr. Feng is full of talents.

Now he and Mr. Shiyuan and Mr. Shiyuan have seen each other as they did before. Now Mr. Shiyuan is waiting in Jiangling. When Sima Zi arrives in Xiangyang, I will meet with Shiyuan! Teacher. "

"Congratulations to Ziwei, Ziwei has won Pang Tong's great talent, so that he is no longer bound by Zhuge Kongming, why does it take so much effort to call him?"

"Both Yuanzhi and Shiyuan are great talents. The seals will treat these two people equally. Shiyuan can rest assured that this southern county is a sealed station. When the situation is complicated, you must rely on Yuanzhi's talents and Yuanzhi decided. Can't refuse!

0………Look for flowers…

When Xin Ye left, Xu Shu knew that Ma Chen's heart was not satisfied under Huang Zhong's command.

Now he heard that he won Pang Tong, Ma Chao is good and brave, and he secretly occupied the South County.

When Ah Dou was detained by his side, Xu Shu knew this behavior after a little thought, but of course he didn't tell Huang Zhong that his heart for Ma Chen was already obvious.

In Huang Zhong and Sima Yi, in this chaotic world afterwards, Xu Shu's way of survival has been quite touched. Even between parents and children, in the end, they will inevitably fight to death, let alone Ma Chen is a son of justice.

Huang Zhong, who is not related to Huang Zhong, uses Ma Chen at this time because of his loyalty and courage. Huang Zhong died, Chi Songzi opposed Ma Chen, and Chi Songzi would not let Ma Chen go.

When Xu Shu looked at what Ma Chen was doing, he knew that most people at Ma Chen were aware of this risk, so he had already begun to plan ahead.

If there is a group of loyal ministers General Liang and a rear base camp, he is not afraid that Chisongzi, Guan Yu and others will endanger Ma Chen's heart after Huang Zhongnian. "In this case, I will perform the contract with Ziwei from today. Ziwei is already in a few short hours. Achieved this achievement within months.

Participating in it is also a great blessing in life!" ト,

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