Ma Chen nodded when listening to Liu Bowen's words. Now Ma Chen is more interested in the Qilin Army's prefect.

And soon, Ma Chen and Liu Bowen and their team had arrived at the gate of the city gate, standing on the gate of the city gate, the wall was already full of all guarding troops.

At the same time looking at Liu Bowen and Ma Chen below, there were too many doubts, and this handsome young man standing at the gate of the city looked at this below. The personable Ma Chen quickly reported to their prefect.

At the same time, Ma Chen and the others did not rush forward, but told the guard at the gate loudly.

"We are Ma Chen's team. We have to pass through the city of Qilin County if we have something to do. I hope that the prefect can get along!"

Now the diplomat in the Ma Chen army has already yelled loudly at the defensive young man at the gate of the city, and the young man is now listening to the time when he shouts his name like this.

He also hurried to report, and at the same time, an old man stood out from above the gate, and when this old man stood on top of the city gate, he couldn't help looking down.

At this time, while the old man looked down, he saw Liu Bowen. Under the city gate, when the old man saw Liu Bowen, he immediately shouted to the hand that opened the door.

"Open the gates of the city, this is our friend~!"

The person speaking was the Lu Zhongliang that Liu Bowen was looking for, and this Lu Zhongliang had already arrived earlier when he saw Liu Bowen. The Qilin Army did not expect that Liu Bowen and the others were also very fast.

Having reached the gate of the city, when he saw Liu Bowen at the door of the car, this Lu Zhongliang hurriedly said this to the man guarding the city gate, and just when the man guarding the city gate was hesitating.

After all, the person who was speaking was only the master of the Qilin Army's prefect Wu Yuhuan, and he didn't have much say. You must know that this is related to the safety of all the people in the city, so the person who opened the hatch also had some hesitation.

At the same time, a crisp voice rang loudly.

"Hold on!"

"Master, who are they? You have such trust in them. You must know that the people in this city are ordinary kind people, and you can't let them suffer any harm!"

At the same time when this crisp voice sounded, the soldiers who watched the door had stopped their hand movements and had no plans to open the door, and now this woman is all alone. Tsing Yi's graceful figure has double pill and phoenix eyes.

People look special heroic, there is a sense of heroism, and now this woman also walked up to the gate of the city, and took a closer look at the Ma Chen team and Liu Bowen below.

"^"Master, you said that the army below is the young general Ma Chen who is now ten (get it), isn't it?"

"And his military is Liu Bowen?"

When this Lu Zhongliang listened to Wu Yuhuan asking himself this way, he couldn't help nodding, because this Lu Zhongliang himself was very familiar with Liu Bowen, and now this Lu Zhongliang knew that there would be no problem at all for them to enter this Qilin County.

But his disciple Wu Yuhuan is very cautious about what he does. .

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