Now listening to this Wu Yuhuan saying this, it really made Liu Bowen frowned slightly. It seemed that this whole Qilin County was Wu Yuhuan who had the final say, although he said that he had invited Lu Zhongliang to help speak.

But the final decision is in the hands of Wu Yuhuan. Now Wu Yuhuan is also very responsible for his entire Kirin Curie. After all, he is afraid that Ma Chen will pose some threats to the entire Kirin County, so I intend to help Ma Chen. Meanwhile.

But Ma Chen and the others must put their weapons outside the city gate, and finally the people will transport these weapons out to them.

"Oh, I said Wu Yuhuan, why are you doing this? You have to know that Liu Bowen is my long-time friend. Can you still trust the master?~"

When Lu Zhongliang looked at Wu Yuhuan's attitude, he was really anxious. After all, the relationship between himself and Bowen Liu was very good, and now Bowen Liu asked himself to help-a favor.

But now his apprentice is so stubborn, he always thinks that these foreign troops will pose a certain threat to the people who are away from the unicorn, so he plans to be more cautious.

This made Lu Zhongliang feel very shameless, and when Wu Yuhuan listened to Lu Zhongliang's words, he also said to Lu Zhongliang with a smile on his face.

"Your old man knows it too. I don't want to give you face. I am responsible for the people of Kylin Curie. You must know that there is a turmoil outside now. All the internal and external troubles are gathered here. I really can't help but go for the people. consider."

"I also know that master, your old man, your friends will definitely be very safe, but you have to be suspicious and beware, in case the generals around him really want to have other ideas in case the main attackers around him really want to have any other ideas.

"Then it will put my entire Qilin County in danger, what shall I do then?"

Originally, Lu Zhongliang himself was very angry, but when he heard what Wu Yuhuan said, he suddenly felt that what Wu Yuhuan said was indeed very reasonable, and now Lu Zhongliang finally understood in his heart.

Why did Wu Yuhuan’s father give such an important position to Wu Yuhuan before he died, and Wu Yuhuan’s two older brothers.

0......for flowers...

And these two elder brothers are very unsatisfied, very unsatisfactory, so in the end they left the position of the prefect to his little daughter. This kind of hatred.

They were all caught in Wu Yuhuan's body, feeling that his father was too partial to Wu Yuhuan, so Wu Yuhuan got the position of Qilin County prefect.


Now Lu Zhongliang's own heart can finally be understood. Now in this dilemma, Lu Zhongliang is speaking to Liu Bowen under the cost of Ma Chen.

"Brother, I also know that you are very safe when you get up, but the heavy responsibility that my apprentice shoulders is the people of the entire Qilin County. What he thinks for the people are also some safety issues. If you don't work, you will first Promise, after you have done it in this city, I will personally escort these weapons to you!"

"Do you think this is okay? If you say it, brother, I'll start acting right now!" ト.

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