

Almost all the courtiers discovered something wrong at the first moment they entered the palace!

In the air, there was an extremely strong smell of blood.

Almost as pungent as a slaughterhouse!

After all, thousands of people died here at the palace gate yesterday!

Although there were internal attendants who washed it overnight, the smell could not be washed away!

Moreover, in front of the Chengde Hall, I don't know when an incomparably huge copper pillar was erected.

The inside was hollow, and a large amount of firewood was placed.

It looks like a prop for the legendary Shang Dynasty cannon burning?

The civil and military officials were even more at a loss.

Moreover, from the palace gate to the Chengde Hall, almost all the guards became raw faces.

The armor on their bodies is not the standard equipment of the Tiger Army at all!

"He Gong, what is the situation?"

Taifu Yuan Kui frowned, came to He Jin's side, and there was a bit of uneasiness in his eyes.

There was a very strong sense of foreboding in my heart.

It's like a dark cloud hanging over it!

This feeling made Yuan Kui very uncomfortable.

Tai Zhong Doctor Yang Biao also came over, also extremely worried and a little flustered.

There is a faint feeling of distraction.

He Jin frowned and was silent.

He didn't know exactly what was going on.

But he knew very well that since last night, his sister, the current queen mother-in-law, had not sent him any news!

It was as if the connection between them had been severed by a mysterious force!

Moreover, the Yuan Xi and the five hundred sword axe hands he sent out yesterday have not been heard back until now.

Bao Hong, who was installed in the northern army of Luoyang, also seemed to evaporate from the world, quietly.

Overnight, he, a dignified general, seemed to have become a loner.

All eyes and ears were cut off abruptly, and the outside world was at a loss.

This is all a very bad omen!

Should it be, it was all done by Wu'an Hou Gu Yuan, right?

Thinking of this possibility, He Jin couldn't help but snort.

Faintly, he felt that being an enemy of Wu'an Hou Gu Yuan was the most wrong decision he had ever made in his life!

But he could not say these news, nor did he dare to say it.

Yuan Kui and Yang Biao were already flustered enough, if they knew the news again, it would be self-chaos.

With a deep groan, He Jin forced his spirits and said with a smile: "Duke Yuan, Duke Yang, don't worry!" The affairs in the palace are decided by His Majesty! I'll wait, rest assured! "

Yuan Kui and Yang Biao also sighed gently, cleanly described, and walked into the Chengde Hall!

In the main hall, Liu Hong was already lying high on the royal throne!

This is the first time in several months that Liu Hong has been on the dynasty!

Moreover, Zhang Rang, who had been serving by Liu Hong's side, had disappeared at this moment.

In its place was a thin scholar he had never seen before!

Among the hundred officials, the yellow gate attendant Xun Yu suddenly flashed with a dazzling essence in his eyes!

Others don't know this scholar, he does!

Turned into ashes and recognized!

This is his own uncle, Xun Yu, Xun Wenruo, who also belongs to the Xun clan of Yingchuan, known as Wang Zuozhicai!

The question is, Xun Yu should stay by the side of Wu'an Hou Gu Yuan, how could he appear next to Liu Hong, the son of the Great Han Tianzi, at this moment?


Wu'an Hou Gu Yuan him?

Xun Yu was shocked, his eyes flashed, and he began to think.

And this series of abnormal phenomena made Sangong Jiuqing drumming in his heart!

He Jin frowned, and his heart was flustered.

Doesn't it mean that he has always been in charge of the DPRK?

Why did His Majesty the Emperor come out again?

The problem is, he didn't hear the slightest sound of the wind beforehand!

Although I am shocked in my heart, I must not slack off in the number of gifts.

At the moment, all the civil and military officials bowed down.

"Long live Your Majesty, long live long live!"

Liu Hong snorted weakly.

He Jin hesitated slightly, and was about to step forward to speak.

Outside the main hall, a loud singing sounded.

"Wu'an Hou Gu Yuan, arrive!"

Hearing this, all the civil and military officials turned around at the same time and looked at the door of the hall in unison.

Gu Yuan was dressed in a brand new set of Seven Chapters of Column Crown Uniform, with a luxurious long sword hanging from his waist, and his expression was solemn, like a god, striding in.

The sword goes to the temple.

See you don't worship.

This is the exclusive privilege of Wu'an Hou!

As soon as they saw him, He Jin, Yuan Kui, and Yang Biao's eyes flashed a little jealousy.

Gu Yuan laughed lightly, unimpressed, and walked all the way directly to He Jin, ranking first among the military attach??s.

He Jin was even more annoyed.

He immediately stepped forward.

"Your Majesty! The minister wants to impeach Wu'an Hou Gu Yuan! "

"Do not respect the laws of the Great Han, do not abide by the etiquette of courtiers, and ignore the majesty of the court!"

"It is reasonable to take away its marquis, take its fiefdom, and degrade it to a commoner!"

Yuan Kui and Yang Biao walked out at the same time.

Speak loudly.

"The minister seconded!"

Gu Yuan stood in place, looking at them coldly, his eyes full of mocking smiles.

It's just a bunch of jumping beam clowns!

Take care of them, that's all down.

His Majesty the Emperor Liu Hong also showed a bit of disappointment in his eyes.

The dignified general He Jin, on this point?

In the end, it is useless!

Originally, Liu Hong was still thinking about delaying the matter from the evening to today's court meeting, and let the great general He Jin try to see if he could turn over the limit.

Now it seems that this He Jin is completely a pig teammate!

Unreliable at all!

At that moment, he spoke coldly.

"Shut up!"

He Jin, Yuan Kui, and Yang Biao were all stunned.

Liu Hong let out a long sigh and looked at Xun Yu on the side.

"Didn't you draw up the edict for Xuan?"

"Don't hide it, read it to the civil and military officials!"

"Let some unscrupulous thieves, also listen!"

In the last sentence, he was obviously insinuating and ridiculing Gu Yuan.

But Gu Yuan didn't care.

Once a big man and a son of heaven, now he can only live with his mouth!

It's really pitiful.

Xun Yu nodded gently.

Immediately, he stepped forward and unfolded the Xuanxi edict in his hand.

Langsheng spoke.

"There is Wu'an Marquis Gu Yuan, guarding the northern frontier, looking at the grassland, and suppressing the three tribes of Xianbei, Wuhuan, and Southern Xiongnu! Great contribution! "

"He also captured Xianbei King Budugen, Xianbei King Kebineng, Wuhuan King Qiu Liju, Yang Dahan Tianwei, shocking the ancient and shining, comparable to Wei Huo back then!"

"Extraordinary merit, should be extraordinary!"

"Under Gu Yuan, Marquis of Wu'an, Xun Yu Xun Wenruo is the Marquis of Annei, Xun Yu Xun You is the Marquis of Yan, Gao Shun and Gao Boping are the Marquis of Trapping, Li Yuan and Li Shude are the Marquis of Tianque, Guan Yu Guan Yunchang is the Marquis of Yi, Sun Ce and Sun Bofu are the Marquis of Yong, and Zhou Yu and Zhou Gongjin are the Marquis of Wei!!"

This holy decree surprised all the imperial officials!

The military generals under Gu Yuan's command, almost everyone was a marquis general!

This next word is the seven waiting positions!

Together with the previous canonization, there are already twelve marquis under Gu Yuan!

Outstanding and honorable, peerless!

The yellow gate attendant Xun Yu felt even more regret in his heart!

In the first place, why covet the official position of Yellow Gate Attendant!

If he could get on Gu Yuan's big tree early and use his stratagem to find a waiting position, wouldn't it be easy to catch it?

Now, the original Xun Sanjie is the first to come out, and the worst mixed up?

Gu Yuan's face was calm, without any waves.

It seems that the content of the divine decree has long been known.

Xun Yu stood on the high platform and continued to read without changing his face.

"In addition, Wu'an Hou is the head of all armies, and his achievements are boundless!"

"Special, Emperor Seal Wu'an Marquis Gu Yuan, a prince with a different surname!"

"Title, King Wu!"

"At the same time, lead and merge the history of the state, and take over the state government and military affairs!"

If the previous seven consecutive seals were sealed, the civil and military officials could still accept it.

Now this holy decree to canonize a prince with a different surname is like thunder!

They didn't expect that the gambling contract that was like a joke, His Majesty the Emperor would really practice it!

This is a grand treatment that the Great Han has never had in the four hundred years since the founding of the Great Han Kingdom!

For a while, everyone looked at the young Marquis of Wu'an at the head of the military attach??, no, that young His Royal Highness the King of Wu!

He Jin and Yuan Kui looked at each other, and their hearts were anxious.

Immediately out of the line.

"Your Majesty! Although Gu Yuan has meritorious achievements, his crimes are just as heinous! "

"He arbitrarily killed the Three Prefectures Assassination History, slaughtered Anping Taishou Han Fengmanmen, and fought privately with the troops led by the Han loyal minister Gongsun Zan without authorization."

"This sin is enough to smooth out the merits that Gu Yuan has made!"

"The minister thinks that Gu Yuan should not be rewarded so much!"

Liu Hong lay on the royal throne, hearing this, the corners of his mouth only evoked a little sneer.

Close your eyes and don't speak.

Xun Yu, who was beside him, continued to speak.

"In addition, when I felt the wind and cold, and when I retired to the palace to recuperate, I asked the great general He Jin to take charge of the imperial government, and Taifu Yuan Kui and Tai Zhong Doctor Yang Biao assisted from the side!"

"But heartbreaking! These three people actually misled the country's major affairs because of personal vendettas, and ruined the national righteousness because of small sections! "

"The three colluded, together with their henchmen Liu Yu, Han Fu, Chun Yuqiong, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Gongsun Zhan, Gongsun Xuan, and others, to suppress the loyal generals, beat Cai Yong, Wang Yun, and Ding Yuan to prison, deceived the heavens, humiliated Li Shu, and single-handedly weaved a net that plagued the Han Expeditionary Army!"

"This matter, when I heard about it, I was very angry!"

For a time, He Jin, Yuan Kuan, and Yang Biao were all extremely terrified!

Your Majesty this is, to ask the rhythm of sin?

Although His Majesty the Emperor couldn't get sick, everything was nodded by his old man!

Now, do you want to get rid of all the mistakes?

The three of them looked at each other, and their hearts were extremely sad!

Nearest the king nearest the gallows!

These people, they seem to be extremely beautiful, ranked as the third duke, and their power is tilted towards the opposition.

But for that Ninety-Five Venerable, they are all abandoned sons who can be thrown away at any time!

At the same time, it is full of regret!


Why didn't you want to go against Gu Yuan in the first place!

They are not Gu Yuan's opponents at all, and provoking Gu Yuan is the biggest mistake in their lives!

Xun Yu spoke indifferently.

"The three people of Cai Yong, Wang Yun, and Ding Yuan were specially ordered to be released from prison, the officials were reinstated, and everyone was rewarded with a hundred gold!"

"And the three people of the first evil He Jin, Yuan Kui, and Yang Biao will be handed over to the Martial King Gu Yuan and punished with one force!"

With the will falls.

Cai Yong, Wang Yun, and Ding Yuan, who had already been rescued from the prison, wore official uniforms and strode in.

And He Jin, Yuan Kui, and Yang Biao's faces all fell in an instant.

His Majesty the Emperor actually handed the three of them over to Gu Yuan?

Between them and Gu Yuan, they have already formed a beam that cannot be erased at all!

What is the difference between this and sending them to die?

No, maybe their fate is more terrible than death!

The three of them looked at Wu King Gu Yuan, and their hearts were terrified!

Gu Yuan had a faint smile on his face.

But this smile, in the eyes of He Jin and the three, is even more terrifying than the evil ghost!

He Jin couldn't help but take a step back, and then knelt down sharply and bowed down.

"Your Majesty spare your life!"

"Your Majesty, for the sake of the queen's mother-in-law's face, spare your life!"

"The courtiers are willing to give up all official positions and titles and return to their old hometown to farm!"

He only hoped now that Liu Hong could spare his life for the sake of Empress He's face!

After all, he is the royal family and state relative!

But he didn't expect at all now that Empress He herself was already difficult to protect herself!

All his reliance has been ruthlessly destroyed by Gu Yuan!

Liu Hong still didn't look up.

And Xun Yu's next words completely destroyed He Jin's last glimmer of hope!

"The matter of harming the expeditionary army was investigated by King Gu Yuan of Wu, and it was widely implicated!"

"There are not only people in the court, but also harem officials!"

"Ten permanent attendants, Empress He, are all involved!"

"The Son of Heaven has broken the law and sinned with the common people! We will never allow Xiao Wall! "

"Specially take Empress He and the Ten Constant Attendants into custody and hand them over to King Gu Yuan of Wu for disposal!"

Before the words fell, Zhao Yun had already led the brigade of white horse righteous servants to detain Empress He and the Ten Constant Attendants and bring them to the front of the Chengde Hall!

The last life-saving straw in He Jin's heart also disappeared!

He turned pale and fell to the ground.

For a while, like a dead dog!

And Taifu Yuan Kui and Tai Zhong Doctor Yang Biao were also dejected, like a defeated rooster.

No anger!

They all knew very well that in this battle with Wu'an Hou Gu Yuan, they had lost.

Moreover, the loss is complete!

Go down in flames!

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