It's just a round of fighting!

The three commanders of the Montenegrin army were killed, crippled, and captured alive!

Gu Yuan's bravery, the three armies of Megatron!

Zhang Yan was even more shocked.

He didn't expect that this legendary Wu'an Marquis could be terrifying to such a point.

Not only him, but the cavalry under him was also so invincible!

He rebelled with the great sage Zhang Jiao, and then ran amok for several years.

During this period, he also exchanged hands with officers and soldiers countless times.

Even if it is the Union State Iron Horse that is single-handedly trained by the current Union State Assassin Ding Yuan, it is simply not comparable to one ten-thousandth of this cavalry!

For a while, his heart was full of regret.

He Jin, a great general who was far away in Luoyang, was even more full of resentment.

If it weren't for him, how could he have come to attack Wu'an Hou!

Gu Yuan looked at him contemptuously, raised his head abruptly, and exhaled.

"Zhang Yan has been captured!"

"Yu Poison is dead!"

"Yang Feng is crippled!"

"What are you still resisting!"

"Lay down your arms, Benhou spare you from death!"

The five hundred Flying Tiger Divine Horses roared at the same time.

"Lay down your weapons and spare you from death!"

Even the commanders he respected the most had already lost a lot.

The Montenegrin army also lost the will to resist.

One by one, they dropped their weapons and crouched on the spot, terrified.

There are also many who have fled into the mountains and sneaked into the mountains.

For those who escaped the Montenegrin army, Gu Yuan did not chase after them.

They are not foreigners, they are all Han Chinese.

If it weren't for being forced to have no way, no one would be willing to rise up and do this blood-licking rebellion business.

There is no need to kill them all.

The battlefield gradually quieted down.

Lü Bu and Zhangu, the Prancing Horse came to Gu Yuan.

The two of them were covered in blood at the moment, murderous.


Lv Bu handed over his hand: "The last general is fortunate not to lose his life!" The Lord Duchess, Master Fengxiaojun, Mr. Wen Ruo, and the bachelor son of Hongdumen are all safe and sound! "

Zhigu is also respectful.

He previously respected Gu Yuanna's status as Wu'an Marquis.

And now he has been completely impressed by Gu Yuan, and he respects Gu Yuan's courageous power!

This is the warrior!

Even if you worship a stronger power!

"Hou Ye! The inventory has been completed. "

"In this battle, more than 5,000 Montenegrin army thieves were killed and more than 78,000 Montenegrin army thieves were captured! The rest fled! "

"I rode in Hanoi, and more than 300 people were killed and injured."

"The Flying Tiger Divine Horse led by Hou Ye was not damaged!"

Speaking of this, his eyes burst out with a burning golden light.

He could feel the strength of this black cavalry.

They rode Hanoi and served as guards, which was relatively easy, but they also died more than 300 people under the impact of the Montenegrin army.

But the Flying Tiger Divine Ride, which undertook a more difficult rushing mission, was not damaged!

This achievement can be called proud!

He could feel that he, a fierce general in Hanoi, was not even worthy of becoming a pawn of this Flying Tiger Divine Horse!

This is a truly unparalleled iron horse!

Hearing this, Zhang Yan was even more shocked.

He suddenly looked up and looked at Zhangu.

His eyes were red, and he almost went crazy.

Roar out.

"This can't be! My brothers in Montenegro are brave and good at fighting, and they are not afraid of death! How could it be that none of them were replaced! "

Zagu snorted coldly.

"There are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people! In this world, there are hundreds of battles! Compared with Hou Ye, what is your Montenegrin army! "

Zhang Yandeng was speechless.

Gu Yuan's icy gaze looked at Zhang Yan.

"Benhou, there is no injustice or enmity with your Montenegrin army."

"This time, it is also shouldering the task of annihilating the alien races in the grassland, and it has nothing to do with you."

"Wait, why ambush Benhou here!"

Zhang Yan gritted her teeth and didn't say a word.

Gu Yuan sneered.

"Fengxian, slaughter the one named Yang Feng for me!"


Lü Budeng raised Fang Tian's halberd.

Zhang Yan was suddenly blinded and roared.

"Stop! I say, I say! It's Ho Jin! "

"It's the secret order of today's great general!"

"He promised that if I can kill you, he will transfer the original Assassin Shi Ding Yuan to the capital as the executive of Jingo, and the position of the Assassin History of the Union State is mine!"

Zigu's face suddenly changed.

Faintly, he felt as if he had been stained with something incredible!

This is a battle between the Great General and Wu'an Hou!?

These two people, he can't afford to mess with anyone!

He was only a soldier under Hanoi Taishou Zhang Yang.

Great generals, marquis of Wu'an, these are all behemoths.

The slightest aftermath of their fight can make Zhanggu crush his bones.

At that moment, Zi Gu lowered his head in great amusement, drove the horse back slowly, and did not dare to say more.

On the side, Lu Bu was already furious.

"It turned out to be He Jin, that old puppy! Too much deception! "

"Master! As long as you give an order, we will kill Luoyang and take He Jin's head!" "

The Flying Tiger Divine Horse also roared.

They will never allow anything in this world that can threaten the Lord!

In the case of absolute loyalty, even if Gu Yuan asked them to kill the current emperor, then they would never blink their eyes!

Gu Yuan sneered, and a murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

"It turns out that General He gave me such a generous gift!"

"What a face!"

He slowly turned his head and looked in the direction of Luoyang.

For a while, the fierce light was revealed.

"Don't be impulsive!"

Guo Jia's voice sounded.

He hurried to the horse, his face solemn.

"The lord and his party in Luoyang this time finally won His Majesty's trust and obtained the military power of the three prefectures of Hezhou, Youzhou, and Jizhou."

"If you kill Luoyang with righteous indignation for a while, the anger is out, but it is easy to attract His Majesty's suspicion, but it is not beautiful. Moreover, four hundred years after the founding of the Great Han Kingdom, the people's hearts were to the Han, and they acted rashly, only for fear of losing their righteousness! "

"For now, we should build high walls, accumulate grain, and slow down the king!" Wait for the world to change, and then act! "

Gu Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly.


This sounds ethereal, but it is extremely important in the Three Kingdoms!

Cao Cao coerced the Son of Heaven to order the princes, and the Son of Heaven to please the courtiers, for the sake of righteousness!

And Liu Bei declared everywhere that he was a royal clan relative, the queen of King Jing of Zhongshan, and also for the sake of righteousness!

Otherwise, Liu Xuande is poor and white, why did he get the family's funding, why do so many talents follow left and right?

Guo Jia whispered again: "However, it is not polite to come and go." Since General He made a move, then we have to return it! "

He smiled softly.

"When we attack He Jin in private, it is a taboo and has no righteous name."

"But we can take advantage of the situation. Today, it is the greatest momentum! "

"Your Majesty expects the Lord to fairly destroy the grassland and become an emperor of the ages, then he will definitely not allow anyone to obstruct the lord!"

"Just write Zhang Yan's confession into a document, send it to Luoyang, and submit it to Cai Yong, the attendant, so that His Majesty can know about it."

"Then General He, if you don't die, you have to peel off your skin!"

Gu Yuan nodded gently.

"Just according to the words of filial piety! Paperwork you write! "


Guo Jia immediately surrendered.

Gu Yuan looked at Zhang Yan again.

"You ambush Benhou, and his crime is damned! Thinking that you are being seduced by an adulterer, Benhou can spare you from death. "

"You have been in Montenegro for many years, and the fact that so many people are willing to use you shows that you are not an ordinary person. Isn't it a pity that such a talent will never become a thief in the mountains? "

"Benhou has the heart of love and talent, and is willing to accept you into Benhou's command. Are you willing to surrender to Benhou? "

Zhang Yan gritted his teeth and looked up at Gu Yuan.

"If I return to Hou Ye, my Yang Feng brothers, and those Black Mountain Army brothers, can I be exempted?"

Gu Yuan bowed his head gently.

Spit out a word.

"Everyone can live."

"All the sins of the past are written off here in Benhou."

"Those who are willing to serve as soldiers are naturalized in the army, given war horses, armor, and weapons, and are rewarded for military merit."

"Those who wish to serve the people shall be registered in the household register, and shall be given cattle, agricultural tools, fields, and seeds, and shall be exempt from taxes for three years."

Zhang Yan's face was full of incredulity, and he looked at Gu Yuan blankly.

"Hou Ye, are you serious?"

He could hardly believe that Gu Yuan would offer such generous conditions.

Didn't they rebel because they didn't have enough to eat?

This, with this kind of treatment, who still carries his head to rebel!

The other Montenegrin troops also heard Gu Yuan's promise, and their eyes erupted with excitement.

It's like a hungry wolf seeing a lamb.

Gu Yuan smiled faintly.

"Benhou Yinuo, never said anything."

Zhang Yan's eyes were suddenly full of gratitude.

Suddenly leaned over and knelt down, and slammed his head on the ground!

"Zhang Yan offended Hou Ye Tianwei, from now on, he is willing to saddle Hou Ye before and after the horse to serve the death!"

The other Montenegrin troops also huffed and all fell to their knees.

"Willing to serve Hou Ye to the death!"

Looking at this large area of grateful Dade Montenegrin Army, he was a little stunned for a while.

Are these meek lamb-like captives really those fierce outlaws of the past?

These Black Mountain Army, which gave Ding Yuan and Han Fu an incomparable headache and made the Great Han Emperor extremely worried, just threw himself under Gu Yuan's command?

He suddenly felt that the whole world seemed to be abnormal.

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