


Three sounds of piercing the air were heard, and three arrows connected with each other. The three feathered arrows locked onto Lu Bu from different directions.

At the same time, the defeated Cheng Yaojin and Wang Junke also came from the flank.


After Lu Bu knocked out three feathered arrows one after another, he only realized that his internal injuries had completely recurred. In addition, the arrow he had just hit had severely damaged his vitality.

If you continue to fight, you may die on the spot.


"You are all a bunch of rats who only know how to sneak attacks. I, Lu Bu, have no fun with you."

Not daring to fight, Lu Bu spurred the red rabbit and horse and fled.

"Lu Bu, aren't you the best in the world? Why did you run away with your tail between your legs? Come quickly and fight your grandfather Cheng Yaojin for three hundred rounds.

Cheng Yaojin laughed loudly and did not forget to provoke Lu Bu.



Lu Bu was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of old blood, and his whole body was crumbling.

He was so angry that his injuries aggravated and recurred. He didn't even dare to let go of his harsh words and just ran for his life in a hurry.

"Ha ha...………"

"It's cool, I really made a lot of money this time. The three heroes fought with Lu Bu and beat him until Lu Bu vomited blood and ran away. I, Cheng Yaojin, can also become famous all over the world."

Cheng Yaojin smiled from ear to ear, and the excitement on his face could no longer be concealed.

Not long after, Hua Rong, who was hiding in the dark and firing cold arrows, also walked out of the darkness.

"General Cheng Yaojin and General Wang Junke, why are these three generals here?"

Qinglong was a little dumbfounded.

I originally thought that I would definitely die at Lu Bu's feet.

Unexpectedly, when they met Cheng Yaojin and several others here, they actually beat Lu Bu away.

"Haha, let me tell you what's going on...

It turns out that all of this was Cheng Yaojin's plan.

First, let Cheng Yaojin attract Lu Bu's attention and make him relax his vigilance. The king can then take advantage of Lu Bu's unpreparedness and launch a sneak attack.

Even if they can't win, with the strength of Wang Junke and Cheng Yaojin, they can still hold on to Lu Bu who is still alive.

And their final killing move was also Hua Rong hiding in the dark.

Even Lu Bu would get a headache if he saw the hidden arrows that hit all the time.

Things went more smoothly than they imagined. Cheng Yaojin's "three-blade ax" came down and actually beat Lu Bu so hard that he vomited blood and ran away.

After Lu Bu was beaten away, the group did not dare to stay for a long time.

Cheng Yaojin and others took advantage of the chaos in Luoyang and slipped out of the city.

Before Qinglong left the city, he set fires everywhere in Luoyang according to Ying Xi's previous instructions. At the same time, they are spreading rumors.

Han Emperor Liu Xie had contacted a dozen loyal ministers in the court who were loyal to the Han Dynasty, and planned to take advantage of the chaos to kill the national traitor Dong Zhuo.

Completely muddy the water in Luoyang.

Luoyang City, Dong Zhuo's residence.

"Lord Xiangguo, something big has happened."

"An urgent report came from the front line of Hulao Pass. It turned out that the king had already taken refuge with the Marquis of Ancheng, Ying Xi, and cooperated with Ying Xi inside and outside to break through Hulao Pass.

"The guarding generals Hu Zhen and Yang Ding were killed in battle, and the thirty thousand soldiers guarding the pass were completely wiped out by the allied forces of the princes.

Li Ru hurriedly reported, and then added: "After conquering Hulao Pass, the coalition forces did not rush to Luoyang. Instead, they rested at Hulao Pass."

The coalition forces did not strike while the iron was hot and continued to march towards Luoyang. As far as Dong Zhuo was concerned, it was a good thing that emerged from all the bad things.


"When the traitor Wang Fang returned to our family, our family naively thought that he had really escaped from the Yingxi Camp. We trusted him very much and ordered him to guard the place with Hu Zhen and Yang Ding. Hulao Pass."

"I didn't expect that the thief had been bribed by the interest-earning thief a long time ago and became the lackey of the interest-earning thief.

"Damn Yingxi dog thief, don't let us catch you, we must skin you, remove your bones, and cut your body into thousands of pieces.

Dong Zhuo had such hatred in his heart.

Ying Xi is definitely the person he hates the most, no one.

If there is no profit, Hua Xiong will not be what he is, his adopted son Lu Bu, who is invincible in the world, will not fail, the Xiliang Army camp will not be lost, and Hulao Pass will be as stable as Mount Tai.

Dong Zhuo is in such a critical situation all because of Ying Xi.

"Master Xiangguo, something bad is going on. There are thieves setting fires everywhere in Luoyang City."

"There are even rumors that His Majesty has contacted a large number of loyal ministers of the Han Dynasty and plans to deal with the Prime Minister."

Before Dong Zhuo's anger could subside, the soldiers once again brought Dong Zhuo heavy news.

…Please give me flowers…

"It's too much to bully others. It's simply too much to bully others. If these people want to take advantage of the situation, it depends on whether our family agrees or not."

"Pass an order to our family, ordering our adopted son Lu Bu to lead the army to kill all these thieves who have caused rebellion."

Although angry, Dong Zhuo was not too worried.

Luoyang is his base camp, with more than 100,000 Xiliang troops stationed around it.

Even if some thieves really made trouble, or even if the Han Emperor made some small moves, he, Dong Zhuo, didn't take it seriously.

His order had just been issued, and the soldiers looked embarrassed: "General Lu Bu learned that someone was making trouble, and he went to deal with it personally, but...

"Ha ha...………"

"My son Fengxian is truly a loyal and brave man. With Fengxian here, there will be no trouble for the young people in Luoyang City.

"General Lu Bu was plotted by three thieves. He was beaten so hard that he fled without knowing where he was going."

Dong Zhuo was overjoyed that he had adopted a precious adopted son like Lu Bu and could stabilize the situation in Luoyang when his own soldiers once again revealed shocking news.

"What, my son Fengxian is invincible in the world, how can three unknown men defeat Fengxian and escape?"

"Master Xiangguo, please don't forget that Marquis Wen was injured in the first place. Perhaps it was the three thieves who secretly attacked him. Marquis Wen was unprepared and that's why he was attacked by them."

In front of everyone, and to take Dong Zhuo's face into consideration, Li Ru still found a suitable reason for Lu Bu's defeat.

"My son Fengxian is nothing more than this. He has almost become a sick cat."

Dong Zhuo sighed, obviously dissatisfied with Lu Bu's recent state.

In the battle before Hulao Pass, Lu Bu was beaten by Xue Rengui to the point where he threw away his armor and fled. He is still in a state of residual health, and anyone can bully him.

"Hulao Pass has been breached, the situation in Luoyang is tense, and Ying Xi's bandits are causing trouble on the east flank of the river.

"Wenyou, how should our family face this situation of being surrounded by enemies next?" Dong Zhuo asked.

The situation is critical right now. If you are not careful, you will be killed.

At this moment, Dong Zhuo had no intention of caring about his cheap son.

Staying alive and protecting himself is Dong Zhuo's top priority. .

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