Three Kingdoms: Start With 3,000 Qin Cavalry To Revive The Qin Dynasty

Chapter 104 A Different Kind Of Little Eunuch, Ying Xi Sends Troops To Luoyang

"Your Majesty, you don't have to be too sad. Chang'an may not be much worse than Luoyang."

"And the Prime Minister has already ordered people to repair the palace in Chang'an so that His Majesty can stay comfortably.

The young eunuch Zeng Jianshi consoled him.

Zeng Jianshi was Dong Zhuo's latest dispatch to Liu Xie's side, and his purpose was to monitor Liu Xie's every move.

"Your Majesty imposes restrictions everywhere in Luoyang, but he doesn't take it seriously in Chang'an."

"Situ Wangyun and other ministers who are loyal to His Majesty will do their best to help His Majesty."

"General Zhu Jun also led 30,000 troops and stationed them near Chang'an, which may be of great use to Your Majesty.

Zeng Jianshi continued his analysis.

These words reached Liu Xie's ears, and he was confused when he heard them. He couldn't help but raise his head and look at the little eunuch carefully.

He didn't understand what Zeng Jianshi meant when he said these words to him.

Liu Xie knew Zeng Jianshi's identity very well. He was the spy arranged by Dong Zhuo to monitor him.

Could it be that this was Dong Zhuo's intention to test Liu Xie to see if he had any "reverse intentions"?

However, what Zeng Jianshi said is not unreasonable.

After arriving in Chang'an, he could only rely on Wang Yun and Zhu Jun, these loyal ministers loyal to the Han Dynasty.

Liu Xie's eyes lit up and he quickly calmed down.

Zeng Jianshi watched with cold eyes, taking in everything and said nothing.

When Liu Xie's carriage arrived outside Luoyang City, he discovered that all civil and military officials, their families, and even the people in Luoyang City had gathered here.

All of them were forcibly driven out by the Xiliang army with weapons.

Li Jue and Guo Si left Luoyang with Liu Xie, the ministers of civil and military affairs, the people of Luoyang and the looted gold and silver jewelry, and ordered their men to set fire to the streets and alleys of Luoyang.

Throughout Luoyang, after the buildings were empty, blazing fires were lit, as if to send Liu Xie and others away.

Hulao Pass, Yuanxi Camp.

Seeing that Yuan Shao and others were not interested in making progress and only indulged themselves in extravagance all day long, Cao Cao disdained to be with these people and came to Yingxi Army Camp again, intending to drink to relieve his boredom.

At this moment, Cao Cao was full of helplessness and grievance, and he was full of passion and had nowhere to show it.

He doesn't know where the future will go, and he is even thinking about whether he should stick to his original intention given the current situation.

"Brother Meng De is very worried. Maybe he feels that there is no possibility of the Han Dynasty being revived."

"Now there are only you and me in the camp. Brother Meng De, feel free to express your worries." Ying Xi said calmly.

"Ancheng Hou thinks there is still hope for the Han Dynasty?"

"Whether there is hope for the Han Dynasty, a few words between you and me are probably meaningless."

"What really needs saving now is not the Han Dynasty, but the people's hearts. This simple truth is clear to Yuan Shao and others, not to mention Brother Meng De."

"It seems that Dong Zhuo is a crisis for the entire Han Dynasty, but the eighteen princes are attacking Dong Zhuo. Do they really want to eliminate Dong Zhuo and save the Han Dynasty?" Ying Xi continued his analysis.

Regardless of history, there is no good reputation for the two brothers Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu.

Through observation over the past two months, Yingyi has realized that neither brother is a fuel-efficient lamp.

They are now looking forward to the chaos in the world, so that they can fish in troubled waters and gain enough benefits.

"What An Cheng said makes sense, Cao Mengde has learned a lesson."

"No matter what happens in the future, now only by destroying Dong Zhuo and rescuing the Emperor can we have hope of reviving the great Han Dynasty."

Cao Cao clenched his fists tightly, already having a calculation in his mind.

"Lord, something big has happened."

Xue Rengui hurriedly broke in, interrupting the two's continued conversation.

"Tanma came to report that Dong Zhuo had burned Luoyang and had moved the emperor, civil and military officials, and the people of Luoyang to Chang'an."


Burn Luoyang and move the capital to Chang'an?

Hearing this, Cao Cao was shocked, and even the winning interest showed a bit of surprise.

If you look carefully, you can notice that there is always a faint smile on Ying Xi's face.

Cao Cao was so anxious that he didn't notice anything. Instead, he sensed a good opportunity and looked at Ying Xi:

"Now that the situation in Luoyang is in chaos and Dong Zhuo flees, there will be a flaw in the Xiliang army."

"We should send troops quickly and go to Luoyang immediately, not to kill Dong Zhuo in one battle, but to rescue the emperor from Dong Zhuo's hands.

He seemed to have seen a glimmer of hope, the hope of rescuing the emperor and revitalizing the Han Dynasty.

"Brother Meng De's words make sense. Why don't you hurry up and inform Yuan Shao's people to send troops? I am also willing to send troops to help Brother Meng De."

"Thank you, Marquis Ancheng."

Cao Cao bowed his hands and left.

After leaving the Yingxi military camp, he immediately found Yuan Shao, explained to him what had happened, and expressed his hope that the entire coalition army would attack.

"At first, the coalition forces had regained their strength after a few days of rest. Now Dong Zhuo's escape is a God-given opportunity that must not be missed. o

"If Brother Benchu ​​can save the Emperor, he will definitely be the first person to revive the Han Dynasty."

In order to fool Yuan Shao into sending troops, Cao Cao did not hesitate to use fancy words to praise Yuan Shao.

"Meng De, the coalition forces have made several attacks and suffered heavy losses. How can we fully recover after a few days of rest?"

"Furthermore, who knows whether Dong Zhuo's escape was a trap or not. As the situation is unclear, I, Yuan Benchu, as the leader of the alliance, do not dare to joke with the lives of the coalition soldiers."

Yuan Shaoyi spoke up and refused directly.

Cao Cao frowned and was about to continue persuading, but Yuan Shao said impatiently: "Brother Meng De, you can ask other princes. If anyone is willing to follow you to Luoyang, just leave first."

"As for wanting to stay in Hulao Pass for repairs, even though I, Yuan Benchu, am the leader of the alliance, I can't say much."

Knowing Yuan Shao's inner plan to send troops, Cao Cao was not willing to waste any words.

All the princes looked on with cold eyes as Dong Zhuo coerced the emperor and moved the capital to Chang'an.

Knowing that Yuan Shao had not sent any troops, they did not dare to act rashly.

After some persuasion by Cao Cao, only Sun Jian, the governor of Changsha, Tao Qian, the governor of Xuzhou, Zhang Miao, the governor of Chenliu, Kong Rong, the prime minister of Beihai, and Liu Bei were willing to follow Cao Cao in sending troops to Luoyang.

The people marched all night and headed straight to Luoyang.

When we were still about ten miles away from Luoyang, we noticed that in the direction of Luoyang, the fire was soaring into the sky, illuminating the entire night.

"With such a huge fire, I'm afraid the whole of Luoyang has been reduced to a sea of ​​flames." Sun Jian looked in the direction of Luoyang and sighed repeatedly.

"It was an imperial capital for a hundred years, but it was burned to the ground like this. Dong Zhuo is a dog thief. It is really an unpardonable crime." Kong Rong was filled with indignation and gritted his teeth.

Zhang Miao and Tao Qian were also filled with emotions, and their words revealed their hatred for Dong Zhuo.

Although Ying Xi did not have detailed information about Luoyang, he was convinced by the information from Luoyang spies and his knowledge of history. .

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