Three Kingdoms: Starting God Level Training System

078 Yuan Shao, can you dare to fight? Don't dare to go to women's clothing

Yuan Shao's face was pale.

"Too much deception, too much deception!" When did Yuan Benchu ​​suffer this kind of grievance?

He led a large army of close to 40,000 people, and was crushed by more than 6,000 people.

Lord ", calm down, father Sun Yi is as cunning as a fox. It may be his trick to lure soldiers." Tian Feng saw that Yuan Shao's expression was wrong, and immediately persuaded him.

Yuan Shao gritted his teeth and said nothing.

"General Yan, General Wen, is already on the way, and should be here soon. When the army converges, no matter how much Sun Yi turns over, he won't be able to find a trick." Tian Feng continued to persuade him.

"Lord, I thought that maybe it was an opportunity at this time." Jushou said in a salute to Yuan Shao at this time.

"How?" Yuan Shao immediately became interested.

"The rumor has it that Sun Yi is at odds with Gongsun Zan and his son, and it is rumored that Gongsun Zan's son, Gongsun Xu, died~ in the hands of Gong Sun Yi."

"Public Sun Yi has no more than a few thousand soldiers and horses, which is almost the same as before our army."

"Furthermore, Sun Yi is young and has just won a big victory. It is possible to be proud and complacent."

After Jushou's words were said, Yuan Shao's eyes immediately became eager.

After Tian Feng heard it, he knew something bad was going to happen.

Jushou's words are correct, and they can even be said to be very reasonable.

If you change anyone else, Tian Feng will agree with Jushou's words.

But I don't know why, when the person opposite is Sun Yi, Tian Feng always feels uneasy.

Tian Feng himself felt strange, because he hadn't paid much attention to the man Sun Yi before.

More public Sun Yi's direct contact was only yesterday's battle.

Could it be that he was frightened by his father-in-law Sun Yi?

Tian Feng immediately ruled out this idea in his mind.

More likely, it is actually a counselor's intuition.

It is true that the strategist must summarize and analyze the conclusions through various intelligence on the battlefield outside the battlefield, and then give the lord the practical advice.

But in addition to these sane and boring analyses, top advisers have a very special ability.

It's intuition.

This is the same as a general's sense of smell on the battlefield.

The battlefield situation is changing rapidly. The difference between top generals and excellent generals is that top generals can always make decisions that best suit the current situation based on their own battlefield sense of smell.

The lord "Do you still remember Sun Yi's thousands of white horses?" Tian Feng thought for a while, before Yuan Shao had spoken, he immediately said something.

Yuan Shao's eager eyes suddenly calmed down a bit.

Among the six or seven thousand soldiers and horses on the slope, there is no white horse Yicong who hates and hates the bones of people.

"Lord, don't miss the opportunity. Even if Sun Yi has any conspiracy, Bai Ma Yi Cong will be at most three thousand. Our army will attack, and he can't make any waves." Ju Shi also added.

Yuan Shao was obviously in constant torment in his heart.

At this moment, the soldiers and horses on the opposite slope suddenly made a sound.

"Yuan Shao dare to fight?"

"If you don't dare, you can wear women's clothing!"

The sound was the sound of the soldiers shouting in unison, and the sound spread across the country.

The soldiers in the military camp on Yuan Shao's side also heard them, and there were waves of whispering voices from the horse.

Yuan Shao looked at it from a distance and found that on the opposite soil slope, there was still someone using a long pole to pick up a big red woman's dress, shaking it back and forth.

The soldiers below were all laughing loudly, booing and booing.

The veins of Yuan Shao's hands burst out.

Yuan Shao was born in a family of Runan.

Ever since I was young, I have met all cultural people. There are great scholars who talk and laugh, and there is no white Ding. Where can I hear such vulgar language?

"It's rumored that I will order the whole army to attack!

Tian Feng suddenly felt a trace of despair, knowing that he could no longer persuade Yuan Shao at this time, so he had to sigh and withdraw.

Jushou looked excited.

Yesterday, Ju Yi had the idea of ​​letting Ju Yi use Eucalyptus and Crossbowmen to break the enemy.

If Yuan Yuan Sun Yi does not show up, Jushou is definitely a great achievement.

But after Sun Yi appeared, everything changed.

At the moment, Sun Yi's six or seven thousand lone soldiers are standing on a small soil slope, looking for death.

Yuan Shaojun has already left the camp one after another.

Although Yuan Shao wanted the whole army to attack in a rage, the attack and march of the whole army were still very sloppy.

The Pikemen were in front, the Shield soldiers were in the center, and the Longbowmen were adjourned, and they rushed over to Sun Yi's troops.

There are still about five or six thousand rangers in the army.At this time, they are also led by three generals, Zhang Nanjiao, and they are walking on both sides of the army. kill.

Gongsun Zan's subordinates have about 15,000 people who have a relatively complete establishment, and they are required to follow Gong Sun Yi to the front line of the Jieqiao Bridge.

It's just that these troops are required to be on the north side of the boundary bridge, waiting for the general order.

Ask for flowers..

The public Sun Yi said that after Yuan Shaojun is broken, these people can go forward and chase down the enemy soldiers.

These generals and soldiers had also arrived at the north of Jieqiao at this time, seeing Yuan Shao's army dispatched from a distance, and concealing thousands of people from Sun Yi, their faces turned pale.

"Is Long Xianghou crazy?"

"Why take the initiative to seek death?

Is it possible that "I feel ashamed to fight, so I apologize for the death of the war?"

"What did you do with us? Acting for us?"

Several of Gongsun Zan’s ministries looked at me, and I looked at you. They were all full of questions.

But no one saw that in Sun Yi's army, almost everyone had a look of excitement on their faces.

Han Dang held a big knife alone and shouted, "Business is here!"

"Solve annoying soldiers! Hold a shield!"

After a uniform sound, the black iron wooden shield stood up.

"Relieve annoying soldiers! Get the gun!"

With a crash, the black spear pointed at the sky diagonally and stuck on the ground with the other end.

"Sword and crossbowmen! On the crossbow arrows!

Another sound came.

If Yuan Shaojun were in front of him, he would definitely be surprised.

Not only did this sword and crossbowmen line up in three rows, but there was also a spare crossbow between each of them. Everyone had two or three crossbow arrows, and there were fifty arrows in a bundle.

Moreover, in front of the position, there were a hundred carts that came with the army.

There are some bulging burlap bags piled on these taxis.

Even so, Sun Yi just felt that it was barely enough.

According to the plan of the male Sun Yi, like this kind of nails, nailed in situ battles, I can't wait for each sword and crossbowman to be equipped with two strong crossbows and three bundles of crossbow arrows.

Gao Lan was a little nervous.

This battle was actually arranged by Sun Yi directly as Han Dang's lieutenant.

It's so embarrassing.

Before, he was the general opposite Yuan Shao, but now he actually became Sun Yi's subordinate, and he was a little dazed to look at it for a while.

The 40,000 troops on the opposite side began to quickly approach their positions, and the coercion brought by the huge people crushed the boulders.

Gao Lan, however, forgot his fear, and was embarrassed to patronize.

But Xu Huang's heart was extremely quiet. He knew that whether the grandfather Sun Yi could really hold onto it was of the utmost importance to his four thousand fine riders.

Finally, with the sound of war drums, the forward Yuan Shaojun approached the mound where Sun Yi was.

The war is about to start. two,

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