Chapter 81: Encountering a Sable Cicada.

Liu Wu said lightly.

“Take him and let him show the way!”

“If he dares to be careful, he will kill him immediately!”

Niu Fu shrank his head in fright.

“Don’t worry, I’m absolutely obedient!”

Liu Wu led the people straight to the city.

“Who are you?”

“Xiangguo has ordered, this city is temporarily closed and no one is allowed to enter!”

“Those who disobey the order are beheaded!”

Liu Yi kicked Niu Fu. Niu Fu quickly shouted loudly.

“Messing with things, don’t even I know them?”

The guard saw that it was Niu Fu Lian Ang and said.

“It turned out to be Lord Usuke!”

“Didn’t you just go out with a soldier and horse?”

“How did you come back so soon!”

Niu Fu said sharply.

“Uncle Ben’s affairs, do you still have to explain it to you clearly?”

“Ask what you should ask, don’t ask what you shouldn’t!”

“Knowing more is not good for you!”

“Hurry up and open the city gates!”

The guard was a little embarrassed.

“Lord Niu Fu, in this way, I will go to pray to Xiangguo first, and with Xiangguo’s permission, I will open the city gate and enlarge people to come in!”

Niu Fu was furious.

“Isn’t your grandmother’s looking for death?”

“Uncle Ben also dares to stop it, I think it’s the opposite of you!”

“Looking for bad luck, isn’t it?”

The guard saw that Niu Fu was anxious, and he no longer dared to shirk.

Niu Fu is not only the son-in-law of Dong Zhuo’s side, but his status is not ordinarily high, and he is loved by Dong Zhuo. If offended, the other party wants to clean himself up as easily as playing.

“Master Niufu, don’t worry!”

“I’ll let someone open the city gate for you!”

The city gate slowly opened, and Liu Wu immediately shouted.

“Rush in!”

The faces of those guards changed, wanting to block Liu Wu and the others, but the soldiers and horses led by Liu Wu were fierce people, and these guards could not be stopped.

Liu Yi took the lead in leaping forward, and with the moon knife in his hand with the wind whistling, he slashed through the void with a half-moon slash. Burst!!!

Five or six human heads flew out in the spray of blood.

Liu Yi was like a killing god, and instantly broke through the defense line of the city gate.


As soon as Liu entered the city, the Green Dragon Army and the White Tiger Army came one after another, completely tearing the city gate defense. The city fell into chaos for a while, and there were miserable cries everywhere.

“Sangkook go quickly!”

“Someone has entered the city to chase and kill us!”

Xu Rong said.

Dong Zhuo’s face changed.


“Didn’t Niu Fu go out with soldiers and horses to intercept it?”

“How could those people come in?”

A general said.

“General Niu Fu may have defected to the enemy!”

“The soldiers I started saw General Niu Fu with those people, and also helped the enemy to show the way!”

Dong Zhuo roared angrily.

“Niu Fu!!!”

“How dare you betray me!”

“Our family treats you well, why betray our family!”

Xu Rong said.

“Xiangguo, now is not the time to say this, take the Son of Heaven and leave quickly!”

Only then did Dong Zhuo come to his senses.

“Yes, quickly take the Son of Heaven and get out of the city!”

Xu Rong said lightly.

“Xiangguo rest assured, there is the end of the day, and the other party wants to hurt Xiangguo!”

Dong Zhuo’s face was delighted.

“General Xu Rong, it’s up to you!”

“After returning to Chang’an, I will reward General Xu Rong heavily!”

Dong Zhuo fled quickly with the Son of Heaven and those officials of the imperial court, and with Dong Zhuo’s order, those people were afraid that they would run slowly and would not be able to keep up with being killed, and they fled one by one.

For a while, the entire Long Dragon Brigade was in chaos, and some people even fell without being supported, but also being stepped on. The sound of horses’ hooves that shook the earth was getting closer and closer, and Xu Rong blocked the street with soldiers and horses, preparing to face Liu Wu.

Liu Yi shouted like thunder after seeing Xu Rong.

“Who’s in front?”

“Give way quickly, or there will be no amnesty for killing!!!”

Xu Rong’s eyes were firm.

“Want to pass, unless you step past my corpse… Go!!! ”


A human head flew out from Xu Rong’s neck.

Liu Yi said lightly.

“I said, there is no amnesty for those who stand in the way!”

Before the soldiers behind Xu Rong could react, Xu Rong’s head was gone.

After waiting for the reaction, how dare he stop Liu Wu and the others, and throw the weapon in his hand directly on the ground in fright and surrender. Liu Wu snorted coldly.

“Keep chasing!”

After Liu Wu and the others arrived in the west of the city, they saw that the long dragon-like crowd was running towards the outside of the city. Liu Wu said lightly.

“It seems that Dong Zhuo has been running out for a while!”

“He can’t run, keep chasing!”

Just as Liu Wu was chasing out of the city, he heard an elderly voice shouting.


“Where are you, my daughter?”

Sable cicada?!!! Liu Wu ordered Lu Yi.

“You continue to chase after people with people, I still have some things to do!”

“Liu Yi follow me!”

Lu nodded a little, took the Green Dragon Army, and the White Tiger Army continued to chase forward. And Liu Wu took Liu Yi to the old man.


“Did you just shout that your daughter was lost?”

The old man looked a little wary when he saw Liu Wuhou.

“I see that the little brother is not an ordinary person in armor!”

Liu Wu said with a smile.

“Don’t worry, we won’t hurt unrelated people!”

The old man rolled his eyes and then said.

“Little brother, can you help me find my daughter?”

Liu Wu said lightly.

“Is your daughter called Sable Cicada?”

The old man nodded excitedly.

“Yes, the little girl is called a mink cicada, has the little brother ever seen the little girl?”

Liu Wu shook his head.

“Not really, but I can help you find it!”

The old man said gratefully.

“Thank you little brother, if the little brother finds the little girl, I will definitely thank you very much!”

Liu Wu took Liu to look for mink cicadas at first.

Liu Yi said curiously.

“What kind of woman can make my Lord so attentive!”

Liu Wu smiled slightly.

“You’ll know then!”

Liu Wu and Liu Yi rode forward for almost ten miles.


“Save me!!! if anyone can”

A bird-like voice entered Liu Wu’s ears. Liu Wu looked curiously in the direction where the voice came from.

Just happened to see a woman holding her feet on the side of the road crying and shouting, people passing by were running away in a panic, hurriedly glanced at it and ran away, no one cared.

Liu Wu said lightly.

“Go over and take a look!”

Liu Wu took Liu Yi to the woman’s side.

“Dare to ask the girl what 4.4 you want to help?”

The woman looked at Liu Wu and Liu Yi dressed in armor and holding weapons, and shrunk back in fear.

“Who are you?”

“Don’t kill me!!!”

Liu Wu said lightly.

“I met an old man just now and lost my daughter!”

“My daughter’s name is Sable Cicada, and my husband asked me to look for it, I wonder if the girl is the daughter that my husband said?”

The woman’s face showed joy.

“Righteous Father!”

“Yes, Righteous Father!”

“Please, please, the general, and tell me where my righteous father is?”

Liu Wu smiled slightly.

“Since the girl is the mink cicada mentioned in the mouth of the old man, then ask the girl to get on the horse!”

Then Liu Wu couldn’t help but pick up the mink cicada.

The mink cicada was like an electric shock, trembled, blushed shyly, buried his head in Liu Wu’s chest, and whispered like a mosquito.

“The little girl is tired of the general!”

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