Standing on top of the rock, Zhao Yun watched Liu Bei's army retreat into the camp without any intention of attacking. Zhao Yun's mouth also showed a smile.

He is confident that he can stick to Liu Bian's end.

the next day.

The sun has just risen from the sky, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei have already ordered their soldiers and are ready to investigate traps.

I saw that the soldiers near the east were all pushing chariots, holding shields, and looked like they were guarding against falling rocks, while the soldiers near the middle were all holding long spears in their hands and hitting the road ahead.

Seeing that the rows of traps were successfully checked out, a smile appeared on Liu Bei's face.

Although this method is relatively stupid, it is also the most effective method.

He aimed his gaze directly at Zhao Yun who was on the rock, but when he saw Zhao Yun's happy face, not worried at all, Liu Bei was even more puzzled and didn't understand why Zhao Yu was so indifferent.

In fact, Zhao Yun really doesn't need to worry at this time. Although the trap he dug can't be said to lead to the other side of the mountain, it basically has a road of several miles. With their slow progress, it is said that it will not be able to pass within a few days. Bear Mountain.

And in this, if he is causing them some trouble, I am afraid the speed will be even slower.

Liu Bei 147 can't guess what Zhao Yun thinks here, but no matter what, he can only order to be cautious and not make any mistakes.

Time passed little by little.

Seeing that all the soldiers were sweating profusely, Zhang Fei naturally ordered him to withdraw slowly and continue.

But the soldiers who were investigating the traps had not yet walked out of the mountain road, and saw Zhao Yun on the rock with a big hand: "Go!!"

The archers who had been prepared for a long time jumped out directly from behind the rock, and then the flaming bows and arrows shot directly at the chariots.

At the same time, many boulders receded downwards again.

"Ah!! My legs, come and save me!!

"Quickly put out this fire!

"help me....

One after another, the sound resounded on the mountain road, but how could the exhausted Liu Bei soldiers care about the lives of others?

They understand a truth too well in their hearts, if they stay, then it must be themselves who will eventually die.


This is the only thing everyone wants to do at the moment.


"It hurts!!

The soldiers in front kept running towards the outside, and the wounded soldiers in the back shouted loudly, hoping to be rescued, but no matter how loud the shouts were, they couldn't stop the rest of the people from trying to survive.

Liu Bei's face was extremely gloomy. He originally thought that Zhao Yun's hands were running out of stones, but he never thought that there would be so many stones in his hands.

Really able to forbear, Liu Bei cursed a few words in his heart.

Seeing the soldiers under him begging for help one by one on the mountain road, his heart was like a drop of blood, but he was even more aware that now he couldn't go in at all, and going in would have no other effect except to increase the casualty of one person.

"Soldiers, the blood feud between our brothers can only be washed away with the blood of the enemy. Although we have brothers fallen in this valley today, they have contributed a lot to our entire battle.

"You don't have to be afraid, the enemy troops on this mountain will be killed by us sooner or later, and they must not have too many rocks. 35

Liu Bei roared loudly, hoping to improve morale, but he looked down on these soldiers too much.

The cruel scene on the mountain road just now has been imprinted in everyone's mind, and even these soldiers will be thinking, if he was the last one, it would be the same result, although they don't want to admit it, but they already have the same result result.

"Brother, our morale is low, I'm afraid we can't fight hard like this, I don't see how it will be at night? When the time comes, let people touch it quietly, which is much better than our bright and upright (cdbi) dispatch!!" Guan Yu whispered softly said.

Although morale is invisible and intangible, it is the most important thing on the battlefield. If morale is completely absent, there is no need to fight at all, just raise your hand and surrender.

Guan Yu's words also happened to speak to Liu Bei's heart, he nodded slowly: "Second brother is right, now we can't go on like this, even if we sacrifice, we can't let all the soldiers witness together, otherwise everyone The heart will be full of fear.95

"However, I still can't give up the attack, try to attack, if I encounter bows and arrows, fall rocks, and immediately retreat, I want to see how much Zhao Yun has prepared.

Guan Yu nodded slowly and went down to give instructions.

Liu Bei's side had an incomparable headache, and Zhao Yun followed suit, very relaxed.

At this time, he hoped that Liu Bei would fight head-to-head, so that Zhao Yun would have the confidence to destroy all their morale, and maybe he would really be able to create miracles at that time.

After just thinking about it for a while, Liu Bei's main force on the other side entered the camp, and a small group of men and horses were quietly exploring on the mountain road.

Seeing dozens of people are cautious, looking to both sides every step of the way, Zhao Yun is even more funny.

It seems that his first purpose has been achieved.

These soldiers were originally focused on several uses, and they had to beware of falling rocks, so the speed was naturally very slow.

When they got to the exploration site, a huge boulder rolled down, causing them to turn around and run without any pause.

Such a funny action made all the soldiers under Zhao Yun laugh.

In the afternoon, this team rarely suffered any casualties, but at the same time he did not exclude a trap.

It's like saying that they are training to 'run back and forth'.

As the night approached, after Zhao Yun explained the matter, he even went down to rest.

A day's battle of wits really made Zhao Yun very tired, so he must rest for a while, only in this way can he have the energy to face the cunning Liu Bei.

He wanted to rest here, but Liu Bei didn't mean it at all.

Taking advantage of the night, there were actually quite a few soldiers dressed in black who came out of the camp. Taking advantage of the moonlight, next to the mountain wall, they quietly approached the place where the traps were checked during the day.

At this time, the night was already deep, because the distance was too far, and Zhao Yun's soldiers on the hillside could not see clearly at all, so these black-clothed soldiers were naturally able to let go of their hands and feet and start investigating.

After Liu Bei got the report, his face also showed joy.

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