Xiao Qi was shocked when she heard this, and shook her head hurriedly: "No, this is no good, you all have more experience than me, if I run out and fail to pass the news to Xinducheng, it will not be a waste of time. The blood of the brothers?

"I have no opinion on any of you leaving, I will fight these enemies desperately, and I will avenge Zhang Wuge and Li Sige!! 99

Xiao Qi's immature face showed a particularly determined expression. Such determination even made the other three people stunned. They never thought that Xiao Qi would be so brave.

In their eyes, Xiao Qi is just a child, and the reason why they didn't recommend him to leave just now is mainly because they are afraid that he will not be able to complete the task. After all, sometimes it is easier to die, and there will be more difficulties to face in life~.

The corner of Wu Boss' mouth showed a smile. He was very satisfied with Xiao Qi's performance. He looked at his brothers again and said with a smile: "Now, what do you think of the big family?"

“Xiao Qi is good! Very good!”

"Should be up to this tough task!! 35

"Okay, that's it!!

Boss Wu didn't seem to consider Xiao Qi's opinion at all. After unifying the opinions of all the brothers, he went directly to Xiao Qi and said solemnly: "This time it is not because you are the youngest, but because you have already Possesses any character a scout has, perseverance and courage.""

"You often begged in my ear, wanting to perform a task alone, but I never promised you, and now I give you a task that represents our entire team, don't you dare to accept it? 35

Boss Wu's voice became more and more kind, but when it fell into Xiao Qi's ears, it was even more uncomfortable.

"I, I want to fight with my brothers, I want to fight side by side with the boss!!"

Tears rolled in Xiao Qi's eyes without realizing it, and his sincere voice made everyone feel the same.

"Xiao Qi, you are a member of our seventh scout team, if you are so cowardly, then you are really not qualified to be in our team.

"As long as the boss's order is delivered, who can bargain?"

"Don't let us all look down on you, do you feel comfortable when we all die here?

"Think about the folks behind you, and think about the countless troops that may fall into the trap. Do you still want to stay here? Boss Wu said slowly.

Although his voice was not loud, it was full of a feeling that was difficult to disobey.

Where Xiao Qi was stunned, he faltered and didn't know what to say.

As Boss Wu said, if he stayed here, it was just an extra corpse, but if he could escape, he might be able to save the lives of countless people, but...

Looking at Xiao Qi's hesitant gaze, Boss Wu continued: "What I said just now is just an ideal state, even if you leave this desperate situation, the danger you will encounter will not be less, you have to remember , From now on, your life is not your own, but shared by our seven brothers.

"You have the hopes and entrustments of the six of us."


Xiao Qi nodded slowly: "Boss, I understand!!"

A faint smile appeared on Boss Wu's face: "Yes, this is a good man!

"After a while, we will charge towards the north and run down the mountain. If you walk directly from the south, as long as you climb over two mountains, you will be able to head east towards Xindu!

After saying this, he patted Xiaoqi on the shoulder, then turned his head to face the three of them and said: "Our next task is very simple, we need to buy more time for Xiaoqi, we need more time to survive A few points!"



"Laozi wanted to rush to fight these bastards, hehe!! 35

"No, the boss said so much, and finally finished, haha!!

With the increase of the fire outside, everyone knew that the final moment had come. The four Boss Wu glanced at Xiao Qi, and then each rushed outside with a wooden board.

"Boys, here comes your Laozi!! 35

Zhao Er let out a loud roar, dragging the tabletop in his hand and running out first.

The next moment, countless arrows were shot in the direction they rushed out.

However, Boss Wu, Er Zhao and others were all prepared, so this wave of arrow rain did not cause any injuries to them.

.....for flowers......

Xiao Qi looked at the situation outside from the gap in the cabin.

Although the density of several waves of arrow rains was not small, the Boss Wu finally took precautions and did not suffer heavy damage.

It seems that he also felt that archery was not good, and many footsteps began to besiege the four of Wu Boss from the other directions.

"Kill!! 35

A cold voice came from the enemy army on the opposite side, but this voice made Boss Wu smile on their faces.

Their purpose is to attract the attention of the enemy, and they wish that everyone would be attracted.

Therefore, listening to the sound of footsteps, they became more and more happy, and Boss Wu even shouted: "You bastards, don't you only use bows and arrows? If you want to destroy us without any casualties, it is whimsical. If you have plenty of time, then We will continue to spend, anyway, we have no intention of escaping."

When the enemy heard the voice of Boss Wu, he was obviously stunned, and then laughed mockingly: "How many trash dare to shout?

"Brothers, get on me! Kill these people."

What Boss Wu wanted was this sentence. Seeing that the enemy stopped shooting arrows and instead surrounded him with a big knife, he jumped up from the ground: "All who are not afraid of death come here!! 35

"Ha ha!!"

After he finished speaking, he rushed towards the enemy, and the fork in his hand was even waving towards the enemy.

Naturally, Zhao Er and the others did not dare to fall behind. They each glanced in the direction of the cabin, and generously followed Boss Wu to charge away.

This was a battle of great disparity in strength. Facing the siege of twenty or thirty enemies, the three of Wu Boss fought desperately without fear of death.

And this desperate attitude of Saburo makes the enemy fear, they really don't want this kind of desperate fight, after all, a steady victory, who wants to die?

Xiaoqi watched the desperate fight of the four Boss Wu, and his heart was full of discomfort. He really wanted to rush out desperately and fight side by side with his brothers, but he couldn't, he knew that everything Boss Wu had was for his own son.

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