Outside Gangneung City.

The war continues.

The slaughter did not stop, but the fight became even more intense.

The 10,000 horses brought out by Wenpin were even more motivated, and they went straight into the air without any fear.

When Cao Ren saw this, although his face was a little ugly, he was also a little bit of joy in his heart.

After all, this time he can be sure that there is no strength in the city to fight against him.

As long as Huang Zhong and Wen Pin are defeated, Jiangling City will be at your fingertips!

Although the damage may be very large, he felt it was worth it.

Thinking of Xiahou Yuan's death, he felt that his revenge would be today.


"Not one left!!""

Cao Ren took the lead in the fight, without the slightest fear, only excited.

The people on both sides fought under Jiangling City just like this "three zero three", no one left his hand, and no one retreated.

This is a battle of advancing and not retreating, and the people on both sides are very clear in their hearts.

In the distance between the mountains and forests.

Zhou Yu saw this scene, and there was also a look of interest in his eyes.

He didn't expect Wen Pin to have such courage, actually dare to really break the boat.

However, according to his observation, even if Wenpin put all his strength together, it would be very difficult to win, because Cao Jun still has a man in the farthest south. As long as the support is in place, it is like the last straw that breaks the camel's back. Time to bring the battle to an end.

The two sides were fighting fiercely, and at every moment, countless soldiers fell to the ground.

There are Cao soldiers, and naturally there are also civilian soldiers and horses.

Seeing the arrival of the last Cao army, everything was as Zhou Yu had expected.

The counterattacks that can be made are very limited.

Sun Ce couldn't help but speak again: "Gong Jin, can we act now, if we really wait until the entire army of civil servants is wiped out, we will not be able to deal with father at all, let alone untie the knot in father's heart.

Zhou Yu was also aware of this, and when he saw that there were only less than 20,000 civilians left in the civilian army, he nodded lightly.

"Send the whole army to prepare to go!!

"Aim to defeat Cao Jun!"

Sun Ce smiled and nodded, and immediately went to give an order.

On the battlefield, Wen Pin and Huang Zhong met again.

Looking at the traces of blood on their faces, it was even more profound.

Huang Zhong said: "General Wen, it was my mistake this time, I didn't expect to be entangled by Cao Ren!

"I'll cover your retreat here, and I can't all fold here anyway.

Wen Pin shook his head with a wry smile: "The battlefield is always changing, I was watching from the tower just now, all your decisions are correct.

"If God is destined to be like this today, we can only accept it.

"Fighting to the death is our last repayment to His Majesty!"

Looking at Wenpin's determined gaze, Huang Zhong couldn't say a word.

He knew that Wenpin had already made a decision, and even his continued persuasion would have no effect.

"Soldiers, kill me! One is enough, and two are earned!"

"His Majesty is watching us from a distance, we cannot let him down!!"9

Huang Zhong roared and rushed into Cao's army again.

The broadsword in his hand swung frantically, and each stroke could take away several heads of Cao Bing. Although he swung the broadsword slower and slower, the murderous aura on his body became stronger and stronger.

From a distance, the bright red blood covered his whole body, like Shura walking out of hell, which made people terrified.

Although Cao Bing was not afraid of death, he was still afraid when facing Huang Zhong.

They involuntarily avoided Huang Zhong and made a way.

But no matter how heroic Huang Zhong was, he could only change part of the battlefield, and for the entire battlefield, his army was still in retreat.

The cheerful and excited expression on Cao Ren's face became more and more intense.

He laughed loudly: "Soldiers, they are about to lose their strength, and Jiangling City will be ours soon."

"Kill me!!

"Kill!! 35

Cao Ren's inspiring words were passed on to the ears of all Cao soldiers, and it even improved the morale of the soldiers.

But just before his voice fell for a moment.

I only heard the horses galloping behind me, and the whole earth trembled...

Cao Ren was surprised at first, and then he thought that it might be Cao Cao's class teacher coming back, and he was even more happy.

He raised his eyes and looked up, when he saw the flying 'Zhou' and 'Sun' on the banner.

His face changed greatly, it wasn't that the lord was back!!

Although he didn't know where this group of people came from, he knew that this was definitely not his own person, but a complete enemy.

Thinking of this, he roared angrily: "Block the army behind me, don't let them rush in!


Cao Jun's sudden confusion naturally aroused the questions of Wen Pin and Huang Zhong inside.

The two had no idea what was going on, but there was obvious confusion behind Cao Jun.

This means that someone has come to support them, but who is it?

Could it be the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun?

Shaking their heads, the two of them looked at each other, and neither of them could figure out who the reinforcements were.

However, this did not delay the excitement of the two of them. After all, they were already in a desperate situation at the moment. No matter who came to rescue them, they would be able to escape this dead end, win the victory, and save Jiangling City.

The two looked at each other and both laughed.

"God will never destroy us!

"Soldiers, Cao's soldiers are already in chaos, our reinforcements are here, kill with me! 95

"Come on!!

Huang Zhong and Wen Pin roared 1.8 together, and then rushed in front, trying to defeat Cao Jun's encirclement.

Cao Ren's face was ashen, and at this moment he didn't understand where the enemy came from.

Obviously there can be no reinforcements around, where do they come from?

But he knew that if he did not make arrangements, he was afraid that Cao Jun would be slaughtered.

Thinking of this hesitation that he did not dare to continue, he roared loudly: "The whole army retreats!! Retreat towards the northwest!!

After Cao Ren's order was issued, Cao Jun's last resistance was completely dissipated.

No one cares about anyone, they only care about fleeing, and they only care about their lives.

The war was reversed at this moment, Wen Pin and Huang Zhong, who were originally dead ends, were all smiles at this moment, watching Cao Jun retreat, and they kept chasing and killing them, of course!

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