
Countless soldiers on the city wall were waiting in battle. Although they looked tired, from a distance they still had a good momentum under the shadow of the morning light.

But if you look closely at the expressions of each of them, they are obviously relieved for a long time.

Because the attackers are under their own banner.

Not the enemy, naturally do not have to be nervous, do not have to be afraid.

Outside the city, the team carrying the Yuan character flag slowly approached. Their number was only a few thousand, and their momentum was low, like a lost dog.

Although Wang Fang saw that it was his own banner, he did not completely let go of his heart.

Still with a dignified expression on his face, he instructed to the side: "Everyone cheer up Laozi, and it won't be too late to figure it out."35

"These people clearly left with the lord last night, why did they come back this morning?"

Although the order was given, the soldiers on the city wall still disagreed, and some even slandered Wang Fang in their hearts.

The remnants outside the city got closer and closer to the city wall, and when they got close to the city gate, the people outside the city said impatiently: "Open the door, open the door!

"Who are you? Who brought you back?"

The people in the city said: "Laozi came back from a desperate fight. We were attacked by Yue Fei's army last night. Except for those who fled to Shouchun with the lord, we are the only ones left."

"Yue Fei's army is behind us, and it won't take long to arrive in Pengcheng. If we don't let us in, we have no choice but to surrender. Don't blame us for disregarding our past friendship." 99

Wang Fang, who was still aggressive and questioned about his taste, suddenly changed his face when he heard this.

The annihilation of the entire army means that Pengcheng, where he is now, has completely become an isolated city. No matter Yuan Shao abandons Pengcheng not far away, his Wang Fang can't support it for too long.

"What you said is true, who can prove it?" Wang Fang tried his best to keep his face normal, and asked with a serious face.

A colonel came out of the crowd below, and he said loudly, "General Wang, don't you even know me? I have served under your command before.

Wang Fang Xunsheng looked around, but when he saw that the colonel below with a full beard was the soldier he had brought before, his doubts dissipated a lot.

However, there is still a feeling of heart palpitations in my heart. This feeling is inexplicable, but it is becoming more and more clear.

The hesitation in Wang Fang's heart became more and more obvious.

If what the remnants of the soldiers said were true, the situation he was in was very dangerous and he should not risk opening the door.

How to choose? Wang Fang could not be sure for a while.

"General Wang quickly open the door, Yue Fei's army is coming soon."

"hurry up!!"

The bearded captain below shouted again hurriedly.

Wang Fang raised his eyes and looked into the distance, but saw smoke billowing and killing intent permeated.

The army in the distance was approaching Pengcheng step by step. Although he had never seen the banner in the distance, Wang Fang could judge that it was definitely Yue Fei's army by relying on the good banner of the team.

At this time, the lieutenant next to him also said: "General quickly decide, Yue Fei's army will arrive in the blink of an eye.

"If we don't open the door, we really have no chance."

Wang Fang glanced at the army of Yue Fei who was slowly approaching in the distance, and a look of determination appeared on his face: "Open the door and let in all the brothers below!!

Following Wang Fang's order, the gate of Pengcheng slowly opened.

Liu Bian witnessed all this from a distance, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was even more obvious.

Yue Fei on the side is also full of smiles: "Your Majesty, you really expected things like God. 35

"On the contrary, if we entered the city directly last night, I'm afraid that it will cause the guards. If we check one by one, we will definitely reveal a lot of flaws."

""々 But in the daytime, their vigilance will be reduced a lot, and the probability of General Yuwen getting in is much higher.

"In addition to the pressure of the army, it can be said that Wang Fang will not be given time to think.

"It's intertwined with no flaws, and Wei Chen is convinced."

After Yue Fei finished speaking, Sun Jian and the others were all dumbfounded.

They didn't think of any of these links at all, but how could they know that Liu Bian's random arrangement and random actions had so many layers of meaning.

The fear in Sun Jian's eyes became more intense.

In just three or four days, he knew about Liu Bian from all aspects.

And the more he understands, the more he feels Liu Bian's terror and Liu Bian's power.

Of course, Yue Fei's words also made Liu Bian very happy.

If these things were explained by his mouth, it would be a little less shocking.

But from Yue Fei's mouth, the meaning is different.

Enjoying the fearful and shocked eyes of Sun Jian and the others, Liu Bian smiled and said, "General Yue's words are not bad, this is just the last resort, if Wang Fang knew the situation, it wouldn't be used at all.

"Let's go and see the defender of Pengcheng.""

When the voice fell, the BMW under the crotch galloped towards Pengcheng, Yue Fei and others did not dare to delay, and hurriedly followed behind.

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