Before Hulao Pass, Sun Jian is in the army!

Six days!

It's already the sixth day!

Seeing the soldiers who were so hungry that they couldn't even eat grass roots and bark, Sun Jian felt unbearable grief in his heart.

These are all the disciples he brought in Changsha.

On weekdays, he fought fiercely and bravely, but today, because he lacked a bite to eat, he was lethargic and his limbs were weak.

This is his incompetence as the lord!

"Sun Jian, Sun Jian!"

"The soldiers have paid so much for you, you must break into Luoyang, so as to be worthy of them!"

Taking a deep breath, Sun Jian regained his spirits, and he had made the final preparations.

Soldiers from all sides, encouraged by battle flags, lined up in rows.

Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang, and Zu Mao lined up in front of the brigade, each armed with a murderous aura.

Looking up, the stars and the moon are like washing, and the dark clouds in the sky are pressing on the top of the head like a canopy, and the pressure is so overwhelming that people can't breathe.

Not far away, is the flashing lights of Hulao Pass.

Sun Jian's eyes glittered, Gu Ding Dao Huo was unsheathed, and the cold light reflected.

"Everyone, we are also forced to be helpless."

"Now our army is short of food and grass, but this juncture is just around the corner, and I can't wait to retreat!"

"There are many princes behind us, as well as our parents and brothers!"


Sun Jian suddenly raised his voice, and the people who responded to him were also the tsunami.


"Tonight, I want you to follow me, rush into Hulao Pass, and break this long wall like a moat."

"I want to work with you to build new achievements."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sun Jian waved his knife and cut a slit in the palm of his hand, dripping with blood.

"My Sun Jian, with this blood oath, will build brilliant achievements with you and never back down!"

"Listen to orders!"

"Go to Hulao Pass!"

Sun Jian, there is really no way out, if he doesn't want to retreat, the only chance to survive is to storm the Hulao.


Allied troops stationed in Cao Cao's army.

The night sky was clear, but it was a little dim and dark.

Cao Yu stood with his hands behind his back, standing tall and looking far away, staring at the location of Sun Jian's part.

Looking at the dimly lit fire over there, the long dragon-like team, he knew that it must be that Sun Jian could no longer hold on.

"Hulao, Hulao, the tiger is in prison..."

"Bowen, I assert that if Sun Jian attacks and kills Hulao Pass tonight, he will definitely lose!"

Liu Bowen was very supportive of his conclusion.

"My lord, this minister also used the method of deduction to calculate the good and bad luck of Sun Jian's battle."

"According to the words of the lord, he will definitely lose, it is not Sun Jian's fault, it is indeed a certain number of days, and he is doomed!"


Liu Bowen is good at yin and yang, understands gossip, and can deduce heaven's secrets with easy numbers.

Right or wrong, Cao Yu doesn't care, but this is an era that believes in cause and effect.

Sometimes, just one sentence may be able to explain a thousand complicated secrets.

Moreover, Liu Bowen's talent and wisdom are not empty words.


Cao Yu nodded slightly, staring into the distance without turning his eyes.

"Just wait and see, today's Hulao battle is a big deal for Sun Jian."

"It's the same for you and me."

"Cun Xiao, he can finally show his talents."


Inside Hulao Pass.

Hua Xiong was still drinking. Although he was three-point drunk, it did not affect his judgment.

For example, who is more beautiful among the three dancers in front of him, he has his own unique opinion.


Just when he was addicted to the enchanting red makeup, a sudden sound wiped out all his interest.

"What's up!"

Hua Xiong snorted and slammed the wine glass on the table.

The soldier who came to deliver the letter trembled with fright.


"General, it's not good!"

"Sun Jian led his troops to forcibly detain him!"

"Now the two sides are at war!"

"Sun Jian is here?"

Hearing this, Hua Xiong turned from anger to joy. He endured the curse of his ancestors for so many days, and he was waiting for this moment.

His fists were clenched, and the veins on his forehead burst out.

"X Wentai, it's time for Laozi to take revenge!"

He gave an order and told his subordinates to carry their swords and prepare their horses. Tonight, he was going to kill Sun Jian!


Under the Hulao Pass.

The drums are banging, and the horns are blaring.

Sun Jian himself went into battle at this moment, and the ancient ingot knife shone with a penetrating splendor against the light of the fire and the moonlight.

Huang Gai was attacked hard and was appointed as the pioneer of the first echelon, taking the lead in attacking the city.

Han Dang, who was proficient in cavalry and archery, led a cavalry team and circled the battlefield, harassing soldiers at critical moments with long bows from time to time.

Cheng Pu, as Sun Jian's deputy, now sits in the middle of the army and stabilizes the formation for him.

Only Zu Mao carried a large sword and guarded Sun Jian.

"dash forward!"

The terrain of Hulao Pass is dangerous, and the bows and crossbows on the city head are raining, and Huang Gai's army has been suppressed by three waves of attacks.

This scene made Sun Jian's heart burn. He really couldn't bear the soldiers under the account, one by one fell to the ground, screaming in pain but not an inch of success.

"Come up!"

The Gu Ding Dao was swung like a tiger by him, but he could only waste his energy in this space.


Zu Mao, who was on the side, couldn't stand it any longer. If Sun Jian kept doing this, I was afraid that he would be upset and affect the entire army.

"Sit down for a while, we have to trust General Gongfu!"

"This... ok!"

With a hard slap on the thigh, Sun Jian was quiet for a while.

But in his heart, he scolded Hua Xiong's ancestors like a dog.

The war had continued, and Sun Jian had been attacking all night. By the early hours of the morning, he had already launched five charges.


Still useless.

Soldiers, we are tired!



Above the city, Hua Xiong has been watching, what he is waiting for is when Sun Jian's troops are exhausted.

"Look, Sun Jian's soldiers seem to be unable to hold on."

With a hook on the corner of his mouth, Hua Xiong wiped down Zha Zha Yaya's beard, turned and ran down the city.

Now is a good time for the switch to slam him!


In front of Hulao Pass, where Sun Jian was.

Huang Gai, covered in blood and sludge, flew back and knelt down in front of Sun Jian's horse.

"My lord, the last will be incompetent!"

"The trust of the lord was wasted, and the lord is to be held accountable!"

Huang Gai said with tears in his eyes. He was not crying for himself, but for the group of fallen brothers.

It was he who ordered the former army to withdraw temporarily. There was no way. The soldiers were already starving and screaming, and they attacked all night.

If it goes on like this, I am afraid that before they can break through the Hulao Pass, the soldiers will be exhausted by themselves.

Is it his fault?

Sun Jian raised his head and sighed, not knowing what the problem was.

It's just that the Hulao Gate is close at hand, and it has consumed so much blood and life, so do you have to give up?

He can't accept this ending!

no way!

"Gongfu, get up."

Taking a deep breath, Sun Jian became more calm: "I know it's not your fault, you did the right thing."

"Brothers cannot be sacrificed in vain."

"You've been playing all night, and you're already tired."

"Have a good rest here now, and leave the next battle to me."

With that said, Sun Jian waved his knife and was about to move his troops forward to close the gate, when the iron-and-steel gate of Hulaoguan opened slowly.

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