However, Li Ru’s concerns were not in Dong Zhuo’s consideration.

With the system, he can directly ignore these.

Touching his chin, Dong Zhuo asked Li Ru

“Wen Xuan, if there is an army that is completely loyal to me to suppress, can the rectification of the army proceed quickly?”

Hearing this, Li Ru subconsciously glanced at the Flying Bear Army outside.

After thinking about it, he said:

“Ru knows that the five thousand flying bear army under the lord’s command is extremely elite, but this number is too small, I’m afraid it is not enough.”

“After all, Lord, you rectify the army, in addition to guarding against the mutiny of the army, you also have to guard against those wealthy families taking advantage of the opportunity to cause chaos.”

“There is also Han Sui from Jincheng County and Ma Teng from Wuwei County, each of them has an army of twenty or thirty thousand, and they also have to send troops to defend!”

Returning to sit on the soft bed, Dong Zhuo frowned and continued to ask:

“Then Yiwen worried, how many soldiers and horses are needed to guard against these?”

Hearing this, Li Ru thought about it and replied

“Ma Teng and Han Sui have become a great calamity, the soldiers and horses under their command are mostly elite, to guard against these two, it must not be less than 30,000 troops, and the defensive general needs to be brave and resourceful, otherwise I am afraid that it will not be able to resist.”

“Although the Hao family is intertwined and has a large number of house slaves, it only needs to arrange an army of 10,000 to monitor the Chang’an family!”

“The rest of the county families can leave it alone for the time being, they won’t make much waves.”

Speaking of this, Li Ru’s expression gradually became solemn.

“And to prevent the Western Liang army from mutiny, the army defending the town will have to be at least fifty thousand!” And it is better to be an elite army, otherwise it will not convince the Western Liang soldiers. ”

After listening to Li Ru’s words, Dong Zhuo suddenly chuckled.

“Wen Xuan, if I get an elite army of more than 200,000, and each of them is loyal to me, can the rectification of the army be completed within three days?”

“And there will be no surprises?”

Hearing this, Li Ru suddenly frowned.

It’s not that more than 200,000 troops aren’t enough.

The main thing is that where did the Lord come from so many armies?

Or each loyal to him?

Isn’t that a big lie?

He Li Ru has always served the lord, but he has not heard that the lord has an army of 200,000 people in private.

Such a number, even if the Lord wants to hide it, he should not hide it from them.

There were many doubts in his heart, but Li Ru still replied

“If there are 200,000 elite and loyal troops, it will be easy to put things in order.”

“Our army will definitely be able to complete the rectification within three days, and the generals and soldiers in the army will not have a second mind.”

“Within five days, the family has completely settled down, and there will be no major changes, and it will definitely not rebel against the lord.”

“And within seven days, the people can be arranged to start spring ploughing in order to wait for the autumn harvest.”

“In this way, our military forces can quickly enter a state of recuperation.”

“However, this is just empty talk!”

“After all, where will there be an army of 200,000 loyal people coming to assist the lord!”

Listening to Li Ru’s words, Dong Zhuo smiled!

“Hahaha! Don’t worry, the 200,000-strong army has been waiting outside the dock for a long time! ”

“What? Lord, what you said is true? ”

Hearing this, Li Ru was shocked!

He kind of doubted if his ears had heard it wrong!

Could it really be that an army of 200,000 suddenly appeared to help the lord?

Just when Li Ru fell into shock and couldn’t extricate himself.

Dong Zhuo also communicated the system in his heart and started the riot mode.

“System, exchange for me 100,000 regular-level infantry, 100,000 regular-level cavalry, and 50,000 regular-level archers.”

[The exchange was successful, a total of 1.25 million taels of gold were consumed, and the current gold balance of the host system was 4.4 million taels].

[After the army is redeemed, please choose the place to drop it in?] 】

The system words fell, and a virtual light curtain appeared.

What reality is a map, it is the territory controlled by Dong Zhuo now.

Without thinking too much, Dong Zhuo said directly in his heart:

“Put the army at the Qinling Mountains southwest of Chenwu.”

[After the delivery, within one hour or three, the army will definitely arrive, please wait patiently by the host! ] 】

Say it! System sound disappears.

And Dong Zhuo’s face was also full of a smile that could not be concealed.

“Wen Xuan, in less than a moment or three, an army of 250,000 will definitely come to cast, you will wait a moment!”

Dong Zhuo’s words woke up Li Ru.

He looked at Dong Zhuo in amazement, his confident tone and smile.

It doesn’t seem to be lying at all.

However, Li Ru couldn’t believe this matter.

How could the Lord hide from all of them and train an army of 250,000 in private!

This is simply a fantasy.

That’s an army of 250,000, not 25,000, not 2,500.

To say that it was an army of 25,000, although Li Ru could not believe it, he could barely accept it.

But 250,000, this really made him can’t believe it!

However, the lord’s sworn look did not seem to be lying.

This made Li Ru contradictory!

He was so distraught that he completely lost his square footing.

And just when Li Ru’s head was groggy, he didn’t know what to think, a guard quickly ran outside.

I saw that the guard looked panicked, as if he had seen something incredible.

Sure enough, the guard knelt on the ground and said in a trembling voice:

“Lord, the southwest Qinling Mountains are billowing with smoke, and it seems that a huge army is rushing towards you.”

As soon as these words came out, Li Ru on the side was stunned!

The surprised gaze scanned Dong Zhuo, not knowing what to think in his heart.

On the soft bed, Dong Zhuo was about to reply, and a guard ran outside again.

“Lord Qiyu, there is a large army coming southwest of Xianwu, the number may not be less than 200,000, but the banner that the army is carrying is under the lord’s command.”

This time, the guards who came in to report were not so panicked!

The tone was slightly excited.

And looking at Li Ru on the side, his brows had already wrinkled into a Sichuan character.

Seeing this, Dong Zhuo kindly reminded:

“If Wen Wu does not believe it, you can take a look at it on the wall, so the truth will definitely be revealed.”

Hearing this, Li Ru’s eyes lit up, and he immediately nodded.

“What the Lord said is very true.”

So, Dong Zhuo and Li Ru rushed to the wall outside with a group of guards.

Coming to the wall, the roar continued to come.

It seems like thunder in the sky.

However, at this moment, the sky is clear, there is not a single dark cloud, let alone thunder!

Li Ru, who walked to the head of the wall, looked southwest.

At this look, Li Ru’s whole person froze!

His face was full of horror.


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