Chapter 167: The 200,000-strong army was wiped out, capturing Yuan Shao alive!!

Yuan Yingzhong.

The sound of heaven-shaking killings and the sound of gongs and drums woke up Yuan Jun, who was already panicked, from his dream.

Sergeant Yuan was hastily driven out of the camp tent and rushed to the front line of the camp wall to block the night attack of the Cao army…

To no avail.

The Yuan army, whose morale had fallen to the bottom, could not stop the Cao army, which was full of morale, and was knocked through the camp wall in a blink of an eye.

The five-way Cao army rushed in and directly took the Chinese army.

Inside the large tent.

Yuan Shao’s eyes were dull and his expression was downcast.

The approaching killing sound in his ears cut his heart like a knife.

He knew that the tide was gone.

In this decisive battle of Guandu, he completely lost.

“Lord, our army can no longer resist, Cao Jun entered the camp in five ways, quickly abandoned the camp, and returned to Hebei!”

Fengji hurriedly broke into the account and said anxiously.

Yuan Shao was like being drunk on the head, and his brain was buzzing.

Endless grief and indignation hit my heart.

“My army of 200,000 was actually defeated by that Cao thief, and what face can I have to return to Jizhou!”

“Cangtian has no eyes, why let me Yuan Shao, after losing to Cao Thief’s eunuch!”

“It’s not fair, it’s unfair—”

Yuan Shao looked up to the sky and cursed.

All the strategists were desperate.

“Victory or defeat is a common thing in soldiers, and the lord does not need to be discouraged.”

“The Lord holds the land of the four states, sooner or later we can make a comeback and fight Cao Cao again!”

In despair, he was frustrated but strong and cheered up for Yuan Shao.

Fengji took advantage of the situation and said: “Yes, lord, withdraw, if we don’t withdraw, we won’t be able to go back to Jizhou!” ”

“The old man will not withdraw!”

“The old man said, don’t kill Er Cao, avenge my beloved son, the old man will never give up!”

Yuan Shao was worried about his face, shouting almost maniacally, and he had lost his mind.

Frustrated and Fengji glanced at each other, and the two rushed forward, actually forcibly erecting Yuan Shao.

The two advisers, who were originally hostile to each other, were now able to have such a tacit understanding that they wanted to forcibly take Yuan Shao away.

“You let me go, the old man is going to fight to the death with Cao Thief here, let me go~~”

Yuan Shao was furious.

His face was indignant, but his body was very obedient, he did not struggle or resist, and he was taken away by frustration and discipline.

Yuan Shao abandoned his army of 200,000 people, and only abandoned his camp and fled north under the escort of 800 guards.

Escaped thirty miles in one breath, the front Francis water ferry, vaguely seen.

As long as it crossed Jishui and burned the ships, even if the Cao army had pursuers, it would be blocked south of Jishui.

They were able to successfully get rid of the Cao army’s pursuers, and had enough time to go north to Baima City, cross the Yellow River and escape into Liyang Town.

At this time, Yuan Shao finally calmed down and regained his senses.

Looking back behind him, he seemed to see that the 200,000-strong army was being arbitrarily killed by the Cao army.

Lei’s latest “200,000 troops!” ”

“Give me three years, and the old man will train a million male masters again, and he will go south to fight with you Cao Ah Qiao!”

“Cao Aqiao, the war between you and me has just begun——”

Just as Yuan Shao was imagining the future, the soldiers running wildly in front of him suddenly stopped.

Yuan Shao was also anxious to strangle the war horse.

Looking up, Yuan Shao’s figure was shocked, his face changed in shock, and the horsewhip in his hand almost fell off.

In front of the Fangji Water Ferry, the battle flag of the Cao army has flown away.

The cavalry of the 5,000 Cao army lined up with their backs and formations, and the army was killed.

Zhang Liao, Zhao Yun.

The two members of Cao Ying rode and stood proudly in front of the formation.

“Cavalry, how can there be Cao Army cavalry here?”

Fengji was scared and his face turned paper-like.

Frustrated, his face was sad, and he said in a forehead: “This must be that Cao thief, expecting that we will abandon the camp and retreat north, and send cavalry in advance to seize the Jishui ferry, to seal our retreat!” ”

Yuan Shao shivered, and endless despair hit his heart.


Zhang Liao pulled out his horse knife and stepped forward and shouted, “Old thief Yuan Shao, our sub-army division is like a god, and he has already calculated that you will abandon the camp and flee, so we will wait for you here for a long time!” ”

Cao Yuan!

Sure enough, it was Cao Yuan who understood his intention to flee north.

“Cao Yuan, it’s you again!”

“You killed my two sons, and now you want to force the old man to death!”

“Are you really a calamity star descended from heaven and want to kill my Yuan clan?”

Yuan Shao said sadly and indignantly, and his eyes were already endless despair.


Zhao Yun also stepped forward and shouted: “Yuan Shao, Cao Gong has a son of the Youjun Division, it is the will of heaven that you lost under Cao Gong, surrender quickly, Cao Gong may leave you with your life!” ”

He is persuading!

Yuan Shao, who was originally just sad and desperate, was suddenly angered by this sentence, and endless anger rushed to his head.

“My third prince of the fourth generation of the Yuan family, what is the identity of the old man, you dare to let me Cao A hide that eunuch!”

Yuan Shao roared and drew his sword: “It’s my Yuan family’s soldiers, they all take the bloody nature, and kill them with the old man!” ”

Yuan Shao rode his horse and danced his sword and killed the cavalry of the Cao army.

Fengji and Frustrated looked at each other, and the two had to grit their teeth and kill with Yuan Shao.

Eight hundred soldiers of the Yuan family, determined to die, followed Yuan Shao and killed him.

“Zilong, it seems that Yuan Shao still wants to do death throes.”

Zhang Liao’s sarcastic gaze looked at Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun said coldly: “If this is the case, then let’s kill!” ”

One move with a silver gun.

The cavalry of the Cao army bent their bows and arrows.

The divine arm bow was launched, and countless sharp arrows whistled away.

Yuan Jun in the charge was nailed to the ground piece by piece.


Two sharp arrows went straight to Fengji.

The two are just strategists, their martial arts are mediocre, and they simply don’t have time to raise their swords to block it.

Two arrows, through the heart.

The two screamed and fell off their horses with a bang.

“Frustrated, Fengji!”

Yuan Shao watched the two henchmen and advisers die from the arrow, and shouted with grief and indignation.

The rain of arrows of Cao Jun stopped.

The iron rode and roared upwards.

Zhao Yun took the lead, like a flying fire meteor, straight towards Yuan Shao.

The red rabbit horse was fast, and he had rushed to Yuan Shao in an instant.

“The old man fought with you~~”

Yuan Shao gritted his teeth and shouted, dancing his sword and slashing at Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun disdained, and the silver gun in his hand instantly turned into more than ten gun shadows.

Screams rang out.

Yuan Shao’s long sword was freed, and before he could see how Zhao Yun made a move, his body was already splashed with blood, and he fell under the horse.

He fell to the ground, his face covered in mud, and he was embarrassed to the extreme.

The first prince in the world actually fell into such an unbearable field, and Yuan Shao wanted to die.

He struggled to get up, shouting hysterically: “You eagle dogs of the Cao thief, kill me, have the audacity to kill me——”

Before the roar could be spoken, Zhao Yun shot his backhand, which had already hit the back of his head, and Yuan Shao snorted and passed out.

Zhao Yunyin waved his gun and snorted coldly: “Bind Yuan Shao’s old thief, escort him back to Guandu, and send it down by Sikong!” ”

A group of soldiers rushed up, and tied up the fainted Yuan Shao.

The Cao army rode iron and killed the remaining Yuan army.

Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao took Yuan Shao all the way south to the Guandu camp.

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