Shinno Prefecture.

In the lobby, the smell of alcohol is filled.

Cai Yao and the generals were drinking happily.

The conversation covered up the sound of killing outside the house, and they did not know that death was approaching.


The pro-soldiers climbed in with a rolling belt and shouted: “General Cai, the cavalry of the Cao army has raided, General Cai Zhong has been beheaded, and the Cao army has entered Xinye City!” ”


Cai Yao’s wine glass fell off his hand, and his face froze for a moment of surprise.

The generals were all petrified, and the hall was full of dead silence.

After that, the hall exploded.

“This can’t be!”

Cai Yao jumped up and shouted at the bottom of the battle: “I have deployed countless eyes and ears in Wancheng, Cao Thief sneak attack, how can the eyes and ears not warn in advance!” ”

No one can answer.

Cai Yao shouted angrily again: “Even if there is no detailed warning, Cai Zhong is not blind, seeing the cavalry of the Cao army appear, why didn’t he close the city gate in time?” ”

“The cavalry of the Cao Army are all red war horses, fast as lightning, and before General Cai Zhong could react, they rushed into the city gate!”

The soldier said with a sad face.

Red War Horse?

Lightning fast?

Cai Yao’s eyes widened, and she was directly stunned.

He really couldn’t think of any horse in this world that could be so fast that Cai Zhong didn’t even have time to close the city gate!

This kind of speed can only be done by the red rabbit horse.

But there is only one red rabbit horse in the world, and it is only in Lu Bu’s hands!

“What the hell is going on here, what the hell is going on?”

Cai Yao muttered, falling into a state of consternation and confusion.

The ground began to shake under his feet, and the iron horse was rolling closer.

Cai Yao suddenly woke up, completely devoid of battle intent, and shouted: “Quickly protect me to abandon the city and retreat south, quickly!” ”

The cavalry of the Cao army had entered the city, and the loss of Xinye was a foregone conclusion.

The city could no longer be held, of course he was vital to save his life.

Cai Yao and all the generals rushed out of the county capital in a panic, turned on their horses and were about to escape.


At the end of the main street, countless red horses were already roaring like vast flames.

In an instant, Cai Yao and his subordinates were drowned in flames.

When the east turned white, Shinno City fell silent again.

One by one, the “Cao” flag has been raised over the four gates.

Shinno changed hands.

There were 5,000 Jingzhou soldiers in the city, countless dead and wounded, and less than a thousand escaped, almost the entire army.

Within the prefecture.

Cao Cao sat solemnly, his face cold.

Cai Yao, who was covered in blood, was dragged in and thrown in front of Cao Cao.

After all, he still failed to escape and was captured by Cao Jun.

Cao Cao’s gaze was like a blade, and he shouted in a deep voice: “Cai Yao rebel thief, what else do you have to say!” ”

Cai Yao raised her head and saw Cao Cao with a solemn face, and her heart was ashamed and afraid.

After making up his mind, he said with a smile: “Cao Sikong, we are old friends, you and I have never complained or hatred, why do you treat me like this.” ”

“No grudges?”

“I am in charge of the imperial government by the order of the Son of Heaven, and your lord Liu Biao not only did not enter the imperial saint, but also dared to fund and instigate Zhang Xiuxing to threaten Xu Du, which is actually a chaotic thief!”

“As a subordinate of Liu Biao, you are equivalent to a rebel thief who helps to abuse me, and you still have the face to talk to me!”

Cao Cao’s voice was solemn and angry.

Cai Yao was ashamed and panicked, and was speechless to defend.

Cao Cao shouted fiercely: “Drag Cai Yao’s rebel thief out, cut off his first rank, and hang it at the gate of Xinye City for public display!” ”

Cai Yao was instantly so frightened that she sat down on the ground, and immediately cried and begged.

Cao Cao was indifferent and waved his hand coldly.

The Tiger Guard sergeant stepped forward and dragged Cai Yao, who was crying and pleading, out mercilessly.

A large human head was soon hung on the tower of the South Gate of Shinno.


In the main hall of the state capital, Liu had a relaxed expression and was leisurely sipping fragrant tea.

“Yesterday, Cai Dejie just sent back the news that Cao Cao has left for the north, and it seems that he really has no intention of invading my Jingzhou.”

“The threat is temporarily lifted, and we can finally breathe a sigh of relief.”

Kuang Yue said with a relieved smile.

Liu Biao nodded slightly, and his expression became more relaxed and relieved.

“Behind Cao Cao, after all, there is a rumored conspirator, which should not be underestimated.”

“What if this person offered a plan to Cao Cao and pretended to return north, but took advantage of my unpreparedness with a light horse and raided Xinye?”

Kualiang is not as optimistic as Kuang Yue, and is obviously much more cautious.

“Brother, you have forgotten that De Jue is already in the south of Wancheng, even if Cao Cao has a fraud, but there is a change, you can immediately get a warning and close the city gate in time.”

“As long as he can hold Shinye for a day or two, the lord’s reinforcements can cross the river in time to arrive, and Xinye is still safe as a rock.”

Kuang Yue is full of confidence and extremely optimistic.

Qualiang paused and said, “Having said that, I’m always worried about the person behind Cao Cao…”

“That scheming person is only a rumor, and it may not exist.”

“Besides, even if that person really exists, he is a human and not a god, can Cao Cao’s cavalry hide from our eyes and ears and fly to Xinye?”

Kuang Yue interrupted Kuang Liang’s concerns and asked with a sneer.

Qualiang said.

“Heterogeneity makes sense!”

“With Cai Dejie here, Xinye is foolproof.”

“Even if Jiang Taigong is reborn, it is impossible to help Cao Cao break my new wild!”

Liu Biao no longer had the slightest concern on his face, and raised his glass with a smile.

The tea has just been delivered to the mouth.

Cai He stumbled in, threw himself to the ground, and cried: “Lord, Cao Thief attacked lightly, Xinye was lost, the defenders were completely destroyed, and my eldest brother and second brother were all killed by Cao Thief!” ”


Liu Biao trembled, and the teacup fell on his body.

That old face froze in a moment of stunned and frightened.

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