Three cities belong.

People have different opinions.

Especially Huang Qi, Zhou Jin and others were more radical, believing that they could send troops to occupy.


“Drink tea.”

Da Qiao entered the lobby with hot tea.


Qiao Rui’s face suddenly sank.

Military and political deliberations are a major event that cannot be wrong.

As a female stream, how could Da Qiao, the chief manager of affairs in Wang Xiong’s mansion, easily step into the lobby when deliberating.

“Big Joe?”

Wang Xiong’s eyes froze abruptly.

Seeing this, Qiao Rui quickly bent down and said, “Gongzi, the little girl is too ignorant.” ”

“It’s not.”

Wang Xiong pointed to Chai Sang and Peng Ze Ercheng on the map, and said: “Liu Xi retreated, not to let Jingzhou occupy, but to reduce the pressure on the Danyang defense line!” ”


The crowd was full of doubts.

Wang Xiong said in a deep voice: “Sun Ce laid down the Lujiang River for Yuan Shu and stationed troops in Anhui County, so Liu Ce vacated the three cities to let Sun Ce enter Jiangdong!” ”

“How is it possible.”

Gan Ning, Liao Hua exclaimed.


“Liu Biao’s wolf son is ambitious and wants to swallow Yuzhang County!”

“How could Liu Yi not see clearly, so he was worried that we would not be able to resist the strong troops of Jingzhou, so he vacated the three cities and let us settle in, the purpose of which was to cause a melee.”

Wang Xiong’s expression was solemn and extremely determined.

Zhuge Jin’s eyebrows jumped wildly, and he said in horror: “I see, he is a strong man with a broken wrist!” ”

“What do you mean?”

Everyone asked in unison.


Zhuge Jin said with a cold expression: “The Chibi Army is a water thief in the eyes of the world, Shanyue, if we occupy the three cities of Linjiang, you say that Sun Ce will attack Zhang Ying, who is stationed in Hengjiang and Likou, or cross the river from Chaisang and Peng Ze to land in Jiangdong!” ”


Everyone’s faces changed in unison.

Liu Yi: This is driving away tigers and devouring wolves.

Abandoning the three cities can cause the Chibi Army, Jingzhou, and Sun Ce to fight in Yuzhang.

It can not only reduce Yuan Shu’s pressure on the Danyang defense line, but also weaken the Chibi Army and Jingzhou’s troops, and also contain Sun Ce, the tiger.

Take the three cities as a game and lead the three-way melee.

If they suffered heavy casualties, their strength would be drastically reduced.

Liu Yi was able to easily move troops to reclaim Yuzhang, which was simply a thousand benefits.

“Liu Xiu.”

“There are masters around!”

Wang Xiong’s eyes were full of admiration, and he sighed at the courage of this strong man’s broken wrist.

History is as vast as smoke.

The chaotic times at the end of the Han Dynasty are not a novel.

Liu Yi was able to serve as a prefecture, and naturally had the means and intelligence beyond the reach of ordinary people.

However, he believes that the strategy of the three parties is definitely not from this person, but from someone else.


Gan Ning frowned, “In that case, do we still charge three cities?” ”

“Why not take it?”

Wang Xiong’s eyes were full of coldness.


Liao Hua smiled fiercely and said: “If we don’t take the city, we can easily let others occupy it, if we take the three cities, we can form a defense line along the river!” ”


Qiao Rui, Huang Qi and others echoed.


Wang Xiong pulled out two bronze orders from the sea of table pens and said in a deep voice: “Gan Ning leads the second legion, worships Zhuge Jin as the accompanying army division, puts away the two cities of Liling and Chaisang, and garrisons along the river to prevent the Jingzhou water division.” ”


Gan Ning, Zhuge Jin should drink.

Wang Xiong said again: “Liao Hua led the First Army to recapture Pengze, and I will go to sit in the town in a few days!” ”


Liao Hua should drink.

Wang Xiong said in a deep voice: “After we expanded our army, we did not train in water warfare, so we put defense first, and supervised the construction of back artillery along the river defense line, I want to see how many ships they can use!” ”


The second general said excitedly.

“Qiao Rui.”

Wang Xiong smiled helplessly and said: “Hubu is temporarily led by you, Xingba has an impulsive personality, with Ziyu on the side, and can also advise one or two!” ”

“Don’t worry, Lord.”

Qiao Rui hurriedly said with trepidation.

“Huang Zhong?”

“Or Huang Zu.”

Wang Xiong touched his chin and thought.

Zhuge Jin said respectfully: “Lord, Huang Zu is a native of Jiangxia, he is in harmony with Liu Jian, and after shooting Sun Jian, he has a huge reputation in Jingzhou, I thought that the people who attacked Yuzhang this time must be Liu Pan and Huang Zhong who were in Changsha!” ”


Wang Xiong smiled.

Whether it is Huang Zu or Huang Zu, he will not be afraid.

When there was a mountain, he dared to attack the sea dusk.

When there was a city, he dared to sweep the entire Yuzhang.

And now there is a county that rules millions of people, and is it still afraid of the coming strong enemy?


Zhuge Jin said respectfully.

“Let’s get ready.”

Wang Xiong’s gaze swept over everyone.


Everyone bowed and exited the county mansion.

Southland converges.

The layout of the master, want to invite the three-way melee Yuzhang.

Wang Xiong was naturally not afraid of war and began to close the three cities of Liling, Chaisang, and Pengze.

At this time, Sun Ce also studied Huainan, and under the persuasion of Zhou Yu, he wanted to exchange the jade seal of the kingdom for Sun Jian’s old ministry and fight for hegemony in Jiangdong.

PS: The new book is first released, ask for flowers, ask for monthly tickets, ask for evaluation votes

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