Chapter 306 Three years of military retreat, the preparation of the founding of the Yuan Dynasty [Fourth Change]!!

A few days later.

Lu Xun reported his duties and left Chang’an.

He went west into the sea and left the Dongfu Army for too long.

Not being able to participate in the battle of Chengping Tianxia is a lifelong regret.

For several days, Wang Xiong received envoys from overseas, exchanged news between countries in a friendly manner, and at the same time gave Daqing a more detailed understanding of the West and the West.

Another year of winter.

Ma Yunlu, Zhen Pet, Zhen Jiang is pregnant.

Gongzi pressed, Wang Heng and several little guys, seemed to be even more nervous than Wang Xiong. In December.

A heavy snowfall covered the land of Sanfu.

The white expanse was white, and the heaven and earth were like silver.

Looking from the Chang’an City Tower, the mountains and rivers in the distance, white sideburns floating and sinking, there is a sense of ancient tranquility, under the goose-down snow layer, it seems to be pregnant with a prosperous era belonging to great love.

“King Osaki.”

Chandra, the prince of the hundred, ascended the city tower.

His expression was full of reverence, and he cautiously looked at the back of the policeman in front of him.


Wang Xiong turned his head and said in surprise.

“King Osaki.”

Chandra made a gesture and spit out clear and fluent Zhuxia language, saying: “In the next year, your subordinates will leave for home, and thank you for the teachings of the great love for several years, which have made your subordinates understand many things. ”


Wang Xiong frowned.

Chandra nodded and said respectfully: “My father’s envoy came to Osaki, saying that my father was seriously ill, so he needed me to return to China to inherit the throne, and at that time, I hope that the friendship between Osaki and Satovahna is as old as the Gundes River, and he will not be good at opening troops.” ”


Wang Xiong nodded and said with a light smile: “After returning to China, if there are difficulties, you can send envoys to Ningzhou to find the Nanfu capital to protect Chang’an, after all, you are a student of great love, and if there are difficulties, great love will not abandon it.” ”


Chandra bowed and retreated.

The Hundred Dynasty has already fallen apart.

In the years of great love, he read a lot of ancient books, and naturally understood that his kingdom would be subverted if he was not careful, and even their vein could be imprisoned and killed by the lord of the principality.

Today, Wang Xiong’s words are a kind of confidence for him.


Wang Hu held up an oil-paper umbrella and raised his eyebrows: “Whether Chandra’s return to China will have an impact on my great love and the shipping business of my country, although he only went to the academy, but he also came into contact with my great love and learned a lot.” ”

“It doesn’t hurt.”

“It’s all expected.”

Wang Xiong twisted his fingers and looked at Xitu with fixed eyes: “The decline of the Hundred Rides Dynasty is inevitable, the civilization born in that land is destined to be invaded and enslaved by other countries, and when Chandra is unable to return to heaven, it will be the day when I will rule the land with great feelings.” ”


Wang Hu said respectfully.

Wang Xiong tightened the police, and said in a deep voice: “In the past few months, Zhang Zhao and others have jointly signed a letter to ask Gu Jianyuan to open the dynasty, why don’t you persuade?” ”

Wang Hu said respectfully: “Ministers only do things within their duties. ”


Wang Xiong smiled lightly: “Although I have not fought outside the country in these years, I have also cultivated my delicate heart, went to transfer Ling Tong’s class examination to the palace, and then went to the Military Council to take a trip, intending Zhou Gongjin to protect the capital of Annan, and then sent a big love talisman to Ling Tong, so that he could go to the navy division of the Nanfu Army stationed in Gandulu County to be the chief secretary.” ”


Wang Hu said respectfully. Half a month later.

The year has arrived, and the territory of Osaki is full of fireworks.

It seems that the smell of fireworks washes away the smell of blood that has been entrenched in summers for decades.

After the peace of the day, hundreds of people looked back on the past, all of them wept for their deceased relatives, and also lamented the happiness under the rule of great love.

210 AD.

Fifteen years of Jian’an.

In this year, Wang Xiong was thirty-four years old, and his son was eight years old.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, Wang Xiong wrote an article in the Great Love Journal, writing a three-year development policy with “Great Love for the Future, Emphasis on the World” as the page.

In particular, the development of the three major natural ports in Pingguo County, Liaodong, is described.

At the same time, it also set the tone for three years of people’s livelihood, and suppressed Zhang Zhao, Zhuge Jin, Wang Lang and others’ suggestions to establish the Yuan Dynasty.

In the same year, March.

Construction of eighteen cities in six counties of Lizhou began.

The 30,000-strong army of the Beifu Army rushed to Beihai and stationed in the camp.

The construction of the earth city, the division of the six counties as nomadism, and the forced servants also made waves in the north and south of the desert.

The Xianbei Mika Department rose up and wanted to attack the rule of the Beifu Army and the 20,000 Divine Guards.

Unfortunately, when Zhou Jin and Taishi Cixing rushed to order troops, the Mijia Department had been jointly wiped out by several tribes such as Murong and Tuoba.

As people who went to Yecheng to worship Wang Xiong, they knew too well the horror of great feelings

If it really allowed the Micah Department to storm the Beifu Army garrison, who knows if there were any of their own tribes among the destroyed tribes.

For this reason, they preferred that the Micah die at their own hands.

After this incident, Xianbei and Wuhuan were also desperate, and they could only let the great emotions rule.

It is not war that is terrible, but hopeless war.

Now they are not even qualified to start a war, and a joint decree directly disintegrates the tribes and warns each other against the rule of the Beifu army.


There is a state in the Western Regions who want to re-establish the Captain’s Mansion.

However, this matter was dismissed by Wang Xiong, and Daqing did not need a vassal state, let alone a domain

This is an iron law that has long been drawn up by the great situation, and the annexation of the Western Regions must be incorporated into the territory of Osaki by the situation of prefectures and counties, rather than subservience by the situation of vassal countries.

In September, Qiang Hu set off trouble in Western China.

The horse team that entered the Western Regions to do business was ambushed, killing and wounding more than ten people.

In this month, Huang Qi led 30,000 troops to fight in Cyprus, destroyed more than 50,000 accounts in six units, and killed more than 150,000 enemies.

In this battle, the heads of the desert of the Western Earth killed were rolling, and the blood was soaked with sand, forming a dark red area, and people and animals did not dare to enter.

At the same time, it also makes the tribes and kingdoms of the western part of the country enlightened.

Thoroughly recognize the iron blood that belongs to great love, and what is the butcher with a knife.

In a hurry, the household registration statistics of the four northern prefectures, the distribution of Liangtian Qingzhang has also been completed and merged with the prefecture, and the two border prefectures of Youzhou have also entered the stage of people’s livelihood recovery.

In the same month, Ma Yunlu gave birth to a son, named Yuxuan, Zhen Yan gave birth to a daughter, named Wang Xi, and Zhen Jiang gave birth to a son, named Wang Ming.

Xuan is brilliant, dawn is sunrise, tomorrow is the sun and moon, and its meaning is far-reaching. Late December.

Wang Xiong summoned Zhao Yun at the Side Hall.


Zhao Yun entered the hall in plain clothes and bowed.

After graduating from the Northern Four States, he has been resting in his residence.

In the past two years, it was the first time I saw Wang Xiong, and it was the first time I stepped into the Shide Hall.


Wang Xiong reviewed the music and said in a deep voice: “It has been a long time since the battle of the four northern states, and I think that you should have rested enough, and also eliminated the haze of Liu Xuande’s death, can you be willing to join the army as a general?” ”

“Don’t dare to ask for ears.”

Zhao Yun’s expression was awe-inspiring.

The past has disappeared.

Under the rule of Great Love, he thought he was fighting for the Osaki Army.


Wang Xiong raised his head and stared, and said calmly: “You have meritorious achievements, no one in the army can refute it, go to the military council to propose a book, and go to the Xifu army to join the army.” ”


Zhao Yun said respectfully.

Wang Xiong thought for a while and said, “The Military Council has a 30-year charter for expanding Xinjiang, which you can enjoy, but you must not leak it, I hope you will live up to the great feelings.” ”


Zhao Yunzuo exited the hall.

The 30-year charter for expanding Xinjiang will inevitably involve many regions.

If it is hastily leaked, it will make Osaki fall into the target of everyone, and being besieged by foreign countries is a major crime of treason, he naturally knows it.

211 AD. Sixteen years of Jian’an.

Wang Xiong was thirty-five years old, and his son was nine years old. This year, the business of big love became more and more prosperous.

Shipping, the Silk Road, and even merchants traveling to Lizhou to trade became extremely frequent.

The monetary power of the Osaki banknote has formed a cycle in the surrounding countries.

However, it will take a long time to completely replace other countries’ currencies, or as the main market currency.

However, for the invasion of the great love culture, it has entered the implementation stage.

Osaki Taoism, great love treasure banknote, standardization, build an extremely terrible cycle

It seems that only by following the rules of great love seems to be the truth of the world, which makes people in the surrounding countries yearn for it.

Similarly, this year, the great love did not make a big move.

The Dongfu army tentatively entered Sanhan and even Goguryeo in Liaodong

It did not encounter resistance, but formed a commercial invasion, adding some financial resources to the four northern states.

At the end of the year, the household counts the population, and the household registration is presented to the palace.

Under the rule of Osaki, Li, You, Qing, Hebei, Liang, Si, Chong, Yu, Xu Jing, Yang, Jiao, Yi, Ning, Sixteen prefectures.

A total of more than 8.3 million households, more than 41 million people.

The per capita land yield is 14 mu, with 50 mu as a tilt, and Osaki farmland is more than 57,000 mu, a total of more than 11 million hectares, of which more than 3 million are reclaimed in five provinces.

The total annual tax payment is more than 3.2 million yuan.

This amount is close to the peak fiscal revenue of the Han and Emperor periods.

However, Osaki’s implementation of treasure banknotes, its purchasing power is not the same, almost crushing existence.

Of course, the big mood branch is also extremely terrifying.

In particular, the policies and subsidies to benefit the people are almost massively calculated.

Years later, Daqing published household registration population support in the compilation of newspapers, and widely publicized the world, opened science and technology, and made reserves for the founding of the Yuan Dynasty.

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