Chapter 308 If there were no big gang in the world [Finale]!!

Jixia is the first year of the founding year.

It is intended for the people, and it is intended to love the students.

The deep meaning can be traced back to the word “social weed”, which can be described as exquisite.

“Wang Shangmingjian.”

Suddenly, all the kings and ministers of the palace bowed down.

Wang Xiong took a copy of the book and said in a deep voice: “On the ninth day of the first month of February, worship the heavens and build the yuan, and set up a temple in Dawei, in order to worship the lord of the previous Da Wei, and Wang Qing, who has meritorious achievements in the state, the people, the lonely mausoleum does not need to be built too extravagantly, just ordinary enough, do not labor the people and lose money.” ”


Everyone was stunned again.

Wang Xiong raised his head and said: “The Sheji Temple is no different from the Zongmiao, and those who have meritorious achievements in the country should also be worshiped by the kings of the future generations to understand that the Great Ji Temple is not easy to come by.” ”


Everyone respectfully answered the promise.

Wang Xiong said again: “In the past few days, Gu is combing through your past achievements, except for the twenty knights, the titles set up by Gu are not collected and cannot be inherited, but there is an increase in the issuance of Yulu, you can be allowed to be rich and noble, and the great love is different from the previous dynasties, I hope you are considerate.” ”

“Obey the edict.”

Zhong Wenwu bowed again.

Wang Xiong took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: “In that case, you can go down and prepare.” ”


Everyone bowed and exited the hall.

The second time to open the subject, more than 300 candidates were accepted.

Champion, Rankingyan, and Tanhua are still the hottest new stars in Da Kuan.

At the same time, with the construction of the Five Directions Academy, the Great Intelligence Department has become more and more fulfilling and busy, and Xunji’s newspapers and periodicals have also become stronger and stronger.

Only by studying the law can the doctrine flourish. This sentence is being practiced by great love students.

Presumably, decades or more than a hundred years later, there will be a earth-shaking change, which can make Daku permanently stand on the top of the world.

After the year is closed.

Chang’an City is obviously much more solemn and solemn.

Merchants and pedestrians did not dare to easily stir in the city.

Even, the countries of the Western Regions, the Baicheng Dynasty, Sanhan, Goguryeo and other countries sent envoys to come.

Da Wei Jianyuan opened the dynasty, and this matter has long been known to the world.

After the founding of the Yuan Dynasty, the Kingdom of Da Wei will be the Da Kun Dynasty that dominates the summers and rules the land of fifteen states, and it will also be the Da Wei Empire of Fengwu Gang.

Regardless of the past, worship is the only option for the weaker countries around them.

Even if the Da Wei is not subject to vassal or vassal countries, it is also beneficial to their countries to establish diplomatic relations with Da Qing and pass commerce.

In February, there were more patrols in the city several times.

Chibiwei and Si Tianwei are constantly patrolling to prevent accidents.

Wang Hu, who was originally full of qi and blood, was in the prime of life, and he actually had half of his hair white, showing a sense of slaughter and heaviness.

The eighth day of February. The night before the founding of the Heavenly Dynasty.

In Chang’an City, curfew is rare.

The Great Palace, in the Hall of Side, is brightly lit.

Wang Heng, Wang Jiao and others teased Wang Xuan, Wang Xi, and Wang Ming outside the hall.

Wang Ping pushed a wooden stroller and ran around the wide road, and there was joyful laughter.


Gongzi Eucalyptus stepped into the main hall.

In the place where you can see, there is a book of records.

Connotation of the life merits and mistakes of Wen Wu above the three products of Da Kuan.


Wang Xiong wrote in the upper position, and did not raise his head and said: “Eucalyptus, if you are fifty-five years old and give up a shi, if one day, you stay in the position of power and change the Daqun system, what will happen?” ”

“National collapse.”

“The people dispersed.”

Gongzi said respectfully: “The iron law that everyone who founded the country needs to obey, if it is broken by the people of the next generation, it also means that the great love has gone into decline, and the children will not be sharp, and the successor princes of the Daguan Sect should not be sharp.” ”


Wang Xiong looked at the figure outside the hall and said in a deep voice: “Eucalyptus, as the eldest brother, you inherit the Da Wei, everything must be based on the Da Wei, and all those who are in the upper position must not have too much personal feelings in their hearts, let alone be angry.” ”

“The child understands.”

Gongzi Yu turned his head to look outside the hall, and there was more in his eyes, a little debt and guilt. The prosperity of the Da Wei Sect and how to develop in the future is all within the emperor’s thoughts.

If it cannot be restrained in the sect, it will inevitably be like the former Yuzhang Liu clan clan clan clan to exploit the people and turmoil the country.

This night. It’s been a long time.

It seems that Lu Qiling, Xiaoqiao and others also understand.

Therefore, the edict of Jianyuan was not mentioned in front of Wang Xiong. Following.

The night fades and day falls.

As it approached, countless figures gathered outside the city.

Zhongfu Army, four battalions, 200,000 soldiers and horses lined up in the field.

Flags fluttering one after another, sweeping the wind of slaughter, stirring in every corner

Da Kun entered the formation, and the Heavenly Dance of the Human Emperor Festival was performed, highlighting the prosperity of Da Kuan.

Near the summit, more than a thousand salutes sounded, and the huge sound seemed to make the mountains and rivers shake.

Under the altar, all of Da Wei Wenwu were dressed in imperial robes, and their faces stood solemnly, looking up at the altar.




The sound of footsteps is thick, as if stepping on eternal time.

Under the gaze of countless people, the mighty figure bathed in the light and ascended to the high platform.

The twelve pearls are crowned, covering Wang Xiong’s face, making people unable to see the joy and anger, embroidered with cloud patterns, engraved with the sun, moon and stars, and the twelve chapters of the dragon pattern crown clothing to support the heavens and the earth.

It seems that the glory is eternal, the heavens are ruled, and the heavens are blessed by the tens of thousands of people. The altar is tall, with the ninety-nine steps to the extreme, and the shape is shaped in all directions

At this moment, everyone was looking up at the high platform, and there was no other figure, not even Liu Ye.

Noon has arrived.

The Yang Qi of heaven and earth is blazing.

More than a thousand salutes bombarded the sky again, causing silence in the sky.

“Since the end of the Han Luck.”

“The world is in strife, and the people are displaced.”

“Xuan, persuaded by the courtiers, worship heaven and earth as king.”

“After several years, we expelled foreign prisoners, restored the Central Plains, fixed the western land, Chengping the four northern states, expanded the territory of Li Prefecture, and made the northern Xinjiang peaceful.”

“On the day of accomplishment, set up an altar on the outskirts of Chang’an to proclaim the spirits of heaven and earth.”

“Xuan, Wang Zhengnan, Jianyuan Ji, according to the year, open the Da Wei dynasty, where the edict is combined, the spirits are second, and the Da Wei is the first.”

“Promoted, Lu Zijing, for the Duke of the Great Pillar State, knighted, eat two thousand stones.”

“Promotion, Xun Gongda, for the Duke of the Left Pillar Kingdom of Da Kuan, knighted, two thousand stones of food.”

“Promotion, Zhang Zibu, enter the official department Shangshu position, received the title of Yongshou County Duke, and eat 1,500 stones.”

“Promotion, Zhuge Jin, enter the Shangshu position of the Criminal Department, receive the Duke of Yangdu County, and eat 1,500 stones.”

“Promotion, Liu Ziyang, enter the Shangshu position of the Ministry of Rites, receive the Duke of Chengde County, and eat 1,500 stones.”

“Promoted, Gan Xingba, for the Duke of Mianzhu County, Honored by the Knighthood, 1,500 Stones of Food.”

“Canonized, Jiuyuan Lü clan as empress, and established the prince Eucalyptus as the prince of Da Kuan.”

“The edicts of the edicts are no longer announced, and they are transmitted from the Ministry of Rites to the palace, hoping that the Qing Qing will understand the law, inherit the peace of the world, and rule the territory with great prosperity, so that the four seas will be honored and kingized, and where the edict is, the salty envoy will hear about it.”

Wang Xiong’s eyes were fierce, and he tore open the Son of Heaven and declared the world.

There is no worship of heaven, no sacrifice of land, the spirits are second, and the human emperor is first.

Da Kun is Da Kun, not sealed by heaven and earth, and all the spirits of the heavens should avoid Da Kun when they see it.

“Ten thousand years of Your Majesty.”

“Ten thousand years of Da Wei.”

Xun Yu, Lu Su, and others all bowed down.

The sixth department of internal affairs, the military council secretary Wen Wu, a student of the Daguan Academy.

The crowd of people who were oppressed by the black pressure, the generals of the Zhongfu Army were also roaring in the army.

Wang Xiong held the Son of Heaven in one hand and commanded the heavens, and said with a long roar: “Today, with the merits of the world to carry on the peace, build the Yuan Dynasty, set up a temple of the society, and those who have meritorious service to the state, can enter, the world is enshrined by the king of Da Kuan, and I hope that Da Wei will be ten thousand years, the people will be ten thousand years, and the great people will be heroic and immortal.” ”

“Sheji Temple.”

“Isn’t there a temple?”

“Da Kun heroic and immortal.”

In the crowd, someone was whispering.

Under Jian Yuanji, the opening of the dynasty of Da Kun, Wang Xiong’s temperament, can swallow the sun and the moon, with an edict declaring that all the heavens and all spirits, Da Kun is honored, and all the spirits are second.

“Ding, detect the player to end the ultimate mission and activate the Dawei feature.”

“Ding, the system is nihilizing, implementing the characteristics of great love, the spirits are second, and the human emperor is the first.”

Above the altar.

The words of heaven and earth sounded in Wang Xiong’s mind.

Suddenly, the sky dome changed color and bloomed red.

Fifteen clusters of light scattered from the sky above the altar to all over the world.

The land of the fifteen prefectures under the rule of Da Wei, from the prefecture to the township, was all shrouded in red mang, and everyone seemed to be clear and clear, and their bodies were much stronger.

Such a strange scenery made countless people kneel and worship Chang’an, with only Lizhou being the most prosperous.

The founding of the Yuan Dynasty, the great event of the country, finally ended with a different scenery of heaven and earth, became a grand ceremony recorded in history, and made future generations look up to it.

Three days later, Jia Xu, the Duke of Guzang County, paid tribute to the Duke of Guzang County and participated in the Great Love Academy as a sacrificial wine.

In the third year of his reign, Zhang Zhao died in old age, Yu turned to serve as an official Shangshu, and in the same year, the Dongfu army attacked Sanhan and reset Lelang County, and Lu Xun was conscripted into the military council to sacrifice wine for the East Pavilion

In the sixth year of his reign, Xun Fu was old and became a soldier, and Xu Shu went to serve as the commander of the military council, and in the same year, the Xifu army expanded Jinshan, and the Yi clan called for reveal.

In the ninth year of his reign, Gongzi Yu joined the military council, and Yu Heng went to serve as the Xifu army, led 20,000 troops, and restored the countries of the Western Regions as Yingzhou, with seven counties and twenty-eight cities.

In the eleventh year of the Jixia Dynasty, the Hundred Rides Dynasty collapsed, and the Hundred Rides king Chandra asked for aid from Daqun, and Ling unified thousands of ships into the sea, entered the Hundred Rides region, swept away the sixteen principalities, occupied more than 60% of the territory of the Hundred Cheng Dynasty, and expanded its territory for thousands of miles.

In the same year, Gongzi Yu led the Dongfu army into the sea, landed in the Evil Horse Tai Kingdom, and ruled Dongyi Island for two years and expanded the territory of Kui Yizhou.

In the nineteenth year of the reign, Goguryeo was transferred to Daegan and incorporated into Lizhou as a county, and in the same year, Wang Xiong was appointed to the throne, and the prince of Zen was the prince.

The emperor of the Da Wei people, Wang Chen Shiqing, has undergone a perfect change. Daegi Academy.

Doctor Building, 12th floor.

Wang Xiong was dressed in ordinary clothes and had lost his temper.

Wang Yu wore a twelve-chapter costume, climbed the building with Mian Xu, poured tea and handed water like a child, and said with a smile: “Listen to Brother Ming, Daddy wrote the script?” ”


Wang Xiong took out a thick book from the back shelf, squinted and smiled: “Back then, Chen Changwen talked about the world’s lack of great love, and in addition to his father’s leisure, he also wrote a book of [If there is no great love in the world]. ”

“Rolling east of the Yangtze River.”

Wang Yu looked at the book and said with a brilliant gaze: “Daddy, the opening chapter is Taoyuan Sanjieyi, aren’t you talking about Liu Xuande, Guan Yunchang, and Zhang Yide?” ”


Wang Xiong leaned on the big chair and said calmly: “You are now the lord of the Great Temple, and you are not here to see the Doctor Building.” ”

Wang Yu closed the book and said in a deep voice: “Wen Gong forged an artifact for students, can replace water power and wind power?” ”

“Steam powered.”

“Da Wei, it’s about to transform.”

Wang Xiong’s eyes lit up, and he turned his head to look out the window.

It seems that through the window, witness the prosperity of decades later.


It’s over.

A lot of reluctance, a lot of exhaustion.

After more than a month, the book was finally finished.

During this period, many readers left, and some readers greatly persisted until the finale.

It may be that the author has written too many Three Kingdoms Books, and the plot is a little tired, so I’m sorry.

Anyway, it was still written to the end.

Take a few days off, a new book may be opened early next month, the specific theme is to be determined, the mountains are high and the water is long, the end of the world is not far away, see you in the rivers and lakes.

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