
In the past half month, the situation in Danyang has been strange.

The army of the prefecture and pastoral government in Moling has not moved, and Sun Ce’s army is also fighting fiercely.


County Chengfu.

Wang Xiong has already arrived here.

Tai Shici looked ashamed and stood below uneasy.

Lu Su, Liao Hua, Huang Zhong and the young generals of the Chibi Army were all under pressure.


“You’re over.”

Wang Xiong looked at Lu Su’s writing.

Tai Shici lowered his head and did not dare to refute, and said directly: “Lord, the last general knows the mistake.” ”


Wang Xiong closed the document and said lightly: “Sweeping the mountains and conscripting pawns is understandable, this is also the military order I gave you, but after all, it exceeds the limit, twenty rods, and a penalty of one year!” ”


Tai Shi Ci bowed and bowed.

“Wang Hu.”

Wang Xiong scolded.


Wang Hu bowed down and drank.

Outside the lobby.

In full view.

Tai Shici unloaded his armor and was tortured.

Wang Hu secretly gave him a thick cushion and said apologetically: “General Ziyi, the lord said that military law is the hope of the Chibi Army to wash away the banditry, the framework of governing the army, if you let you trample on it today, tomorrow the Chibi Army will ignore the military law, rob the people, and insult women and children, so I’m sorry.” ”

“Come on.”

Tai Shici’s eyes were calm.

When he conquered Shanyue, he was really angry and forgot about the military order.

When the leader went out of the mountain, even if he was tolerated by Lu Su, he had already thought of today’s punishment.



Wang Hu waved his military staff.

The sound of heavy blows echoed over the entire mansion.

Lu Su, Liao Hua, Huang Zhong, and the soldiers of the First and Third Legions were all drenched in cold sweat.

The military law is harsh, and Tai Shici only recruited five thousand more sergeants, and he was to be caned under the eyes of everyone, which can be described as a mountain of military orders.

A moment later.

Tai Shici’s back robe was soaked with blood.

The whole person could not stand, and was helped into the lobby by Wang Hu and the soldiers.


“The execution is complete.”

Wang Hu bowed and bowed.


“Can you complain?”

Wang Xiong asked with burning eyes.

Tai Shici braced his body and bowed: “The last general ignored the military order and violated the law, and today’s punishment is just to blame!” ”


Wang Xiong raised his head and said: “This time, you fought in Shanyue, pulled out twenty-four camps, killed five enemy generals, perfected the third legion, collected tens of thousands of displaced people, rewarded fifty war horses, ten acres of good land, five horses of silk, and a hundred gold, temporarily served as the governor of Wanling, as the vanguard of the conquest, responsible for collecting the Danyang cities south of Wanling.” ”


Tai Shici’s eyes lit up.

“Lord Mingjian.”

Lu Su, Liao Hua and others all bowed down.

Military law is harsh, and Tai Shici will be punished with a cane if he makes a mistake.

However, the more meritorious this conquest becomes, the more rewarded it is.


Wang Xiong’s gaze swept over the group of military generals, and said in a deep voice: “The Chibi Army does not remember the past, there are still many hardships ahead, military law and criminal law are the basis for our control of Jiangdong, don’t mistake yourself.” ”


The generals bowed.

Wang Xiong’s eyes were sharp, and he said: “The first legion is temporarily stationed in Wanling, and the third army has begun to collect the cities south of it, and when this battle is completed, it is discussing the war. ”


The young generals bowed and retreated.


Outside the lobby, Dong Si, the former Yamagoshi Sect Marshal, couldn’t help but spit out turbid breath, his back armor was soaked with sweat, and when the breeze blew, it was a little cooler.


Captain Li Bi laughed lightly when he saw this.

Dong Si was also not ashamed, and said with a bitter smile: “General Li, the lord is really majestic like a prison!” ”

“No way.”

Li Bi shrugged his shoulders and sighed with emotion: “My Chibi Army was born in Tianyue Mountain, and I am a thief and bandit in the mouth of the people and officials in the world, if I don’t govern the army harshly, and let the generals overstep the law, wouldn’t it be like the Yellow Turban Army many years ago?” ”


Dong Si’s pupils shrank.

Li Bi patted him on the shoulder and admonished: “General Dong, you are already a captain of the Third Legion, and in the past, the banditry aura of Shanyue has converged a little, and General Ziyi has been punished for protecting the army in the military council, not to mention a captain like us.” ”

“Thank you.”

Dong Si saluted slightly.

Li Bi waved his hand, stepped into the distance, and said, “So-and-so is going to supervise the city defense.” ”

In the lobby.

The atmosphere eased a little.

Wang Xiong took out a bottle of white medicine from his arms, put it in front of Tai Shici, and said with a light smile: “This is a white medicine for treating trauma, the effect is excellent, I hope that in the future, you will be in a high position, and you will not be embarrassed in front of your generals.” ”


“The end will be ashamed.”

Tai Shici’s eyes suddenly turned red.

Military law deterrence, this is a necessary thing.

But Wang Xiong’s preference for him can be described as unreserved.

Whether it is the undefended Peng Ze camp, or the unparalleled praise of loyalty, or today’s white medicine, they all show their dignity.


“Don’t make a daughter gesture.”

Wang Xiong patted Tai Shici’s shoulder and turned to walk to the upper position.

The forces in Danyang are complex, and they are full of killings, and the Chibi Army can no longer delay.

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