Chapter 74 Bloody battle, I recommend Chibi with my life [First Change]!!

Chibi wins.

I recommend Chibi with my life.

This is the will of all generals to defend the pride that belongs to the Chibi Army.

Even though everyone in the world is known as a bandit, in their hearts, Wang Xiong is the light that shines through the darkness, and the Chibi Army is the righteous division that clarifies Yuyu.

Outside Danyang County.

The sun hangs in the air, and the grass and ginger wilt.

The killing intent of the Chibi army was pervasive, sweeping in all directions.

Wang Xiong took the halberd, and the pawn behind him moved forward.

The golden gauze light poured down the wine, and the spear was like frost hanging snow.


“Wang Zhengnan.”

Yuan Yin lined up to face the battle, refusing to be foolish to Huainan.

The main general of him, and the soldiers behind him, looked sluggish, but with a morbid excitement.

After days of fear and a night of war drums, they were relieved and spirited to the extreme when they confronted the Chibi army head-on.

“Yuan Yin.”

“Son of Yuan Kui.”

Wang Xiong stopped five hundred steps away from the Huainan army, and said with a cold gaze: “You bear the name of the Yuan clan, what qualifications do you have to lead the army and serve as the Taishou of Danyang.” ”



Yuan Yin laughed maniacally.

The Yuan clan is the existence of the Shishi clan.

How could he pay attention to the doubts of others, not to mention that Wang Xiong was just a thief in his heart.

“Yuan Yin.”

Wang Xiong’s gaze seemed to condense straight through the void, and said inexplicably: “You may not know that Liu Xiu has formed an alliance with Yan Baihu, and Sun Ce has already lost in Moling, and you will be a victim of dragging down the chasing soldiers for him.” ”


Yuan Yin’s face changed drastically.

“There is victory or defeat.”

“You’re really arrogant.”

“But remember, when Tu Ferry only had three trunks of heavy troops.”

Wang Xiong stood across the halberd and said indifferently: “Sun Bofu is not camping at the ferry port, because he has never thought of relying on Yuan Shu to rule Jiangdong, what ability do you have to camp in Danyang, didn’t you find that Huang Hansheng was not there, and the Chibi Army was also a few less?” ”


Yuan Yin’s fighting intent collapsed instantly.

The excited Huainan soldiers also seemed to have been struck by lightning.

The reason why they dared to face the Chibi Army was because Sun Ce’s army also relied on Dang Tudu and could withdraw to Huainan at any time!


Huainan Xiao will no longer be excited.

Everyone became extremely tired and emaciated.

Day and night of spiritual torturing, only the only thing that supported their battle was liberation and victory.

Now, Sun Ce was defeated at Moling, and when Tudu was attacked by the Chibi army, they had lost hope of crossing the river and returning to Huainan.


“You’re cheating.”

Yuan Yin tugged at his neck and refuted with tears.


“Break the formation and kill the enemy.”

“Chibi will win.”

Wang Xiong didn’t say much, and directly let the horse halberd start to kill.

His pre-war oath was to show the prestige of the Chibi Army and to deter the Huainan Army.

And the dialogue with Yuan Yin was even more to defeat the morbid excitement of these Huainan soldiers and destroy their will and body and mind.

Physically and mentally exhausted, the will collapsed.

In this battle, there is no need for any reason, only Chibi will win. The war begins.

The flat ground thundered.

The sound of iron hooves and shouts of killing slammed on the Huainan army like a wave.

In the vast land, Wang Xiong rode alone, Tai Shici, Liao Hua led more than 100 iron horses to follow, and even charged with more than 10,000 pawns in battle formation.

It was as if this military might was going to crush this dim earthly world. Five hundred steps.

Four hundred steps. Three hundred steps.

The iron horse had already rushed within a hundred steps.

The foot archers of the Chibi military formation pulled their crossbows two hundred paces away. Huh, huh, huh.

An arrow that covers the sky.

A dark cloud formed over the entire land. Suddenly, it is reflected in the smoke and dust that rolls up with hundreds of horses on the ground.



Arrows rain in waves.

Fall with the sound of tearing wind.

In an instant, countless Huainan soldiers could not avoid being pierced.

Sun Ce was defeated. When Tudu was broken.

They were physically and mentally exhausted by torture, and even their exuberant will was crushed.

The horizontal army formation collapsed under the arrows, and everyone was fleeing towards Dangtu Du to confirm Wang Xiong’s words, and to find a way home.


“Whoever dares to retreat, all are killed.”

Yuan Yin swung his sword and slashed, killing several retreating soldiers.

However, the army’s heart collapsed, and everyone made a decision to follow the crowd and fled to the rear, leaving him the boss behind.

In the way of the country, attack the heart as the top and the city as the bottom.

Wang Xiong is a soldier saint, and the two characteristics of vertical and horizontal show his domineering.

“Yuan Yin.”

“You are destined to bury your bones.”

Wang Xiong wielded a halberd and split the blockade of the defeated army.

The majestic war horse carried him towards the Huainan army.

Where it passed, flesh and blood returned to dust, armor and soldiers were cut off, and countless soldiers were beheaded and killed.


The Chibi Army marched in a phalanx.

The terrifying spear tore open the crack of the defeated army in Huainan.

The flowers of killing, bloody bloom under the scorching sun, showing their ferocity


“Capture the flag.”

Liao Hua and Tai Shici stared at Yuan Yin deadly.

When the two armies fought each other, it was a great achievement to seize the flag first.

If they could keep Yuan Yin here, they would be able to instantly surpass the other legion masters.

Blades collide with blades. Gospear and Gospear interlaced.

The sonorous collision of gold and stone resounded in Jiangdong. Chibi Army.

For the first time, he faced Yuan Shu’s army head-on, showing a brave and fearless will.

They will become iron that overturns the chaos of the princes and breaks the power that non-wealthy families cannot hold

And Wang Xiong is destined to become a greedy wolf-like existence in Jiangdong, the lord of calamity for the world, but also the lord of slaughter, and the hero who is in charge of life and death.


Not enough to describe the Huainan Army.

Its tragic state is difficult to describe in words.

In order to escape, in order to survive, they threw themselves off their armor.

The swarms rushed towards Dangtudu, even trampling on their own robes, and avoiding the spears and blades of the Chibi Army.


“General, retreat.”

The eyes of the young general Huainan were full of fear.

The strength of the Chibi Army and the fragmentation of his own army formation made his heart like a knife.

If the Chinese army does not retreat, it will be crushed and trampled by its own former army and become a dry bone in the chaotic world.


“Withdraw into Dangtudu.”

Yuan Yin ordered unwillingly.

This rout is not on the front, but in the hearts of the people.

When they retreated to Dangtudu, as long as Wang Xiong’s words were proved false, they could reorganize the army.

The Chinese army retreated.

The pawns on both sides also began to flee.

They followed the example of the former army and marched towards Tudu. Just for a moment.

The Huainan army suffered heavy casualties.

No more than two people were killed by the Chibi Army.

However, being trampled by their own people, the robe killed by mistake exceeded the upper trunk.

Outside Danyang County, the two armies fought on this plain, flesh and blood blended with dirt and grass, exuding a fishy smell, like a sea of blood in a corpse mountain.

“This is a defeat?”

Liao Hua looked at the soldiers who were fleeing not far away and said in horror.


The same is true of Tai Shi Ci.

Their forces were sharp, and the big victory had been expected.

But I didn’t expect that the victory was so easy, the two major legions did not die, and the most were only the bruises that were knocked down when pursuing the Huainan Army.

“Yuan Jian.”

Wang Xiong’s armor was stained with blood, and he said sharply: “You collect the surrender army, count the Danyang camp, and let Danyang County open the city and surrender, you must not disturb the people.” ”


Liao Hua readily agreed.

The pursuit battle is extremely dangerous.

If you are not careful, the enemy will break the cauldron and sink into battle.

Now, Li Bi, the captain of the First Legion, led the army of Wugan to sit in Wanling, and he only had 5,000 soldiers and horses under his devil, so naturally he did not compete with Tai Shici’s Second Army for fighters.


Wang Xiong stared past and ordered: “Order the army to pursue the enemy army, and whoever surrenders will not be killed, and expel Yuan Yin to the Dangtu ferry.” ”


Tai Shi Ci should drink. Yuan Yin was defeated.

The Huainan army fled to the ferry.

This scene was watched by officials and people in Danyang County not far away.

They never thought that the army under Yuan Shu Demon would be so vulnerable, let alone that the Chibi army was so powerful.

When Liao Hua led the army to the front of the city.

There is no doubt that the county lord directly opened the city gate and surrendered.

They were originally small officials in a county, and even the dependent Huainan army was defeated, and they themselves could not resist the attack of the army, so naturally they would not fight to the death.


Or rout.

Near sunset, Yuan Yin escaped more than ten miles. Under the Spirit Market Mountain.

The remnants of the defeated army will be repaired.

Yuan Yin’s hands trembled, holding chestnut rice crackers, and his eyes stared into the distance.

The Chibi army was like a ghost, like driving cattle and sheep, hundreds of steps behind them, without strangling or firing arrows.


The young general Huainan said in humiliation: “Wang Zhengnan, what is this going to do, are you humiliating me and waiting?” ”


Yuan Yin laughed miserably and did not answer.

His defeat was unexpected, and the army of more than 10,000 was completely destroyed.

There were less than a thousand soldiers left in the entire Chinese army, and the flanking army and the front army either died on the way to escape or directly surrendered to the Chibi army.


“It’s all to blame Sun Bofu.”

Huainan Junior’s eyes filled with hatred.


Yuan Yin’s chestnut rice cake seemed to swallow Sun Ce into his mouth, and said hatefully: “If he hadn’t set up the camp in Danyang and let someone think that the ferry port was safe, how could he have ushered in such a fiasco.” ”



When the clouds fell, the sound of marching echoed through the mountains.

The Chibi Army generals finished eating and began to chase the defeated army again.


Yuan Yin climbed up the sluggish war horse from the ground and said in horror: “Quickly retreat towards Dangtudu, and Wang Zhengnan of the Heaven Killing has chased after him again.” ”


The surrounding soldiers answered bitterly.

Put away the water bladder, dry food, and start fleeing towards the ferry.

This flight was extremely harmful to the body and mind, and they also had the intention of surrendering.

But their parents, wives and children are all in Huainan, living under Yuan Shu, if they join the Chibi Army, I am afraid that their family will not be safe.

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