Chapter 92 Wang Zuo Dalian, a plan to break the Da Wei Xianxue [Nineteenth Change]!!

In the state pastoral office.

Some of Yanzhou Wen Wu were extremely curious.

The Daegan Chamber of Commerce sells books, and they have heard about it.

However, he did not know much about Da Kun Xianxue, so he became very interested.

“Wen Ruo.”

Cao Cao squeezed the book and said in a deep voice, “Can you approve the arrest of the people of the Daguan Chamber of Commerce?” ”


Xun Yujin said: “Yanzhou has suffered from several years of drought, and many of our grains have been sold by merchants from the south. ”

Cao Cao stroked his beard and said with a light smile: “This Wang Zhengnan really amazes someone.” ”


Xun Yuzuo said, “It is impossible to ban all of the Da Wei Xianxue, but it is still necessary to send people to buy them all, and use good government to appease the people!” ”


Cao Cao nodded.

Cheng Yuman said with murderous intent: “Wen Ruo, you are too soft-hearted, even if this book is leaked, it will be praised by the world, and the bud of Da Kun will grow in the hinterland of Yanzhou.” ”


Cao Cao soothed: “After the sale of the Great Love Exhibition, everyone in the world only knows about Da Wei, and no one will talk about the Chibi Army that once swept Jiangdong, and Wang Zhengnan will also turn from a thief and bandit to a hero who dominates Jiangdong, this person can be described as a hero, and he will definitely be a great disaster in the future!” ”

“Lord Mingjian.”

Cheng Yu’s eyes burned and answered.


Xun Yu stepped out of the column and said forcefully: “This book is forbidden endlessly, and we can’t directly destroy Da Kuan, so I have a strategy to destroy Da Kun Xianxue.” ”


Everyone was amazed.

Cao Cao looked forward to it: “Wen Ruo, it is worthy of being the son of so-and-so.” ”


Xun Yu shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said: “If you want to complete this plan, you also need to serve the Son of Heaven to please the courtiers, at that time, if you take the imperial court as an order, appoint Wang Zhengnan as a marquis, give the mansion a false festival, and add Yangzhou Mu, you can’t help but break yourself!” ”


Cheng Yu laughed and said, “I heard that Yuan Shu wanted to recommend him as the Yangzhou Mu, but he didn’t receive it, could it be that the Marquis of Kun would receive it?” ”



Xun Yu’s gaze was brilliant: “It is not important whether Wang Zhengnan leads the marquis or not, the important thing is to let the people of Yanzhou know that the Son of Heaven is in Yanzhou, the lord is guarding the Son of Heaven, and Wang Zhengnan is the Marquis of the Great Han, and the so-called Jiangdong Da Kun Mansion is just given by the Great Han.” ”


Zhongwen Wu’s eyes were extremely bright.

Xun Yu’s plan can be described as murderous.

Da Wei encouraged the world with Xianxue, then they could counter it with the righteousness of the imperial court.


Xun Or said again: “If this plan comes out, the princes of the world will also respond, because they can’t all ban the spread of the Great Love Xianxue, so they will also call Wang Zhengnan the Marquis of the Great Han Dynasty, and if the Great Love Xianxue spreads in the future, it will only be the ability of Wang Zhengnan to learn, and the Jiangdong Great Love Academy, but let the world’s Shi clan resist the matter of the Great Love Academy!” ”


Everyone gasped.

Xun Yu’s plan can no longer be described as vicious.

“Son of Heaven.”

“To please the courtiers.”

Cao Cao got up and looked in the direction of Luoyang.

Obviously, Xun Yu’s plan has been approved by him, and he just needs to wait for the opportunity. June.

Huainan sent troops.

Yuan Shu attacked Xuzhou in a rage.

At the end of the same month, Liu Xie, the son of Han Tian, returned to Luoyang under the guards of hundreds of courtiers. This former capital city has long been in ruins, and the entire Henan Yin Qianli is uninhabited.

Fu Wan, Dong Cheng, Han Xian and other dynasty Chinese martial arts disagreed on the recall of Yuan Shao and Cao Cao.

And Yang Feng, Dong Zhao also received letters.

A strong wind sweeping the world is blowing from Luoyang to all places. Mid-July.

Gangdong, inside the castle of Daegun.

Zhao Yi hurriedly stepped into the Da Kun Mansion with the secret report.

“What’s the matter?”

Wang Xiong stopped everyone from deliberating.

The two columns on the left and right also stared at the past in surprise.


Zhao Yi bowed and saluted, his face was livid: “Huang Longluo, and Zhou Bo have tricked more than three hundred people into rebellion, and the chief soldier Dong Zhan led the army to kill, but these rebellions could not be handled, so the auditor of Si Tianjian stationed at the meeting ordered the summons back!” ”


Wang Lang got up in horror.

Huiji, his former jurisdiction.

Under the rule of Da Kuan, there were rebels.

Wang Xiong’s expression remained unchanged, and he said indifferently: “What are the casualties of the Huijiwei Battalion, but some people were injured and killed in this rebellion.” ”


Zhao Yi swallowed his spit and said nervously: “A village under the jurisdiction of Shanyin was plundered, and the people were killed and injured five people, and the Auditor Battalion was lightly and seriously injured by dozens, and there were no deaths!” ”

“Hurting people?”

Zhang Zhao, Wang Lang and others were terrified.

Zhuge Jin, Lu Su, Liu Ye and the others all trembled in their hearts, as if they had been hit by a heavy hammer.

This kind of thing has never happened under Da Kuan’s rule, and I didn’t expect such a tragedy to happen this year.




Wang Xiong knocked on the table, his gaze swept over the officials, and said sharply: “It will be too guarded to govern the people, and recall Da Wei to be held accountable.” ”


Zhang Zhao said respectfully.

Wang Xiong’s expression was fierce, and he said in a cold voice: “Officials, the supervision officials of the Criminal Department are unfavorable, Zhang Zhao, Zhuge Jin has been demoted to the right attendant, do you have any questions?” ”


Zhang Zhao, Zhuge Jin got up and said bitterly.

“Zhang Zibu.”

Wang Xiong said indifferently: “You immediately set off to the meeting to comfort the people, personally go to the robbed villages to worship the people, and at the same time erect tombstones, and all the rebellions are beheaded as punishment.” ”


Zhang Zhao said respectfully.

Wang Xiong took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: “Qiao Shun, the head of the Household Relocation Department, is the chief inspector, and if there is another time, all the officials in the Ministry and the Criminal Department will be held accountable.” ”


The two answered again.


Wang Xiong pondered again and again, and said: “The chief soldier of the Guild, Dong Raid, has meritorious in suppressing the bandits, and the gongda is in Wu County, you let him go to the Reward Auditor’s camp, recruit Dong to attack the military council, worship the leading army captain, and be under the escort army!” ”


Lu Su said respectfully.


Wang Xiong slapped his palm on the table and said sharply: “The good government of Da Wei benefits the people, and Si Tianjian strictly investigates the rebellion, and the crime is all beheaded.” ”


Zhao Yi said respectfully.


Wang Xiong said in a deep voice: “Immediately issue a decree, the people under the rule of Da Kuan, if there are grievances, you can ask the Da Wei students to write down the grievances with the people, and anyone who has wronged Bai Aya is unstoppable by the county and county, and will enter the Da Kun Mansion directly, and the Ministry of Officials, the Criminal Department, and the Si Tianjian Council will examine and inspect them!” ”


Zhang Zhao, Zhuge Jin, and Zhao Yiying drank.


“Zhao Yi stay!”

Wang Xiong’s face was extremely blue.

In the previous life, Jiangdong rebellions were constant, because the Shi clan and Yamagoshi were difficult to govern.

In this life, Da Wei dismembered the Shi clan and benefited the people, and there was such a tragic thing as rebellion and injury to the people.


Everyone bowed and exited the lobby.


Zhang Zhao sighed helplessly.

Zhuge Jin looked at the scorching sun and said in a complicated way: “Five casualties and more than three hundred traitors will all be executed, why are they!” ”


Zhang Zhao sighed: “Under the rule of Da Wei, the first time this matter appeared, if the lord did not rule with heavy law, it would definitely be forbidden again and again in the future!” ”


Zhuge Jin nodded.

Wang Lang rubbed his eyebrows, and said in a deep voice: “I have heard of Huang Longluo, this person is a powerful party, eight feet long, superior in force, conceit higher than the sky, if it were not for the rule of Da Kuan, the traitors he pulled up would be more than three hundred, thousands are possible!” ”

“Forget it.”

Zhang Zhao waved his hand and sighed, “I’m going to worship the people.” ”


Zhuge Jin also retreated.

In the lobby.

Wang Xiong’s gaze was fierce.

Zhao Yi was still standing nervously under the hall, not daring to raise his head.

“Say it.”

Wang Xiong said sharply.

Zhao Yi said with a chill in his heart: “Lord, in fact, Si Tianjian has already found out about this matter, Huanglong Luo is a powerful man in the county, annexing a large number of fields, since the household part of the field, those people who have been allocated the field, do not look at it squarely, this person saw that the fourth legion moved back to Da Kun City, so he gathered the old rebellion!” ”

Wang Xiong laughed at himself: “You don’t say it explicitly in front of people, are you afraid that they will refute the matter of dividing the fields?” ”


Zhao Yi said respectfully.

“Zhao Yi.”

Wang Xiong said in a deep voice: “The road we are walking is destined to be full of thorns, today’s Huanglong Luo is the end of obstructing the great love, if it is not for the division of fields and good government, we rule Jiangdong, how many soldiers and horses do you say he will pull, thousands, or tens of thousands?” ”


Zhao Yi swallowed his spit.

Wang Xiong said in a deep voice: “There has never been fairness in this world, I can do whatever I can to benefit most people, since they want to die, Da Kun will not tolerate it.” ”


Zhao Yi said respectfully.

Wang Xiong asked again, “How is the situation in Yanzhou?” ”


Zhao Yi’s eyes froze, and he said in a deep voice: “Yanzhou secretly reported that Cao Cao sent 40,000 soldiers and horses to Henan Yin, and they did not ban Da Kun Xianxue like Jingzhou, but only bought it in large quantities. ”


Wang Xiong was extremely surprised.

Yanzhou, but there are many talents!

Xun Yu alone is Wang Zuo who appeases the people.

Not to mention Cheng Yu and others, how could Cao Cao not see the importance of great emotion learning.


Zhao Yi said guiltily: “I heard that Xia Zhicai died of illness, but because of this person’s death, Si Tianwei found out that there was a school affairs Cao under Cao Cao, whose responsibilities were the same as Si Tianjian, and it was precisely because of the school affairs Cao that Si Tianwei could not infiltrate Chen Liu. ”

“School Affairs Cao.”

The corner of Wang Xiong’s mouth hooked a smile.

Cao Cao went to greet the Son of Heaven, and the school affairs Cao appeared in advance.

It can be seen that Yanzhou is going to usher in a metamorphosis, and it will also make a strategy for Jiangdong.

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