Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 26 Kill the arrogance and destroy the arrogance

In Jiangdong, Ye City was built.

This city and county is guarded at the intersection of the Qinhuai River and the Yangtze River. "It is a city because of the mountains, and a pond because of the river. The terrain is dangerous and solid, and it is particularly strange."

Looking from a distance, the mountains are so majestic that it is no wonder that it is known as "Stone City with Tigers", and it is no wonder that the local people call it Stone City.

This is the city built in Stone Mountain under the order of Sun Quan in the 17th year of Jian'an. It is the first military fortress in Soochow.

At this moment, in the "Stone City", one hundred thousand Jiangdong disciples gathered here, with plenty of food and grass, rows of warships and huge ships, advisers like clouds, and generals like rain. Everyone was waiting for the orders of their "lord".

Yes - march westward to Jingnan.

Or - go north to Hefei.

Is it to smash the windows of the Western Front battlefield?

Or open the door to the Northern Expedition?

It is destined that this is the most crucial decision whether "Jiangdong Sun Family" can break the situation!

Sun Quan, the leader of Soochow, is thirty-three this year, with purple beard and blue eyes, and a majestic appearance. He is consulting minister Zhang Zhao about the leak of news about the "surprise attack on Jingnan".

Sun Quan asked: "In the past six months, Guan Yu has led his army to attack Xiangfan, Changsha, Guiyang, Lingling, and Jiangxia counties. He has never paid much attention to it. But this time, he sent letters to the counties in advance, asking them to strengthen their defenses. Pay close attention to our movements in the east of the Yangtze River, and even sent Wang Fu and Zhao Lei to lead their troops south to aid Jingnan."

"In addition, more than half of the soldiers and horses in the three counties have been transporting materials to Jiangling all year round. But this time, these soldiers and horses returned quickly to help. The signs are extremely weird. If there is not an expert in Jiangling City? It must be me. Jiangdong’s plan was leaked, otherwise, it would be so weird.”

Zhang Zhao bowed: "My lord, the news sent back by Ziyu (Zhuge Jin) has been verified by other details. Now in Jiangling City, even women, children and old people know that Jingnan is about to be attacked by Jiangdong... As for this Tzuyu said that the source of the news was spread by beggars, but how did beggars know such important news? It was probably the leak of internal information from me, Jiangdong."

Sun Quan was surprised, "Who could it be?"

Zhang Zhao squinted his eyes, and after thinking carefully, he reminded, "This matter has been a secret deployment from the beginning to the end, and it was also a cover for the Northern Expedition to Hefei. The plank road was built openly and secretly to Chencang. It can be said to be foolproof, and no one knows about it. Almost five people!”

Remind me of this.

Sun Quan spread his fingers to count, "One person is counted alone, Zhang Changshi is counted as one person, in addition to the governor Lu Zijing (Lu Su), the vanguard general Lu Ziming (Lü Meng) who made the surprise attack on Jingnan, and the envoys who are out of town. Zhuge Ziyu (Zhuge Jin)!”

Zhang Zhao smiled and said, "Who do you think it could be, my lord?"

"Zhang Changshi might as well talk about it first." Sun Quan asked back.

Zhang Zhaoqing stroked his beard, "Since Governor Zhou Gongjin passed away due to illness, Lu Zijing took over as Governor. Since then, he has been vigorously promoting the Sun-Liu Alliance to fight against Cao Cao. In recent years, Zijing has been mediating many trivial matters between the Sun-Liu Alliance. In fact, it was Zijing who borrowed money from Jingzhou back then. Now... could it be..."

Zhang Zhao didn't finish what he said, but the meaning was very clear.

Will Lu Su deliberately leak the news to Jiangling in order to maintain the stability of the "Sun-Liu Alliance" to avoid war between the two sides?

This is the most reasonable inference.

However, after hearing Zhang Zhao's words, Sun Quan's green eyes suddenly condensed, and there was a determined tone under his cold gaze.

——"It's definitely not Zijing!"


Sun Quan's determination surprised Zhang Zhao.

Sun Quan continued, "In the Battle of Chibi, the Sun-Liu Alliance defeated Cao Cao, and it was Zijing who was responsible for it."

"After the great victory at Chibi, Zijing returned, and Gu gathered all the generals to welcome him with great fanfare. Gu then said to him, 'I hold my saddle and dismount to welcome you, isn't it enough to commend you for your contribution?' Zijing's answer was, 'I can't. ', as soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked, and I was shocked!"

"But Zijing calmly raised his whip and said that he hoped that Gu's mighty virtue would spread all over the world and encompass all nine states, and complete the great cause of the emperor. Then he summoned him on a soft-wheeled cart. This is the greatest recognition of his merits."

So much for that.

Sun Quan narrowed his eyes and said with certainty, "Zijing and I are called masters and servants, but we are actually close friends. He knows Gu's ambitions and understands his heart. Zijing will never let me down when it comes to the surprise attack on Jingnan. Zhang Changshi Be careful what you say from now on!"

As soon as this statement came out...

Zhang Zhao lowered his head and cupped his hands: "I made a mistake!"

However, after such a reminder, Sun Quan thought of another person, if the existing five people were excluded.


"There is another person. That day, he had something to report and was guarding the door. Maybe he...heard something?"

"Who?" Zhang Zhao asked anxiously.

Sun Quan did not say a word.

After a while, after Zhang Zhao withdrew, Sun Quan whispered to the eunuch standing by: "Pass to Lu Xun!"

——Guan Lin is angry!

--Very serious consequences!

From the sound of his steps, Guan Yu, Ma Liang and others on the high platform could feel it.

Guan Yu's appointment just now has completely offended the Fourth Young Master.

Ma Liang reminded Guan Yu in a low voice: "Guan Gong's appointment just now seems to be a bit too favorable to others. Master Yunqi killed more than thirty wolves with his own strength. With such wisdom and agility, he is still qualified to be appointed as a military commander. Besides, now Guan Gong's men There is also a shortage of talents! Why does Guan Gong..."

Before Ma Liang finishes speaking...

Guan Yu raised his hand to signal Ma Liang not to say anything. He squinted his eyes and said softly: "This man is bold and arrogant. Now he is extremely arrogant. If he is granted an official position because of this 'test of martial arts', wouldn't his tail be like this?" It’s up to the sky!”


Ma Liang was speechless.

He could understand that "arrogance" was an unpleasant character for Guan Lin.

Because in Jiangling City, it is impossible for anyone to be more arrogant and arrogant than Guan Gong.

Especially Guan Gong's son, Guan Gong would never allow a son to raise his tail to the sky.


Guan Gong is afraid that he will completely offend this young Guan Gongzi.

Of course, Guan Yu had his own calculations.

Today, Guan Lin showed his "smart" side. Now that Jingzhou lacks talents, Guan Yu will definitely use Guan Lin.

But before using it, you must first "kill" his energy, let him know that there is a sky outside the sky, and let him put away his tail.

This is good for his growth!


Guan Yu was afraid that he would make a miscalculation.

People say that when a man is angry, blood will be splashed five steps;

Things are different when Guan Lin is angry. From the very beginning, he has been determined to be a "rebellious son", to "kill" the arrogance of his cheap father Guan Yu, and to "destroy" the arrogance of his father Guan Yu...

It is precisely because of this that his anger is even more extraordinary.

It's just... this is no coincidence!

The father and son thought of going together!

——Both father and son want to kill each other's arrogance.

Seeing Guan Lin ascending to the high platform, Guan Yu's eyes narrowed and he said calmly: "Isn't this the Jiu Mu King of Jingzhou? Killing a pack of wolves by himself, yes, not bad! You are worthy of your title as the 'Jiu Mu King'!"

His words came out of his mouth...

Everyone looked at Guan Lin.

Guan Lin's eyes narrowed, but he didn't show any courtesy...

Guan Ping quickly went to pull him, wanting to take him down first.

Who would have thought that Guan Lin directly threw off Guan Ping's arm, and then said something shocking:

——"My child asks his father to write a "letter of sin"!"

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