Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 490: Sun Quan’s son is worthless, worse than a pig or a dog!


In the silent night sky, the sound of the horn, which was so slight that it could be called "low", seemed a bit unexpected.

But the horn seemed to be foreshadowing something, or to be precise, it was leading the path forward for this sergeant that ran through the canyon.

"Tap tap tap——"

The sound of horse hooves resounded, followed closely by a heroic general with a white horse and a silver spear, and three thousand elite cavalry behind him.

This sound also startled the nearby mountain people and the secret whistle left by Xu Sheng.


There is no one around in the middle of the night and everything is silent. These secret sentinels in Soochow also need to rest.

I'm so tired that I can't open my eyes.

Yes, an ambush and an ambush drove away Mi Fang and Jingzhou's pursuers. It also gave the entire Wu army a sense of elation, and even the spies seemed a little slack.

But as the sound of the horn and the sound of horse hooves got closer and closer, until... right next to my ears, a sound like the roar of a tiger or the roar of a dragon resounded.

The several secret sentries immediately cheered up, no longer caring about sleep, they quickly lit the torch and pushed aside the hurried weeds. Suddenly... there was a biting cold wind rushing in.

"What's wrong?"

An extremely tired Anshao who was sleeping deeply was also awakened and asked sleepily.

"Shh, listen!"

Anshao, who had just woken up, immediately closed his mouth and listened carefully with his ears tilted.


"Tap tap tap——"

As always, the sound of horns and horses' hooves ranged from faint, to clearly audible, to faint.

"Did you hear that? hoof...horn, this...could this be someone from Jiangling chasing them again?" A secret whistler's eyes flashed in disbelief.

"Isn't it right?" Another secret sentry shook his head repeatedly, "Didn't they just encounter an ambush and suffer a huge defeat?"

"If we lose... we can't pursue him any more? General Xu Sheng didn't ambush us a second time!"


Following this sound, all the secret whistles were stunned. At this time, a young man asked: "There is no ambush after the ambush, but can there be pursuers after the pursuers?"

When these words came out, everyone came back to their senses, "Quickly... report to General Xu Sheng quickly... enemy attack, enemy attack... let him prepare as soon as possible."


The moment these words were uttered, a silver spear stabbed out from nowhere, tracing a gorgeous trajectory in the night sky...


Along with a wailing sound, "Quack, quack, quack," the crows in the jungle flew away in all directions, but soon... calm was restored here.

Then, no one of the secret sentries in the bushes here was spared, and they all died.

Looking back at the general with the white horse and silver spear, he looked at the torches specially lit by the secret sentry, and then looked at the hot air balloon in the sky that could overlook everything...

The white horse warrior smiled.

It can be said that the moment the enemy's secret sentry lit the torch, the location of these secret sentries was exposed!

The flying ball soldiers in the air have a hundred ways to report the location of the enemy's secret sentry to the ground.

Secret whistle? Haha, in their opinion, it doesn't exist.

However, the general with the white horse and silver spear did not stop. He quickly stopped smiling and returned to seriousness on his cheeks. He gave the same instructions as before:

"Continue to march and gallop forward——"

Woo woo woo…

The low horn was still ringing, as if it was some kind of signal conveying an order.

Under the moonlit night, in the valley, spears and halberds collided with the night wind, making a "whoosh, whoosh" sound, and the tips of these spears and halberds were glowing with cold light!

No one knows, is the "victory" and "triumphant" soldiers and horses of Soochow. How could they know that the sound of horse hooves and the sound of killing made them frightened by the news and was infinitely close to the cries of children... It's coming.

At night.

Xu Sheng set up camp with his troops. In fact, if they traveled at night, they could reach the port before dawn and embark on the return journey, but... there was no need.

First, Xu Sheng needed to arrange for his soldiers to fish along the coast in advance and reserve the food and grass needed to retreat to the Lujiang River.

Secondly... after more than ten days, we have not made any progress. Today we have been lying in wait for a long time and fought a battle of annihilation. The soldiers are also tired. Therefore, Xu Sheng asked the three armies to camp on the spot, rest for the night, and rush to the port early tomorrow morning. Pull anchor and set sail.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, and the cold wind is howling——

Xu Sheng was lying in a tent with several military books beside him, most of which were different chapters of "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.

Having said that, Sun Jian, Sun Ce, and Sun Quan are the descendants of Sun Wu.

Naturally... In Soochow, the Sun family highly respected their ancestor Sun Wu, so "Sun Tzu's Art of War" was also revered as a must-read chapter for Soochow generals.

But now, Xu Sheng is not in the mood to read the military book at all.


With a heavy sigh, he shook his head helplessly, as if he was worried about Soochow in the current situation.

——"I can't even defeat a mere Mi Fang?" Even if I go to Lujiang and follow the Lord's instructions to fight Guan Yu there, will I win against Guan Yu again? 』

Just thinking of this...

A fierce quarrel suddenly broke out near the bonfire outside the tent.

"What is it? How dare you treat me like a general?"

"You are capable, why don't you capture Jiangling? Capture that Mi Fang? general is incompetent and kills the entire army. It is because of generals like you that the children of Jiangdong cannot set foot in Jiangling City!"

The shouters were a school captain and deputy general Ma Zhong.

Logically speaking, a captain would not have such a dispute with Ma Zhong, but this is how the quarrel happened.

It seemed that a great victory under an ambush could not cover up the embarrassment of repeated setbacks and obstacles in this raid. In addition, the captain drank a few sips of wine and felt depressed.

Disputes ensued...

The solution is also extremely simple - wrestling!

"Hit, hit, hit..."

"Let's see who can knock whom down?"

"General Ma Zhong? He is a strong man in our army!"

A wrestling duel directly pushed the atmosphere of Wu Jun to a climax, causing loud cheers and extremely lively...

It's more like venting every soldier's dissatisfaction with the outcome of this battle.

Xu Sheng was a little dissatisfied when he heard the shouting outside, and a look of displeasure flashed across his face. For some reason, his mood was very depressed tonight, as if... there was a vague feeling that something big was going on, but he couldn't explain it. a feeling of.

But Mi Fang's chasing army has been defeated. He still has more than 20,000 people here, what can happen?

Xu Sheng was puzzled, so he simply took "Sun Tzu's Art of War" and forced himself to read it...from time to time he was thinking about how to defeat Guan Yu in Lujiang.

And seven or eight miles away from here, a ghostly cavalry was approaching rapidly. They only had three thousand people.

"Da da da--"

The sound of the horse's hoofbeats is low and melodious, but it seems to have a magical power, making people feel... but in vain.

Tonight, the moon is dark and the wind is high, it is the night of murder.

Ma Zhong's strength was not as strong as that of the school captain known as "Hercules", but he was obviously superior in skills. When wrestling with that Hercules, the opponent was defeated ten times with one force, while he used his footsteps and cleverness... Competing with it.

After three rounds... the strong man was knocked to the ground by Ma Zhong.

Pan Zhang also walked nearby and stopped to watch this wonderful performance. The guard beside him showed a sad look, "The enemy was not beaten down, but one of his own started fighting."

Pan Zhang didn't take it seriously and waved his hand, "Everyone has grievances in their hearts, let them vent them..."

After the words fell, Pan Zhang simply turned around and walked towards Xu Sheng's military tent instead of looking at the "wrestling" field.

How to raise military rations for the retired army?

How to bypass Chaisang?

How to avoid being hit by Guan Yu halfway across the river? These are all issues that need to be discussed with Pan Zhang.

Never thought that it would be at this moment.

"Da da da--"

The sound of horse hooves suddenly sounded loud and clear. Judging from the sound, it was a cavalry team rushing into the front village...

Pan Zhang paused, "How come there is the sound of horse hooves?"

Ma Zhong on the wrestling field seemed to have heard the sound. His movements paused, and then he was knocked to the ground by the strong man with a "thud".

"General Ma, aren't you so good?" The strong man also mocked.

Ma Zhong gritted his teeth and looked towards the direction of the front village, "Are you still thinking of fighting? This sound this night is an enemy attack... There is an enemy attack -"

Because they had experienced the tragic experience of being "surprised" by 800 people in Xiaoyaojin, every Soochow general had extremely keen ears, especially at night... he was always waiting.


As the sound of horse hooves became louder and louder, along with the shouts and wails coming from the front village, all the Wu soldiers seemed to realize something. They subconsciously became trembling, and soon... shakily staggered back.

Looking back at Qianzhai at this time.

"what happened?"

"Whose horse is frightened this late at night?"

"Hurry are you?"

"No, spare my life... spare my life..."

Screams kept ringing out one after another, and it sounded like... something had happened here.

"What happened?" Xu Sheng, who was in the big tent, also quickly walked out of the tent. Looking at the entire panicked Chinese army, he couldn't help but frown and look puzzled.

In his opinion, although the number of people in the front village was not large, there were still four or five thousand people. In addition, Mi Fang was newly defeated, so he should not pursue again? Even if they are pursued...what should there be to fear from the defeated general? What's more, it was Mi Fang again... The previous ambush made Xu Sheng realize that this guy was not very strong in terms of leadership or martial arts!

They can only rely on showing off their power within the city walls!


The screams and wails continued and spread rapidly, sounding like a one-sided massacre.

No one knows what happened in that darkness?

Things are getting weirder.

Under the quiet night, it seemed as if a bloody killing ceremony was taking place, and the night wind played the last soul-burial song of Wu Jun.

The sound of horse hooves was getting closer and closer, like a syllable of urging death. The entire front village was destroyed without encountering any obstacles at all.

Only the howls kept coming and going.


The people who were still in the front camp were crawling around, and when they fled back as if they were frightened, their faces were as white as paper, and they were extremely miserable. These were all...scared!

"What happened? What does it look like to be in such a panic?"

Pan Zhang shouted to calm these people down.

However, it was of no use. In desperation, he could only pull one person over, "What did you see? You were so scared!"

"He...he's coming...he's coming..."

The man's face was pale and his whole body was trembling.


"Those Shanxi people, the eight hundred Shanxi people from Xiaoyaojin...and the leader...the general with the white horse and the silver spear!"

Shanxi people?

Obviously, those who came were not from Shanxi, but Mi Fang's Buqu, who was from Donghai, Xuzhou. Mi Fang's suggestion, they all dressed up as the Shanxi legion under Cao Wei and Zhang Liao. Even their equipment was exactly the same.

In addition, under the leadership of Zhao Yun and the huge reward promised by Mi Fang, one head is equivalent to several acres of land...

This is not a good opportunity to "fight once and get rich for three generations", and no one will fail to do their best.

Therefore, each of them was too fierce, and their bravery reminded Soochow of the battle at Xiaoyaojin.

--I'm coming!

The 100,000-man army was cut down by 800 men for a long time, and finally the 100,000-strong Wu army was so frightened that they returned;

The Shanxi legion commanded by Zhang Liao, the legion that stopped the children of Soochow from crying, they are here! It's back!

Their costumes are the same, they are "brave" exactly the same, and they are "ruthless" the same.

The soldier who had escaped from the former stronghold responded tremblingly, his pupils dilated violently, and he was still breathing heavily. His appearance was so frightened that it was hard not to believe it.

Pan Zhang was also shocked, and he let go of the man as soon as he loosened his grip. However, the man seemed to be crazy, crying and laughing, rolling and crawling all the way, and continued to run back, and kept shouting.

"That Zhang Wenyuan is here, that Zhang Wenyuan who stopped crying is here, the Shanxi people are here, quickly——"

A year later, the battle at Xiaoyaojin is still a pain in the hearts of all Wu Jun.

No one will forget what kind of bloody storm these Shanxi people caused when they were in Xiaoyaojin. Mi Fang's extraordinary..."conception", during the second pursuit after the pursuit, in addition to the change of the commander Mi Zifang; the changes in the costumes of these soldiers also had a "vital" impact and were a huge deterrent. .

What's more, how could Zhao Zilong ever be weaker than Zhang Wenyuan in terms of military command and martial arts?

"Da da da--"

Soon, just as the Chinese army had just begun its chaotic plan, Xu Sheng, Pan Zhang, and Ma Zhong finally met and planned to form troops to resist.

One after another black shadows were already riding towards them.

In the hazy moonlight, these three thousand people were dressed in cold clothes, with masks on their faces and black scarves on their heads, with only their eyes exposed...

This kind of attire is exactly the same as the 800 people under Zhang Liao in Xiaoyaojin.

The only difference is that they are cavalry.

The general they led was not holding a crescent halberd, but Zhao Zilong, a man with a silver spear and a white horse. He carried a large bow and thirty-one arrows on his back. The silver gentian spear in his hand was particularly shining. The cold spear tip, Still bleeding.


Almost all the Wu army soldiers were frightened when they saw this scene, and they fell into a daze.

Resist? This kind of fear that penetrates into the bone marrow, as well as the intimidation of the white horse general at the head of the enemy army, makes people feel only two words - unknown!

While these Wu Jun were still in shock.

Zhao Yun and three thousand soldiers had already charged into the central army, just like chopping melons and vegetables, cutting down the Wu troops who had dull eyes or fled in haste.

Blood sprayed into the sky, and within a short time, corpses were everywhere.


Finally, a scream in front of them woke up the stunned people, but no one dared to resist. The most fearful thing for people is the unknown.

Xu Sheng, Pan Zhang, and Ma Zhong got on their horses, and even their subconscious reaction was - run away!

——Escape from this place of right and wrong!

Just like the time in Xiaoyaojin!

But... just as they turned around, they felt a chill on their backs.

Xu Sheng thought about it first, "Zhang Liao is in Huainan? Cao Wei was defeated again in Xiangfan. How could Zhang Liao and his troops come to Jiangling? How could he raid us?"

As soon as I finished speaking...

"Whoosh" an arrow stabbed Xu Sheng's shoulder steadily, "Well..." Xu Sheng only felt a pain in his left arm. When he looked at his left shoulder again, blood was already flowing down the armor.

"General Xu..."

Pan Zhang and Ma Zhong spoke at the same time...

The bloodthirsty Xu Sheng seemed to suddenly show his ruthless, sinister and bloody side. He broke the arrow on his shoulder, raised his head and looked at the trajectory of the arrow. Where he looked, it was Zhao Yun. .

"A raid? Humph! Xu Sheng is here! Don't even think about it——"

As he spoke, Xu Sheng was about to pick up his sword and confront Zhao Yun. He didn't know the identity of the other party, but based on his shooting skills, he expected that he was not an unknown rat.

Pan Zhang quickly advised: "General Xu is injured, retreat first. General Ma and I will capture this white horse thief general——"

I don't know whether it was Xu Sheng's words "Zhang Liao is in Huainan, how could he come to Jiangling" or the fact that the coach was hit by an arrow, which aroused the common hatred among the soldiers.

For a moment, the Wu troops who were fleeing all turned their horses around, but did not follow Pan Zhang to kill him.

Ma Zhong has an impatient temper, and Xu Sheng's injury actually aroused the ferocity in his heart.

"Brothers, follow me and kill -"

He rode in the lead, raised his saber high, and rode towards Zhao Yun, shouting loudly, hoping that someone would respond.

However, except Pan Zhang, no one responded.

Yes, Wu Jun stopped their retreat, but that was because they also suspected that these were not Zhang Wenyuan or Shanxi people, but this did not mean that they would take the initiative to die and become cannon fodder.

Wait and see…

Everyone is waiting and watching.

"Thieves will die——"

Finally, Ma Zhong reached Zhao Yun. He muttered in his heart and took advantage of Zhao Yun to fight with a Wu military captain.

Ma Zhong did not know Zhao Yun. When Zhao Yun escorted Liu Bei to Soochow to marry Sun Shangxiang, Ma Zhong and Pan Zhang were not able to participate.

However, this is not important. What is important is that Ma Zhong has already raised his saber and slashed at Zhao Yun's neck. Zhao Yun seemed to have no reaction. Ma Zhong was ecstatic...

——『Sneak looks like we are going to succeed! 』

——"Capture the thief, capture the king, kill the thief, and the enemy army will collapse!" 』

Yes, Ma Zhong in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" can be called the "Famous General Terminator". Guan Yu, Huang Zhong, Le Jin, Cao Ren, Xu Chu, Zhang Liao... were all killed by his secret arrows and dirty hands.

His cold arrows are terrifying...

His black hands are frightening.

It seems that he is very good at catching thieves and kings in this less upright way!

"Kill him, kill him..."

Pan Zhang, who followed Ma Zhong, couldn't help but get excited.


Unexpectedly, just when the saber was about to touch Zhao Yun's neck, the silver gun in Zhao Yun's hand suddenly appeared, blocking the fatal blow with an incredible angle and strength.

It was accompanied by Zhao Yun's faint words.

"Such a clumsy sneak attack? Who could be hurt?"

Even...Zhao Yun used the word "injury" instead of "killing" someone. The insult...this is Chi Guoguo's insult!


Ma Zhong was startled. He had seen the timing and angle correctly, and it was an unblockable fatal blow...

It stands to reason that even if the white-robed and silver-gunned general in front of him has eyes in the back of his head, he can't withdraw his spear.

That's right.

But he ignored one thing - his opponent was Zhao Yun!

Seven explorations of snakes, Zhao Yun who combines man and gun!

Not to mention the eyes on the back of his head, just the strong wind when the saber struck had already made him well prepared, and... the accurate thing was not a block, but a killing move——


Just when Zhao Yun opened his mouth, the spear in his hand swiped down very casually, and actually followed the retreating force of the saber when it released its force, and fired the spear.

This "point"... is too sharp, too cunning, and too difficult to guard against.

In an instant... the gentian bright silver spear penetrated from Ma Zhong's chin, and then stabbed straight out from the back of Ma Zhong's head.

The barb at the tip of the gun stirred inside Ma Zhong's forehead. As the silver gentian gun was pulled out, a stream of blood flowed out and splashed out...

This scene was so bloody that many people screamed in shock.

As for Zhao Yun's smooth shot, no matter the reaction, the angle of the spear thrust, or the swiftness of the shot, it was so fast that it was so fast that it was jaw-dropping!

Everyone, whether it was the Mi family army or the navy of Soochow, felt only four words spread throughout their bodies:

——"It's so scary!"

And Zhao Yun, after assassinating Ma Zhong, did not stop for even a moment. Killing Ma Zhong was like killing a chicken, and killing any soldier of the Wu army was as common and insignificant...

He quickly threw himself into the continuous killing, continuing to infect the Mi family tribe behind him with his bravery, and also intimidated the young people in Jiangdong.

But, only...

A corpse rolled off the horse. With a "dong dong" sound, the two holes in Ma Zhong's neck and the back of his head were continuously and gushing out blood, as well as...the disgusting brain matter.

It is worth mentioning that his eyes were open, as if he had never closed his eyes from beginning to end!

Seeing this situation, Pan Zhang almost peeed with fright. Not only Pan Zhang, but also Xu Sheng was frightened.

Although, they were certain that the enemy who came to attack them was definitely not "Zhang Liao" and the eight hundred "Shanxi Hans". this still important?

Obviously, the bravery of the silver spear and white horse warrior headed by this general...may be even higher than that of Zhang Wenyuan!

Who can make the children of Soochow stop crying? More than just Zhang Liao?

For a moment, Pan Zhang panicked.

If you think about it with your toes, how could he be the opponent of this white-robed and silver-gunned general?'s already charging towards him. He has no arrow to turn back when he opens his bow, so he can't hit him...he has to bite the bullet!

"You... who are you? My general's subordinates will not... not kill unknown generals..."

Pan Zhang opened his mouth tremblingly, which was a psychological hint... a hint that if he couldn't defeat him, he could at least escape.

Who would have thought that the other party's introduction of his family name would frighten him to the point of peeing.

"I am Changshan Zhao Zilong——"


The name of a person, the shadow of a tree... Who knows the name of Zhao Zilong's seven entrances and seven exits? Who doesn't know?

No matter how dissolute Pan Zhang was by nature, he would never think that he... was Zhao Zilong's opponent. The gap was too far!

Zhao Yun was not used to him. As he spoke, the silver spear was already whizzing towards him...

Pan Zhang was still in a daze...the hand holding the sword in his hand was trembling.

Finally, with the silver spear still a foot away from his neck, he blurted out quickly, "I've heard about Zhao Zilong's name for a long time. I...I, Pan Zhang, am here to ask for surrender!"


Pan Zhang's words stunned Zhao Yun, but with a sound of "clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang!", Pan Zhang's figure was like a monkey, he turned over and dismounted, knelt down on one knee, "Zi General Long, I...I have admired Uncle Liu Huang's name for a long time, I...I am here to abandon the dark side and surrender to the light——"

As Pan Zhang knelt down like this, all his cadres immediately put down their weapons and knelt down. They seemed to have found a long as they knelt down, they could survive in this Shura field!

Live on——

Go back alive——

Having said that, Pan Zhang was born a bandit and was a reckless man. He started to follow Sun Ce when he was appointed as the magistrate of Yangxian County in the first year of Jian'an.

He has a dissolute nature and likes to drink, but his family is poor, so he often buys wine on credit.

When a creditor came to collect debts, he said, "I will pay you back when I become rich."

Later, he did become rich and became a general, but the credit for the wine has not yet been repaid.

Someone like Pan Zhang, who was a bandit and a small person, would hardly be reused by Sun Quan.

Vice general...that is, the ceiling of his military position in Soochow.

How could such a person be so loyal to the Sun family? He will only follow the strong! Someone who can control him, someone who can make him live a good life!


History has undergone tremendous changes. According to ancient documents, in December of the 24th year of Jian'an, this general who led his subordinate Ma Zhong to capture Guan Yu, Guan Ping, and Zhao Lei, and killed Guan Yu and Guan Ping on the spot, is now in Jian'an. Twenty-one years later, he was the first to vote...

Whether the situation forces us to do so, or whether we cherish our lives...

All in all, Pan Zhang and his troops surrendered.

Yes, he had no choice. The gentian bright silver gun was too close to him, and the gentian bright silver gun was too sharp.

Zhao Zilong's reputation is too loud, what else can he do besides surrender? What else could he do?

One stone stirs up thousands of waves...

As Ma Zhong was killed by the silver spear, and as Pan Zhang led his troops to surrender, the entire Wu army was completely defeated.

In this battle, Zhao Zilong's 3,000 to 20,000 victory was not as brilliant as Zhang Liao's 8,000 to 100,000 victory in the past, but it was undoubtedly enough to frighten the Sun clan and all other powerful clans in Soochow.

Speaking of Xu Sheng, faced with such a defeat, he knew that any further resistance would be a dead end, so he immediately ordered a withdrawal.

However, it was not known whether it was due to a shoulder injury or due to the situation. His legs and arms were paralyzed. General Xu Shengda climbed several times in a row before finally climbing onto his horse and fleeing hastily with the remaining defeated soldiers.

Just like shit.

Along the paths left by the Wu army's escape, a pungent smell spread.

it's over…

Everything was over. The Three Thousand Mi Family Trilogy seemed to have been arranged by Mi Fang in advance. They raised their arms and shouted, and they cheered in unison: "The one who broke the thief, Changshan Zhao Zilong is——"

"The one who breaks thieves is Changshan Zhao Zilong——"

Listening to these deafening cheers, I looked at Pan Zhang who was kneeling down.

Zhao Yun raised his head and enjoyed the different feeling brought by this victory!

There is no need for dangerous seven-in-seven-out battles in this battle...

There is no need to be able to advance or retreat...

To deal with the Soochow rats, you only need to use a little trick, and only need one brave general. Three thousand can break 20,000, and eight hundred can break 100,000. These are all routine operations!

Just routine operations——

For a moment, "The one who broke the thief, Changshan Zhao Zilong is also——" This voice echoed in the empty valley, lingering in the air, shaking the heaven and the earth, and lasted for a long time!

For a time, Zhao Zilong's reputation will follow Zhang Liao's, making Wu Jun tremble and frightened——

Xu Ducheng, Palace of King Wei.

The sun is shining brightly outside the window in autumn, the cicadas are chirping one after another, and the hot sunshine is reflected through the luxurious bamboo curtains everywhere.

There were ice cubes placed in the palace, and a map was spread out on the table. Cao Cao was squinting his eyes slightly, looking at the map from the corner of his eye...

Jia Xu was discussing the current situation with Cao Cao.

"Guan Lin's main troops are all in Xiangfan, and Jingnan and Jiangling are undoubtedly empty. At this time, Sun Quan has a great chance of winning in a surprise attack... If Sun Quan captures Jiangling and Changsha, then the lord... can exchange Shouchun for Jiangling, and then Use Jiangling... to redeem Xu Huang and 30,000 Wei soldiers who were trapped in Pinglu City... In this way, the conspiracy set up by Zhuge Ke as an envoy from Guan Lin made the lord lose his trust in the world and the plan of the three armies. It was resolved quietly by the Lord."

——One city of Shouchun was exchanged for 30,000 Wei troops!

Following Jia Xu’s analysis.

Cao Cao nodded slightly, "What Wen He said can be regarded as a way to break the situation... What the Jingzhou envoy Zhuge Ke said is right. Xu Huang and the 30,000 Wei soldiers are related to the military morale and popular popularity of the Wei Dynasty. No matter what, , Gu also needs to be saved...but Shouchun..."

It seems that Cao Cao is still a little reluctant to part with the military fortress of "Shou Chun"...

You know, once Shouchun is also given to Soochow, Soochow's situation will be completely broken. In front of Sun Quan, the north can enter Xuzhou, and the west can attack Yuzhou and Yanzhou. The situation is completely opened.

Why couldn't Jia Xu see Cao Cao's worries? He sighed, "Your Majesty, the so-called lesser of two evils, the greater of two benefits... Soochow is just a scabies disease, Jingzhou From this point of view, losing a life in exchange for Xu Huang and 30,000 soldiers, and maintaining Xu Ducheng's current military bravery...this is more important."


Following Jia Xu's words, Cao Cao let out another deep sigh.

Exchange Shouchun with Soochow for Jiangling;

Trading Jiangling and Jingzhou for the lives of 30,000 soldiers was something Cao Cao didn't want to do. Ten years ago... no, five years ago, he would never have done it!

But now, Guan Lin's plan was to force Cao Cao to lose his heart, and he had to do it!

The only good thing is that Shouchun was ceded to Sun Quan instead of Xudu to Guan Lin. There is a huge difference between them!

"It seems that this is all I can do...but giving up Shouchun is a big hidden danger after all..."

Cao Cao was still a little unwilling, but had no choice but to do so according to Jia Xu's suggestion.

Of course, Cao Cao and Jia Xu wanted to do this, but there was a major premise, that is, Soochow's sneak attack on Jingzhou worked, and Jiangling... had fallen into Soochow's hands.

At this time...

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty——"

A dull voice came from outside the hall.

It’s Cheng Yu…

Seeing Cheng Yu, Cao Cao immediately became more energetic. He knew that... Cheng Yu came in such a hurry, and there must be the latest information coming.

Sure enough, Cheng Yu quickly walked to the palace, bowed his hands to Cao Cao, and then quickly reported.

"Three things came from the south. One... was from Huainan. After the king ordered Cao Zhen and Zhang Liao from Huainan to withdraw their troops and lead their troops to the aid of Xudu, Sun Quan also withdrew all 30,000 troops from Huainan and rushed to the rescue. Lujiang…”

Following Cheng Yu's words, Cao Cao immediately asked: "Why Lujiang?"

Cao Cao can understand Sun Quan's behavior of withdrawing his troops. After all, neither Cao Wei nor Soochow now have too much energy to focus on Huainan, could it be Lujiang? This is neither the rear nor the front? unless…

Before Cao Cao can think about it carefully...

"This is about the last two things..." Cheng Yu continued, "One is that Dongwu raided Changsha and Jiangling, and the army that stabbed Jingzhou in the back was completely defeated. Ma Zhong was killed at Jiangling, Pan Zhang surrendered, and Xu Sheng was defeated by an arrow... At Changsha, Lü Meng was dying and Ding Feng was killed. Facing the Changsha City garrisoned by 2,000 men, the 50,000 Wu army lost more than half of its troops. Now... now they are retreating straight away, running away in panic like... like a bereaved dog!"

Because there are Xiangyang, Fancheng, and Wancheng in between, Cao Cao is the last to know the information about Jingnan and Jiangling.

This was three days later than Zhuge Ke and Zhuge Jin knew and grasped the information.

It was these three days that made Cao Cao and Jia Xu think about each other, and even formulated a plan of "the lesser of two evils"...

But now...

"What?" When Cao Cao heard this piece of information, he stood up suddenly. He couldn't understand it at all, and he couldn't contain his emotions. "What day is today? Is it the fifteenth of July? This the day when wine and rice bags come out? ? These civil servants and generals in Soochow? Are they all just losers? The soldiers of the Wei Dynasty have tied up the main force of Jingzhou in Xiangfan. How come they... how come they can't even attack the two cities of Changsha and Jiangling? They are losers... losers! "

In anger, Cao Cao picked up the "graphite" on the desk and smashed it to the ground angrily.

The ground ink in the graphite suddenly splashed, and the entire floor was covered with small dots as black as ink.

Cao Cao was extremely angry.

However, Cheng Yu's next words once again caused Cao Cao's anger to break through the bottleneck and burst towards a new peak.

"Your Majesty, there is one more thing... At the same time that Soochow attacked Jingzhou in the back, Guan... Guan Yu also raided Jiangdong, and... Guan Yu drove straight in, defeating Yiyang, Chibi, and Fankou... Now, Chaisang has been reached, according to... According to the scouts According to the news, when this flying pigeon came, Sun Quan's 20,000 reinforcements to support Chaisang had been defeated, and generals Dong Xi and Song Lian were killed... Guan Yu... Guan Yu had already begun to attack Chaisang."



If we talk about it just now, Soochow could not attack Jingnan and Jiangling with a back assassination, which was enough to surprise and amaze Cao Cao... and even incomprehensible.

So now, Guan Yu almost killed Soochow, which made Cao Cao's surprise quickly rise to astonishment, disbelief, and incomprehensible astonishment.

"Sun...Sun Quan is a waste! He is a loser—"

Cao Cao had never been so speechless in his life, but what made him speechless this time was Sun Quan, who once boasted that "having a son should be like Sun Zhongmou".

It’s so speechless, it’s a speechless event——

The main force of Jingzhou is in the north. Even so, the small number of Jingzhou troops actually blocked Soochow's backstab;

Even so... Soochow, which had been preparing for four months or even half a year, was... broken by Guan Yu to such an extent that it even hit Chai Sang.

Should Guan Yu be given another month to attack Jianye and Wu County?

In Cao Cao's eyes... it's not that one person is a waste, but the entire Soochow, everyone is a waste, they are all rubbish!


Cao Cao chanted this word, but suddenly he felt his forehead was in a trance, pain came from him, and his heart couldn't stop feeling heavy.

In fact, Cao Cao knew some rumors about Sun Quan and Guan Lin stealing each other's homes in advance.

But... knowing it was the same thing, Cao Cao didn't care too much.

After all, the main force of Jingzhou soldiers, the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses under Guan Lin, are all in Xiangfan...

Jingnan? How many people can be garrisoned in Jiangling?

As for Guan Yu's stolen home? Even if Sun Quan doesn't know how to organize troops, he will definitely place troops and horses on the only way to prevent unexpected events... But by such a coincidence, he was defeated in all three places!

The defeat was a thousand miles away, but the defeat was really stable!

Changsha, Jiangling, and the rear...all three places were defeated. Cao Cao felt that even if he tied a dog to command, it would be the same outcome!

"Sun Quan's son is worthless. He is worse than a dog...a dog--"

Cao Cao covered his forehead while staggering back, and finally retreated to the throne. His whole body seemed to collapse, and he hit it hard...

But he kept repeating this sentence in his mouth, "Sun Quan's son is worthless, a dog...a dog-like thing!"

Both Cheng Yu and Jia Xu saw Cao Cao's pain.

Jia Xu was also speechless. The development of the current situation was completely different from what he had judged.

For a moment, a deep sense of powerlessness hit Jia Xu's body, making him feel that he was old, times had changed, and he was completely unable to deduce the current situation...

His judgment was completely wrong——

This sense of frustration is also deeply torturing Jia Xu, an old minister.

Because Cheng Yu knew this "intelligence" in advance, he was mentally prepared, so he appeared stronger. He quickly comforted Cao Cao: "Your Majesty, please don't get angry. Once you get angry, it will inevitably lead to serious problems. Sun Quan and his son are not able to do anything. But we must not let the Prime Minister suffer from a recurrence of his headache..."

"I know...but...but..." Cao Cao was angry with almost every word he said. He was furious. He really had a strong idea that the King of Wu whom he had conferred by the master of the Wei Dynasty was worse than a dog!

Weak, weak, simply too weak!

"Pass... pass it to Zhuge Ke, pass it to Zhuge Ke, the envoy of Jingzhou——"

Finally, after a long time, Cao Cao, who had calmed down a little, quickly gave orders.

Yes, Soochow's plan to sneak attack Jiangling has failed. Shouchun replaced Jiangling, and Jiangling's plan to replace Xu Huang was also aborted.

Then, the biggest problem facing Cao Cao is...

Just use negotiation to exchange for the lives of Xu Huang and 30,000 soldiers. Otherwise, Wei's military morale and popularity will completely collapse!

Xu Chu outside the door naturally heard Cao Cao's impatience. He quickly agreed and sent Sergeant Huben to inform Zhuge Ke.

Cheng Yu's eyes rolled, as if he still had something to say, and he quickly reported everything he knew to Cao Cao.

"Your Majesty, five days ago, Zhuge Jin, the envoy from Soochow, met in private with Zhuge Ke, the envoy from Jingzhou... People from the school affairs office dressed up as bartenders in a wine shop and heard some rumors, saying that... Sun Quan used the lives of Zhuge Jin and his family to blackmail him. Zhuge Ke, force him...force him to save Soochow?"

Hmm... Following Cheng Yu's words, Cao Cao's eyes flickered slightly, and then he said angrily, "What ability does Zhuge Ke have to save Soochow?"

Cheng Yu pondered for a moment, and then his expression became extremely serious and meticulous. He said solemnly, "Soochow has really come up with a method that can make the three parties stop their troops, allowing Wei and Soochow to slow down, leaving some There is room for change...but if Zhuge Ke agrees, he will become the sinner of the entire Jingzhou and even the entire Han Dynasty!"


Cao Cao paused, his fine eyes suddenly opened to their maximum, and he asked in an extremely hoarse voice.

"what way?"

"Also, will Zhuge Ke agree?"

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