Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 513: Crazy, you let the doctors from Jingzhou save the generals of Wei?


Liu Chan's eyes were filled with tears in the house. He tried hard to hold back, but the tears still slipped down silently and wet his cheeks. His shoulders trembled slightly, showing the pain in his heart.

He tried to see what was ahead of him, but tears blocked his vision, making him feel unable to see himself or the world around him clearly.


Drops of tears fell on the bluestone floor, making the ground extremely slippery. This was the most painful, sad, and heart-wrenching time Liu Chan had ever cried since he was a child.

Although Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang were known for their strict teachings to him in the past, and because the beatings were too painful, Liu Chan cried countless times, but that was because of physical pain, but this time it was because of heartache... and even his heart was completely broken!

As for the reason, just now Liu Chan proudly told his master Guan Lin everything he had done. His original intention was to receive the credit, but who would have thought... what he got was a scolding from Guan Lin.

Those cold tones were especially heard in my ears:

——"I originally thought that human beings are inherently good by nature, similar in nature, but far apart in habits! In order to teach Mencius, Meng's mother did not hesitate to move three times. As the saying goes... if a son does not learn, he will lose his opportunity! 』

——"I thought again, everyone said that you are naughty, Adou, but maybe I can teach you in another way, guide you, and be good at teaching you... But I never thought that after all, a child cannot be taught, and a rotten tree cannot be carved... What have I taught you for so long? Is this how you repay your teacher with such good deeds? 』

——"Haha, I am so naive after all. Even my uncle and Zhuge Military Advisor can't teach you?" How can I train you to be a talented person? It doesn’t matter... this job is not mine in the first place. Today I will write a letter, you... I can’t teach you anymore. I hereby return it to your uncle and Zhuge Military Advisor. Whoever wants to teach can be taught. , I, Guan Lin, am not the Master, and this matter has nothing to do with me! 』

Guan Lin's words were extremely heartless and cold.

Indeed, Liu Chan made a mistake. He thought about things too simply and took things for granted.

Even if the motive is good, it is to make Master Guan Lin happy.

But...this kind of behavior has huge say the least...if Guan Lin has any weak willpower, if he loses his kidney with that big tiger, it will cause endless trouble for the Shu Han generals!

From this perspective... Liu Chan's mistake cannot be forgiven at all!

It is precisely because of this that Liu Chan, who was given the "return" order at this moment, because Guan Lin issued the last ultimatum and set off to return to Bashu tomorrow, Liu Chan cried for a whole hour, crying heartbreakingly.


Waves of sobs came from the mouth of this sunny and cheerful boy, as if the world had turned dark.


In the house, Yuhuan is young and has an honest temper. He doesn't know what to say when faced with this situation.

However, Zhao Yun was the only one comforting Liu Chan.

But before Zhao Yun could open his mouth, Liu Chan's cry of extreme grievance and regret came out first, "Uncle Zilong, I was wrong...I was wrong, I was wrong...Master Yunqi...he doesn't want me...he doesn't want me." Already…”

While talking, I cried at the same time, and the crying was heartbreaking.

"Maybe... this is the price of getting into trouble, maybe..." Zhao Yun is not good at comforting people, he can only say lightly: "Maybe Yun Qi is just angry for a moment, and it will be fine after a while... it will be fine ...After all, I can feel that these days, he is teaching you with all his heart...without reservation!"

"I...I..." Liu Chan's sobs continued, and while crying, he murmured like a confession, "I originally thought that reading was the most boring and useless thing in the world, and playing and having fun was the happiest, Jingxiao My sister allowed me to play and have fun, and gave me this happiness... That was all God's gift to me, but until... I met Master Yun Qi, I didn't know that women are so cheap, and that other people's attitudes towards me So good...because with my status, they can achieve certain's all just use!"

Having said this, Liu Chan paused, wiped away his tears, looked at his little follower Yu Tuo out of the corner of his eye and continued.

"Later, Master Yunqi took me to the outskirts of the city and into the mountains. Only then did I realize that there were many poor people like 'Xiaoyu' in the world. They didn't have enough to eat or wear, but they had clear eyes. It was like spring water, but they lived a life worse than pigs and dogs. Later... Master Yunqi asked me to burn the beacon tower... That was the first contribution I made. At that time, I realized... The feeling of accomplishing something is so good, so fulfilling! It makes people inexplicably intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves!"

The more Liu Chan sighed, the more uncontrollable his tears became, and they flowed down like a broken bead chain.

Although he has not been in contact with Guan Lin for a long time, not even half a year...

But this half year was more exciting than his entire decade of growth.

Under Guan Lin's teaching, he seemed to grow and transform day by day, and get rid of vulgar taste.

But now... Guan Lin kicked him away without mercy!

Kick him aside and ignore him again...

He...he...he Liu Chan's world was like there was no lighthouse suddenly, and there was darkness! Confused!


Listening to Liu Chan's confession and looking at the tears, Zhao Yun just felt distressed.

He could feel... how painful it was for Liu Chan to lose his master Guan Lin from the bottom of his heart.


Sighing helplessly, Zhao Yun raised his eyes and looked at Liu Chan, then at Guan Lin. Finally... he clenched his fists as if he had made a decision.

——He decided to meet Guan Lin once!

Talk to Guan Lin before escorting Liu Chan back to Bashu tomorrow.

At least, I have to fight for Adou again...

After all, after all, Adou was also his comrade who fought alongside Zhao Zilong on Changban Slope seven times in and seven out. They were fellow soldiers!

When Ye City was built, there were three roads and six gates leading to Wuhou's palace.

But unfortunately...the tiger guards who got off the car led Cao Pi, Liu Zhen, and Wu Zhi not to these three roads and six gates, but to a less traveled path, which ultimately led to a "dog gate."


Accompanied by a loud shout from the warrior under the carriage, at this moment, Cao Pi, Liu Zhen, and Wu Zhi were faced with the dog gate. The implication of the warrior under the carriage was undoubtedly... to let the three of them pass through the dog gate. enter.

"What does King Wu mean?" Cao Pi raised his eyes and looked directly at the tiger guard under the car, and opened his mouth angrily: "Is this the way King Wu treats guests?"

Who would have thought that Cao Pi's response would be the cold words of the warrior under the carriage, "Young Master, be careful... There is no King of Wu in Jiangdong, only the Marquis of Wu!"

Seeing his cold expression and listening to his cold words, Cao Pi, Liu Zhen, and Wu Zhi couldn't help but tremble, as if a cold wave hit their chests, making them intimidated.

The voice of the tiger guard under the car chanted again: "The Marquis of Wu is waiting for the Young Master in the palace. Young Master, please..."

As he spoke, the tiger guard looked at the dog hole again. The implication was that this dog hole... Cao Pi could not escape.


Cao Pi pondered for a moment, thought about it again and again, and bent down slightly...

Han Xin also suffered crotch humiliation!

It's just a dog hole, this humiliation? What is it?

What's more... In the current situation, Cao Wei and Soochow have already broken up. Even if Sun Quan really wants to kill him... it's just a matter of nodding and giving an order.

When you think about it, the humiliation is nothing.

Cao Pi... has always been a person who can bend, stretch, and endure!

On the other hand, Wu Zhi's temper was a little more impatient. Faced with Soochow's aggressive approach, he fearlessly met the tiger guard's piercing gaze, "In the past, when Yanzi sent troops to Chu, the king of Chu wanted to humiliate Yanzi, so he specially prepared a dog hole because of Yanzi's short stature. , Yanzi said: "People who are on envoys to the Dog Kingdom just enter through the Dog Gate. Today I am on an envoy to the Chu Kingdom and should not enter through the Dog Gate." What? The Chu Kingdom in the past was not a Dog Kingdom, and Soochow is today. Are you willing to accept the name of this dog country?"

What Wu Zhi said was filled with righteous indignation.

Who would have thought that as soon as he finished speaking, there was a "swish" sound, a short sword came out of its sheath, cut through the sky, and drew a gorgeous arc in the air with lightning speed, and then,

Cao Pi seemed to feel some liquid dripping on his cheek. The liquid was warm but had a fishy smell...

It's too late to realize what kind of liquid this is.

But in front of Wu Zhi, his head has been scratched off...

Blood was pouring out of his neck rapidly, splashing everywhere.

——"Wu dead?" 』

——"Just...just killed alive?" 』


When more and more blood splashed on the cheeks and clothes of Cao Pi and Liu Zhen, they realized...

It’s only half a month apart, and today’s Soochow is no longer the docile Soochow it once was;

Today's envoys of the Wei Dynasty... no longer enjoy any specialness because of the blessing of the national power of the Wei Dynasty.


Amidst the heavy exhalations of Liu Zhen and Cao Pi.

The voice of the tiger guard under Da Wu's chariot came out coldly: "Anyone who dares to humiliate Da Wu will be beheaded——"

After saying this, he turned back and put away the knife, as if none of this had ever happened, and his voice returned to its former coldness. "You two, please! Wu Hou is still waiting for you two in the palace——"


With a "gu dong" sound and a mouthful of spit and swallowing, Cao Pi only felt the huge threat to his life under the great humiliation.

"Young Master...bear with the wind for a while..."

Before Liu Zhen could speak, Cao Pi quickly got down and got out of the dog hole like a panicked, bereaved dog.

On the other side of the dog cave were gathered a group of civil and military officials from Jiangdong.

Seeing Cao Pi's embarrassed look, everyone laughed "hahahaha...".

It seems that... Cao Pi's embarrassment at this moment has completely swept away the haze caused by Soochow being attacked from two sides and surrounded by dangers during this period.

——"Forbearance...bearance!" 』

On the other hand, Cao Pi kept chanting the word "forbearance" in his heart...


Can't bear it? Don't accept this humiliation? What else could he do?


Under the command of Guan Yu, the Guan army began a fierce siege of Lujiang City.

Guan Yu held the Qinglong Yanyue Sword and sat in charge of the central army. Following his instructions...

Zhou Cang was on the high platform, waving the flag in his hand.

First, the "Eight Ox Crossbow" fired the powerful and heavy crossbow arrow, and then the crossbow was opened and thousands of arrows fell from the sky. Black clouds rolled in, and the arrows swarmed... just like the locusts passing by.

The Thunderbolt Ten Ox Crossbow also unleashed its destructive power ten times more powerful than the catapult...

Under such rounds of offensive.

A series of brand-new siege equipment such as Lu Gong's chariot and ladder truck began to move forward slowly... One wave after another of the offensive.

As a rare rising star among the "Twelve Tigers of Jiangdong", He Qi showed everything a mature and steady general can do when facing Guan Yu's offensive.

"Hold it...Hold it..."

"Hurry up and bring the stones..."

"The enemy has entered the shooting range, the crossbowmen...shoot——"

Having said that, Lujiang has always been the warehouse of Soochow.

In order to capture Jingzhou... Sun Quan specially transported a large amount of ordnance here, and transported it forward to "Chaisang" and "Lukou" at any time...

With the fall of the frontline city, the ordnance here could not be sent out, so a large amount was hoarded.

Who would have thought that these would be the last straw for Soochow and He Qi.

"I will give you five hundred soldiers to support the east city gate. No matter what, the city gate must not be damaged."

Following He Qi's words, a general gritted his teeth and responded, "I will obey your orders!"

He Qi on the tower turned around and shouted to the soldiers fighting bloody battles at the top of the city.

This is a group of iron shield soldiers, integrating their formation in the rain of arrows. Although some people were constantly shot to the ground by crossbows, under the pressure of the Dubs, they still formed a square formation to protect the crossbows in the shield formation. Hands, crossbow arrows began to emerge... and began to continuously fire back at the bottom of the city tower!

This way…

The arrows hit the huge and thick iron shield, making a "dinging" sound, and they all fell to the ground.

But the rain of arrows hit the tower...

Thousands of soldiers from the Guan family have fallen, and it seems that... the counterattack is very effective.

But there was no trace of joy on He Qi's face, and he even looked at another city gate from time to time...

What he was most worried about was not Guan Yu's journey, but that he was going all out to defend the city here.

What if...the other side is breached? So what?

The Wei army outside the North City Gate...are still watching with eager eyes!

"Counterattack, use bed crossbow... bed crossbow..."

Following He Qi's instructions, the hoarse sound of the crossbow's pivot rang out, and the crossbow bolt as thick as an arm tore through the air, crashing into the enemy formation with a sharp cry...

Boom, boom, boom!

Countless Guan family army formations seemed to explode, and the sounds of broken iron shields came and went...

The huge crossbow bolt was like a lightning bolt that blocked the Guan family's army's attack. It shot up the Guan family soldier holding a shield in the front row and penetrated several Wei soldiers behind him one after another, flying several feet away.

Immediately, the shining black crossbow arrows seemed to feel the taste of killing. Crossbow arrows were shot out one after another, rushing into the crowd with a harsh whistle, and the wails broke out again.

The Bed Crossbow... is not as powerful as the Eight Ox Crossbow, but it is better in having more, and it is better in that... it can shoot down the city tower indiscriminately, blocking the advance of the Guan family army.

On the other hand, the Thunderbolt Ten Ox Crossbow.

It was because of the Guan Jiajun's attack that they began to be timid and did not dare to attack easily for fear of hurting friendly forces.

Under the ebb and flow of one another, there is no doubt that...this siege battle has gradually fallen into an unfavorable situation for the siege party.

Guan Yinping was young and vigorous. When he saw the city that had been unable to be conquered for a long time, he was eager to try. He asked his father for orders: "Father, my dear, please go and support me——"

Guan Yu witnessed such an offensive, his brows furrowed, and he was noncommittal about Guan Yinping's words. It seemed that... he was also hesitating whether he should continue to invest troops or withdraw temporarily.

"Yun Chang, you can't fight..."

Xu Shu and Guan Yu are old partners. How could they not see the situation at this moment and Guan Yu's hesitation at this moment.

He took a deep breath and pointed in the direction of the north city gate, "The Wei army did not launch an attack on Lujiang City as promised. However, Lujiang City has sufficient weapons and troops. We alone...can't attack by force."

Having said that, Guan Yu is good at field battles, but not good at attacking fortresses...

The Guan Jiajun was a naval and land battle, but the only weak link was to capture the city and ascend first.

Of course, these were all in Guan Yu's calculations. What he didn't expect was... "Lv Gong's Car", "Double Hook Car", and "Ladder Car". These siege equipment provided by his son had only experienced Chai Sang's siege once. General Wu found the weakness and launched a targeted attack...

"It seems that Guan is looking down on He Qi!"

Following Guan Yu's voice, his eyes narrowed into slits.

In fact, what he was thinking was - "This Lujiang City has become a tough nut to crack!" 』

at this time…

"Report... The Wei army in the north of the city is still standing still, but Wu army troops and horses appeared on the west side. It is Wu general Jiang Qin who has gathered the remnants of Liu'an. Together with the original troops and horses, they have assembled a regiment of more than 15,000 people!"


With this piece of information, the situation developed in an even more unfavorable direction.

"Yun Chang, in this siege battle... our army has lost the help of the Wei army, but He Qi has been waiting for the reinforcements from Jiang Qin. It is urgent and we must not be reluctant to fight. We have to retreat for the time being... and we will consider the long term!"

Guan Yu undoubtedly listened to Xu Shu's words this time.

However, his throat was rolling and his face was gloomy...

It seemed that he couldn't figure out why Lujiang City, which was supposed to be "easy" and "at your fingertips", had such unexpected changes.

The Wei army, which had already marched south from Hefei... and had won consecutive battles, suddenly failed to launch an attack as agreed.

Guan Yu couldn't help but think of the day when he said goodbye to Zhang Liao, Zhang Liao smiled and told him, "The next time you and I have a drink, it will be in Lujiang City!" 』

"After the Ruxu Wu army was destroyed, Yunchang marched eastward, and I, Zhang Liao, led his troops southward. We conquered the Lujiang River in one fell swoop with the force of encirclement. Let's go together to drink and talk in front of Zhou Gongjin's tomb. We won't return until we are drunk. How can we?" Isn’t it beautiful? 』

A righteous man often makes a promise worth a thousand pieces of gold...

In front of Zhou Gongjin's tomb... let's drink and talk happily, and we won't return until we get drunk!


Who would have thought that Guan Yu would arrive as scheduled, but Zhang Wenyuan would miss his appointment.

With this in mind, Guan Yu couldn't hide a hint of silence in his expression. He took a deep breath and then gave a serious command:

"Pass the military order from Guan, and the three armies will retreat——"

This side…

The Guan army with neat military appearance and clear discipline evacuated quickly.

Over there, north of the Lujiang River, is the temporary camp of the Wei army...

Several lieutenants were stamping their feet dejectedly. One of them said: "General Wenyuan ordered that Lujiang City must be attacked today..."

"But..." Another lieutenant general sighed, "But yesterday... General Wenyuan came from a long distance with an injured body. In front of so many soldiers, he fell to the ground and vomited blood. …Now, the officers and soldiers of the three armies are all worried about General Wenyuan’s body, who…who is still willing to attack the city?”

"Yeah..." Another lieutenant general had a serious look on his face, and he sighed helplessly: "Siege the city... If we don't have General Wenyuan to attack the city... who will lead the troops? Who is worthy of commanding the troops? Can the soldiers... be convinced?"

With this voice, the entire discussion among the lieutenants came to an abrupt end.

It was as if the air had condensed... There was an atmosphere of silence, worry, and panic.

at this time…


Following a cry, a doctor in the Chinese army's tent could be heard shouting, "No, General Wenyuan is bleeding again... hurry... get the hemostatic medicine quickly!"

With this voice.

The entire Wei army...every soldier's heart was deeply pricked, and the Chinese army's tent had long been in chaos.

It seems that... Zhang Liao's injury makes it quite difficult for medical officers in the military today...

However, a medical officer came up with a bold idea.

"Now that the Wei Dynasty and Jingzhou are jointly attacking Soochow, we might as well...invite doctors from Jingzhou to save General Wenyuan. There is the miracle doctor Zhongjing there, and the official medical office there is world-famous. Maybe there able..."

Once the idea got out…

Another older medical officer quickly interrupted, "Are you crazy? Can the king allow the generals of Wei to be saved by doctors from Jingzhou?"


It seems that these words of the elderly medical officer caused many people here to think deeply.


(On the first day of participating in the CIIE, I was so exhausted!)

(I came back at 9 o’clock to code until now, but I can’t do it anymore. Sorry!)

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