After seeing Dian Wei's video, Jiang Feng already liked Dian Wei very much.

I like Dian Wei's courage and I like Dian Wei's loyalty!

Now, with the exposure of the god-level inventory, all the princes in the world must be looking for Dian Wei.

Therefore, Jiang Feng must hurry up.

Be ahead of the princes of the world!

Of course, there is another important reason.

In the Merit Mall, even the top soldiers only have 80 points of strength and intelligence at most.

It is completely incomparable to the top generals and strategists of the Three Kingdoms!

Therefore, Jiang Feng could not only rely on god-level inventory.

If you want to achieve a hegemony, Jiang Feng must recruit talents!

According to the history obtained earlier.

Jiang Feng knew that the current Dian Wei was in a mountain forest near Chen Liu.

Previously, Dian Wei was one of the eighteen princes, and Chen Liu was under Zhang Liao.

Because of the conflict in the army, in a fit of anger, he left Zhang Liao.

I came to the middle of the forest.

The other princes, it is absolutely difficult to find Dianwei.

However, after getting the god-level inventory, Jiang Feng already knew the history of the Three Kingdoms well!

He even clearly knew which mountain forest Dian Wei was in!

Chen Liu was about six or seven hundred miles away from Mt.

Riding a red rabbit horse, Jiang Feng quickly increased the whip.

Run wildly all the way.

Every other hour, give the red rabbit horse a break.

In the evening, Jiang Feng came to the mountain forest.

On this night, Jiang Feng chose to sleep in the mountains and forests.

Just as Jiang Feng was galloping wildly, the eighteen-way princes were already heading directly towards Luoyang City.

Tiger Prison Pass is only a few dozen miles away from Luoyang City.

In the evening, the army of the eighteenth princes had all arrived in Luoyang City.

Sun Jian's partial master also arrived in Luoyang City almost at the same time.

At this time, after two days of burning, Luoyang City had almost turned into ruins!

Even the palace is a ruin.

The eighteen princes were all stationed in Luoyang City.

After "filial piety moved Tianlu Fengxian", "Green plum brewing wine on heroes" and "Cao Cao killed the three sages with one shot", the contradictions of the eighteen-way princes have almost become public.

Killing two righteous fathers in a row, Lü Bu has become notorious.

There is hardly anyone who is willing to take advantage of Lü Bu.

Criticizing the heroes of the world, Cao Cao has also become the target of everyone.

Yuan Shu had already torn his face with Cao Cao.

The two sides are at odds.

Although Yuan Shao and Cao Cao did not tear their faces, both sides regarded each other as their fierce enemies in their hearts!

Many of the other princes were also alienating Cao Cao....


Dong Zhuo's army continued to march towards Chang'an.

Along the way, driving millions of Luoyang people...

Chen Liu, in a certain mountain forest.

After most of the day of galloping horses, Jiang Feng soon fell asleep.

Jiang Feng slept until the next morning.

In the early morning, Jiang Feng had just woken up when he suddenly heard a tiger roar.


The roar of the tiger shook the mountains and forests, and Jiang Feng immediately froze.

This is an innate fear of beasts.

However, soon, Jiang Feng had already thrown his fear out of cloud nine.

Because, now, his force has reached a hundred!

Still holding the Overlord gun in his hand!

As soon as his mind moved, Jiang Feng walked towards the tiger roar.

Through a forest, Jiang Feng has come to the place of the Tiger Roaring Mountain Forest.

Then, Jiang Feng saw three tigers.

One big tiger, two and a half big tigers.

In the middle of the three tigers, one man stands tall.

The body is extremely strong.

Two iron halberds in his hands!

As soon as he saw this person, Jiang Feng immediately remembered a name.


Jiang Feng also remembered a story.

"Dian Wei chased the tiger across the stream!"

Xia Hou Wei was in the mountains and forests and saw Dian Wei chasing the tiger across the stream.

Xia Hou was shocked.

He immediately recommended Dian Wei to Cao Cao.

Eventually, Dian Wei became Cao Cao's beloved general.

Looking at Dian Wei surrounded by three tigers, Jiang Feng's heart was a little worried.

On that occasion, Dian Wei encountered only a tiger.

And this time, Dian Wei met three tigers.

In addition to one large tiger, there are two and a half large tigers.

The tiger goes it alone.

It is clear that this is a tigress, and two half-large tigers.

However, even those two half-big tigers can instantly bite people's necks!

Can Dian Wei beat these three tigers?

In Jiang Feng's gaze, the big tiger suddenly let out a roar!



The two little tigers also roared in response.

In the roar of the tiger, the three tigers had pounced on Dian Wei in the middle.

At the same time that the three tigers pounced on Dian Wei, Dian Wei's body flashed.

Dianwei's speed is fast.

Directly avoided the tigress's pounce!


The double iron halberd in his hand had also directly smashed into the two half-big tigers.

Dian Wei's double iron halberd, thirty-nine pounds in his left hand.

Forty-one pounds on the right hand.

Together, it's a full eighty pounds!

Two and a half large tigers, in the air, exhausted of their momentum.

There is no escape.

Dian Wei's double iron halberd directly smashed on the heads and necks of the two tigers!

Dozens of pounds of weight, gravitational acceleration.

How much power is a few hundred pounds!

Plus the blade of the iron halberd!

This halberd of Dian Wei went down and directly smashed the two tigers to the head and blood!

One of the tigers, his head was almost cut off!

Only by some tiger skin adhesion ....

Obviously, these two half-big tigers are certain to die!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Jiang Feng took a light breath.

Dian Wei, even more fierce than Jiang Feng expected!

Dianwei with a double halberd is not the same as Dianwei who loses a double halberd!

Just in Jiang Feng's surprise, two half-big tigers had fallen with a bang!

The tigress let out a roar.

However, in its roar, there is less domineering.

Vaguely, it seems to be a little desolate.

In the desolate roar of the tiger, Dian Wei was already holding the halberd and slowly approaching the tigress.

Under the persecution of Dian Wei, the tigress, who had just died two children, chose to retreat directly.

Instead of charging, he chose to retreat!

Retreat in the direction where Jiang Feng is.

Dian Wei slowly approached, and the tigress slowly retreated.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Jiang Feng smiled gently.

Holding the overlord gun in his hand, Jiang Feng finally walked out from behind the tree.

Walk towards the tigress.

Perhaps it was the oppressive force given by Dian Wei that made the tigress extremely nervous.

It wasn't until Jiang Feng was three feet away from the tigress that the tigress finally found Jiang Feng behind him.

Looking at Jiang Feng, the tigress let out a roar.


In the roar, the tigress had opened its blood basin and mouth.

Fly towards Jiang Feng!

Looking at the state of the tigress, Jiang Feng was fearless in his heart.

Just when the tigress was about to pounce on Jiang Feng, the overlord gun in Jiang Feng's hand instantly stabbed out!

The gun comes out like a dragon.

Lightning fast!

Not only fast, but also accurate!

Directly stabbed into the abdomen of the tigress!

In an instant, Jiang Feng's overlord gun had directly stabbed into the tigress's abdomen!

Under the powerful impact of the tigress, Jiang Feng's wrist shook violently!

Even my arms felt sore.

The footsteps all slid back two steps!

However, the overlord gun in his hand has directly pierced the tigress's abdomen!

Between the electric stone fire, this tigress in hundreds of catties has been assassinated by Jiang Feng!

One shot to kill!

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