On the sky screen, Jiang Feng's voice still resounded throughout the world of the Great Han.

"After taking control of the imperial government, Li Wei, Guo Qiang, Fan Chou and others had contradictions. "

"In order to fight for power, the contradiction has intensified. "

Later, Fan Chou wanted to lead the troops out of the customs and asked Li Wei for soldiers. "

"Li Wei is afraid of Fan Chou. "

So he designed to kill Fan Chou. "

"And annexed the Fan Chou soldiers. "

"Li Wei often invited Guo Xiao to banquets at home, and often stayed at Guo Xiao to stay at home. "

"Guo Qiang's wife is worried that Li Wei will send a concubine to Guo Qian and share her favor ~ love. "

Therefore, he decided to provoke the relationship between Li Wei and Guo-Wan. "

One day, Li Wei brought wine and food to Guo Wan. "

Guo's wife singled out the tempeh and said it was poison. "

And said bad things about Li Wei many times. "

Guo became more and more suspicious. "

A few days later, Li Wei feasted Guo Xiao again. "

"Drunk Guo Wan. "

Guo Xiao suspected that Li Wei wanted to poison him, and hurriedly drank feces to induce vomiting and hangover. "

After Jiang Feng's words, the picture of the sky screen has changed.

On the canopy, it was Guo Qiang, who was drunk.

Guo Xiao covered his stomach with his hand, feeling that his stomach hurt a little.

Next to Guo Xiao is his wife.

Looking at Guo Wan, Guo's wife's face was full of concern.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Did Li Wei poison the wine?"

"Li Wei actually wants to poison you!"

Guo Wan's face immediately changed.

Hurriedly shouted, "Bring the dung! Bring the dung!"

The guards were shocked.

Soon, the guards brought the manure.

Guo Xiao pinched his nose and poured feces into his stomach.

Then, Guo Xiao vomited.

Guo Xiao continued to pour and continue to vomit.

While pouring, spitting ...

Looking at the scene on the sky, everyone in the world laughed.

Before, when looking at the miserable situation of the people of Chang'an, everyone hated Guo Xiao to the bone.

Now, watch Guo Xiao drink dung juice.

Moreover, still because of a woman, drink dung juice!

How can they not laugh!

The eighteen-way princes were also laughing.

Cao Cao laughed the loudest.

The martial generals of the Eighteenth Route Princes were all laughing.

The 200,000-strong army of the eighteen-way princes were also laughing.

On the official road from Luoyang to Chang'an.

Even Dong Zhuo was laughing.

Dong Zhuo looked at Li Ru and said, "This guy Guo Xiao is really stupid!"

"His woman is just as stupid!"

Li Ru nodded in agreement.

However, in Li Ru's heart, he scolded.

"You too!"

"Guo Qiang's wife knows that she is worried, and Li Wei offers a concubine to Guo Qiang. "

"You don't even know that Wang Yun offered you mink cicadas..."

The only one who couldn't laugh was Guo Wan.

Looking at the scene on the sky screen, Guo Xiao was furious.

He knew that from this moment on, he had become the laughing stock of the world.

It's not just the laughing stock of the world.

And it will lose all prestige!

Now, Guo Xiao can clearly feel it.

Around him, many of his soldiers were laughing.

If this continues, he may not even be able to control his soldiers!

Guo Wan's face trembled.

Beside Guo Qiang, Guo Qiang's wife had lowered her head.

Her heart was already extremely apprehensive.

She wanted to step back.

Hearing his wife's footsteps, Guo Wan's gaze immediately moved to his wife.

Looking at his wife, Guo Wan's eyes almost spewed fire.

"Slut, you did a good job! You made me the laughing stock of the world!"

Guo's wife immediately knelt down.

"Xianggong, I..."

"None of the god-level inventory has happened yet..."

Guo Wan's eyes were still full of anger.

"Although things haven't happened yet, Lao Tzu's face has been lost!"

"If I don't kill you, how can I lead the army!

After saying these words, Guo Xiao had directly pulled out the sword on his waist.

A sword slashed towards Guo's wife!

The sword is sharp.

Guo Qiang is fierce.

A sword went down and directly cut off Guo's wife's head!

Rolled to the ground...

Just in Dong Zhuo's loud laughter, in Guo Qiang's rage.

More and more Luoyang people have fled.

There are more and more Dong Jun chasing and killing.

One after another people were killed.

Crowds of people were slaughtered.

However, because the number of people is too large, the queue is too long.

Now, Dong Zhuo has not learned the news.

In the midst of the laughter of the world's people, the god-level inventory continued.

Jiang Feng's voice continued.

After thinking that Li Wei wanted to poison himself, Guo Xiao was furious. "

"Immediately lead the army to fight with Li Wei. "

"The two sides fought for months, with tens of thousands of casualties. "

Later, Li Wei held the Han emperor Liu Xie hostage. "

"Guo Xiao held a group of public secretaries hostage. "

"The two sides continue to fight. "

Later, the two sides were reconciled by Zhang Ji and temporarily withdrew. "

At this time, the Han Emperor Liu Xie had been crowned. "

Liu Xie proposed to miss the old capital and wanted to return the capital Luoyang. "

"The request for dispatch was made ten times before permission was granted. "

In July, Liu Xie returned from Chang'an with a group of officials. "

However, soon after, Li Wei and Guo Xiao repented. "

"Successively chaotic. "

Li Wei repeatedly sent troops to pursue Liu Xie. "

"All forces, the scene is on the scene. "

"Western Qiang, Xianbei and others all appeared. "

"Liu Xiequnchen is also infighting. "

"The chaos doesn't stop. "

During this period, Liu Xie beside Gongqing many died. "

"Close guards, there are less than a hundred left. "

"It took a year. "

"In July of the following year, he was escorted by Yang Feng, Han Xian, Dong Cheng and others. "

"Han Emperor Liu Xie finally returned to Luoyang. "

At this time, six years had passed since Dong Zhuo moved his capital to Chang'an. "

After Jiang Feng's words, the picture on the sky screen has changed.

It became the Luoyang Imperial Palace.

Liu Xie, who was sixteen years old, stood in the Luoyang Palace with hundreds of officials.

At this time, six years had passed since Dong Zhuo burned Luoyang.

However, the palace is still in ruins, ruins.

The entire Luoyang City is still in ruins.

There are only scattered people.

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone's hearts were filled with sighs.

As a century-old Han capital, Luoyang City has always been the most prosperous place in the world.

However, Dong Zhuo's fire destroyed everything!

Luoyang City, among the royal palaces.

The minds of the eighteen-way princes are different from those of ordinary people.

Their focus is on "six years."

In god-level inventory, there is often no clear time.

Therefore, many people have been vague about time.

When they heard the words "six years", all the princes were shocked.

On the official road from Luoyang to Chang'an.

On a royal car.

Looking at himself in the sky curtain, Liu Xie's heart was full of emotion.

In this life, he has experienced too many hardships and twists and turns.

The only thing he was thankful for was:

Six years later, he is still alive, and the big man is still there.

He was also the emperor of the Great Han.

But what happens next?

Can he get rid of the identity of a puppet emperor?

It was in the god-level inventory, in Liu Xie's feelings.

The people of Luoyang have fled more and more.

Dong Zhuo, who was on the royal car, finally learned about this matter.

Dong Zhuo immediately became furious.

"A bunch of miscreants!"

"Ben Xiangguo kindly took you to Chang'an, you actually dare to run!"

"Do you think I dare not kill you?"

"Pass on my order, those who dare to escape, kill!"

A general next to him asked cautiously: "Qiyu Xiangguo, there are too many people who have fled. "

"Really kill them all?"

Dong Zhuo's face changed, "Why don't you kill?"

"Disobey the military order and run away without authorization, why not kill!"

His eyes were already full of ruthlessness.

Insanely ruthless.

In his mind, the scene of Cao Cao slaughtering Xuzhou appeared again. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

A sea of corpse and blood in Xuzhou emerged.

"Cao Cao was able to slaughter Xuzhou in the name of avenging his father. "

"Why can't I disobey the military order and slaughter the Diao people?!"

"Pass on my order, the army will attack!"

"Those who dare to escape, kill without mercy!"

Dong Zhuo's face was full of excitement.

Almost obsessive.

"Run one to kill one, run two to kill a pair!"

"Run 100,000 and kill 100,000!"

"If you run away, kill them all!"


At the same time that Dong Zhuo gave the order, the god-level inventory continued.

Jiang Feng's voice continued to resound throughout the world of the Great Han.

"At this time, in Luoyang City, the palaces burned down, the houses were destroyed, and there were few people. "

"The people are living in hardship. "

"The crowd is hungry and desperate. "

"Forced by helplessness, officials below Shang Shulang personally went out to collect wild fruits and vegetables to feed themselves. "

"Some officials were starved to death. "

"Some officials were killed by soldiers. "

"It's a miserable sight. "

After Jiang Feng's words, Luoyang City had appeared on the sky screen.

A miserable Han court.

and a group of officials who starved to death or were killed.

Looking at the scene on the sky, the hearts of countless people were full of desolation.

Especially the Han clansmen.

A number of court officials were killed or starved to death.

The scene in front of him can be called the darkest moment of the big man!

As long as the wind blows, it can destroy the four hundred year big man!

However, the most uncomfortable is definitely Liu Xie.

After experiencing so many hardships and hardships, and dying so many people, he finally escaped back to Luoyang.

Is that the end of it?

In the desolation of everyone, Jiang Feng's voice had already sounded.

"Just when the Han Emperor Liu Xie was taken hostage to Chang'an, the Han world was in chaos. "

"The crowd is fighting for hegemony, and there is gunfire everywhere. "

"Each state and county has a strong army. "

Among them, Yuan Shaohu is in Jizhou and is the pastor of Jizhou. "

"Cao Cao occupied Yanzhou and was the pastor of Yanzhou. "

"After the Han Emperor returned east, the news spread throughout the world. "

"Soon, the news reached the ears of Yuan Shao and Cao Cao..."

As soon as the words "Yuan Shao" and "Cao Cao" came out, many people immediately felt cold.

Yuan Shao is now the lord of the eighteen-way princes' alliance, and his reputation is unparalleled in the world.

Cao Cao was a hero who is now equally well known.

It made many people shudder.

Luoyang City, among the royal palaces.

Hearing the names "Yuan Shao and Cao Cao", the eighteen-way princes had already understood one thing.

The people who "held the Son of Heaven to order the princes" were not Li Wei and Guo Wan.

It's Yuan Shao or Cao Cao.

Ask for flowers 0

After Jiang Feng's words, the sky has changed.


Jizhou Mu Yuan Shao, and his advisers, were discussing.

Yuan Shao opened his mouth and asked, "Now the Han Emperor has returned east." "

"Do you think I should welcome Emperor Han?"

Frustrated, he immediately spoke: "The Warring States policy has words, and the Son of Heaven is used to order the princes, and the world does not dare not listen, and this royal way is also." "

"Although the Han Emperor talked about the dragon, the tiger fell to Pingyang. "

"But after all, he is the lord of the world and controls the righteousness of the world. "

"The minister suggested, welcome the Han Emperor!"

Guo Tu shook his head and said, "Shouldn't you welcome Emperor Han, won't the Lord see Dong Zhuo come down?"

The judge also spoke: "Now that the Han family is in decline, it is difficult to revitalize the Han family. "

"Now the Lord is divided into the world, with heavy troops in his hands, and does whatever he wants. "

"If the Son of Heaven is ushered in, every move needs to be played. "

"If you obey the Son of Heaven, you lose your power. "

"If you do not listen, you will resist the emperor's order." "

"Therefore, I think we should never welcome the Son of Heaven!"

Frustrated, he hurriedly said, "Greeting the imperial court is the great righteousness of the world!"

"If the public does not plan early, there will be someone first!"

"Don't miss the opportunity, the time will not come!"

Both sides have their own merits.

Just as there are two sides to everything.

Yuan Shao hesitated for a long time, and Yu spoke, "The trial Guo Tu said well. "

"I think it's better not to welcome the Son of Heaven. "

Yuan Shao's words shocked many people when he boarded.

After Cao Cao slaughtered Xuzhou, many people did not like Cao Cao.

Because, afraid.

For Yuan Shao, the leader of the alliance, most people prefer it.

Therefore, they all hoped that Yuan Shao would welcome the Son of Heaven.

The one who most hoped that Yuan Shao would welcome the Son of Heaven was Liu Xie, the emperor of Han Xian.

Looking at the scene on the sky screen, Liu Xie's face immediately changed.

Now, he had guessed one thing.

In "holding the Son of Heaven to order the princes", the person who held the Son of Heaven hostage was Cao Cao!

As soon as he thought of Cao Cao, Liu Xie remembered Cao Cao Tu Xuzhou.

I remembered those corpse mountains and sea of blood.

As soon as he thought of those things, Liu Xie's body trembled...

Luoyang City, among the royal palaces.

Seeing that Yuan Shao did not greet the Son of Heaven, all the princes were taken aback.

Now, although Yuan Shao's name is great.

However, Cao Cao scared them even more.

Even Yuan Shao himself was taken aback.

"Why don't I welcome the Son of Heaven?"

"Why don't you take the Son of Heaven to order the princes?"

"Why didn't I do such a good thing?"

"What the hell do I think?"

Yuan Shao's mind turned.

Suddenly, Yuan Shao remembered a sentence.

In "Green Plum Brewing Wine on Heroes", Cao Cao's evaluation of him.

"Yuan Shaose is fierce and timid, and he is indecisive; he spares his life when he does big things, and forgets his life when he sees small profits. "

As soon as he thought of these words, Yuan Shao's body immediately trembled.

For Cao Cao's evaluation, Yuan Shao originally felt that it was reasonable.

But now, he realized, as if he had confirmed that.

In the lightning of his mind, Yuan Shao suddenly remembered a possibility.

"If I welcome the Son of Heaven, I will take the Son of Heaven to order the princes." "

"What would I think now?"

As soon as this idea came out, Yuan Shao was shocked in his heart.

Because, he found, even if he welcomed the Son of Heaven.

He will regret it too!

I also think why should I welcome the Son of Heaven?

Why would you do such a stupid thing!

As soon as this idea came out, Yuan Shao immediately felt a chill.

He suddenly felt that Cao Cao's words had completely seen through him!

Cao Cao saw through everything about him!

Yuan Shao's heart was already full of fear.

A thought had risen in his mind:

"If I don't get rid of Cao Cao, I will die without a place to be buried!"

Liu Bei's heart was also full of sighs.

A mocking smile flashed in Cao Cao's eyes.

The smile was fleeting.

All over the Great Han, the other princes, were also taken aback.

Especially the Han clansmen.

Because, the scene of Cao Cao slaughtering Xuzhou is still lingering in their minds...

If you let Cao Cao hold the Son of Heaven hostage to order the princes.

That, the big han world...

In the midst of the sighs of the princes, Jiang Feng's voice sounded again.

"After receiving the news of the Han Emperor's return to the east, Cao Cao immediately decided to welcome the Han Emperor!"

"Hold the Son of Heaven hostage to order the princes!"

"After the Han Emperor returned to Luoyang, life was difficult. "

At the same time, Han Xian and others acted recklessly and interfered in the government of the dynasty with the merit of escort. "

Dong Cheng thought it was a big disaster. "

So he secretly summoned Yanzhou Mu Cao Cao and personally led troops to Luoyang. "

"Receiving the secret call, Cao Cao was overjoyed in his heart. "

"Immediately lead the army to Luoyang. "

From then on, the Han Emperor Liu Xie fell into the hands of Cao Cao. "

After Jiang Feng's words, the scene on the sky screen immediately changed.

Cao Cao led the army and rushed to the ruined Luoyang.

In the ruined palace, I met the Han Emperor Liu Xie.

I also saw a ruined court official.

Cao Cao's army, located on both sides.

Gun halberds, iron armor lining.

There was a murderous atmosphere.

Cao Cao led the generals and knelt down with a bang.

Kneeling in front of Liu Xie.

Cao Cao's face was full of loyalty.

"Chen Cao Cao, it's late to help!"

"Please forgive Your Majesty!"

Người mua: hp115

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