Lu Bu galloped his horse into the crowd, which is tantamount to a tiger jumping into a herd of sheep.

These generals are invincible in front of ordinary people.

But when they met Lu Bu, these generals seemed to become ordinary people.

Among the second-rate generals, no one is Lu Bu's all-in-one enemy.

After Guan Yu was seriously injured, none of these people could even confront Lu Bu head-on.

Of course, there are also good generals in the crowd, such as Zhu Cao Xiahou and others, who are not only good in skill, but also have a large number of people.

But Lu Bu is not a fool, he will not provoke these people and put himself in crisis.

The persimmons are soft, and there is a system to view the panel properties, and Lu Bu specially picks and kills some chickens.

As the generals were beheaded by Lu Bu one by one, fear finally completely swallowed them up.

No one dared to challenge Lu Bu head-on. Wherever Lu Bu charged, the generals would flee in all directions.

And this situation is undoubtedly the most beneficial to Lu Bu.

It seemed that Lu Bu was caught in the crowd, but he played very easily instead.

"What kind of monster is this?!" Yuan Shao stood on the stage, looking at the situation in the field, his expression was extremely ugly.

"Trash! They're all trash!" Yuan Shu jumped up and down and cursed.

Ji Ling was killed by Lu Bu with a halberd, which made Yuan Shu lose his composure completely.


"It can't go on like this." Xiahou Dun said in a deep voice, "Let us brothers work together to stop Lu Bu."

"Okay." Cao Ren nodded and planned to fight Lu Bu.

However, before Cao Ren could move out, Cao Hong who was on the side hastily shot Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun, "Look!"

Several people heard the words and looked into the distance, only to see the gate of Hulaoguan was wide open, and a group of generals also rushed out at this time.

Zhang Liao and Gao Shun were worried about Lu Bu's safety, so they took the lead and rushed to the forefront, rushing to reinforce Lu Bu.

The princes of Xiliang followed closely behind. Although their relationship with Lu Bu was not good, the enemy was in front of him and Dong Zhuo was still supervising the battle from the top of the city.

What's more, Lu Bu has already disrupted the opponent's formation. At this time, they rushed forward, no doubt to gain merit, so why not do it, there is no need to not compete with Lu at this time.

Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Ji, Fan Chou, Niu Fu, Hu Zhen, Duan Yan, Xu Rong, Zhang Xiu

Liangzhou is located in the borderlands, and has been in contact with the Hu and Qiang people all year round, and the folk customs are tough.

Although there are no top generals, there are countless backbone generals, not too much inferior to the coalition forces.

"Quickly withdraw! Quickly withdraw!" Cao Hong hurriedly said, "One Lu Bu is enough to deal with, plus these Xiliang generals, we will definitely not get any good."

Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren looked at each other, nodded slightly, and left the battlefield with Cao Hong.

Not only the princes and princes of Xia, but seeing that the situation was not good, there were not a few princes and generals who fled.

After Lu Bu saw it, he didn't stop it, let alone being powerless to stop it.

But after these people escaped, it was easier for Lu Bu.

No more scruples, chasing after the princes and generals, hacking and killing.

On the battlefield, dozens of princes and generals fled to the camp, and Lu Bu rode behind him on a fiery red rabbit horse, catching up with each other and killing each other.

When he was almost chased, Lu Bu reined in his horse, took out his precious carved bow, and started shooting at the back of the generals.

For a while, the princes and generals were beaten by Lu Bu alone, and they ran away with their heads in their hands.

"Hahaha~" Lu Bu looked up to the sky and laughed, "It's cool!"

When Zhang Liao and Gao Shun approached, all the princes and generals had already run back, but there were also a dozen corpses left on the ground, all of which were the result of Lu Bu's battle.

"Your Majesty, do you want to chop off these heads?" Gao Shun asked.

Lu Bu waved his hand and said, "They're all small shrimps, nothing to show off, no need."

After Gao Shun heard the words, he stopped talking, and then Lu Bu led the crowd to once again show off in front of the princes' camps, shouting curses and fighting.

As for the allied forces of the princes, they didn't dare to fart, and they were silent.

The image of Lu Bu chasing the crowd alone was deeply imprinted in everyone's mind.

The soldiers of the allied armies of the princes were demoralized and devoid of energy. They looked like defeated roosters.

After yelling and scolding for a while, even though he knew that the opponent would not fight, he still had to scold him.

Because yelling is also a means of damaging morale.

Lu Bu and others were yelling and cursing outside, while the princes huddled inside and did not dare to fight, which would naturally make the soldiers under the princes' command feel useless.

After yelling and cursing, Lu Bu and others withdrew their troops and returned to Hulao Pass.

After returning, Dong Zhuo was naturally concerned again, and then continued to make cakes for Lu Bu.

Lu Bu also smiled and pretended to Dong Zhuo, after the simple politeness, Lu Bu expressed that he was a little tired.

Dong Zhuo immediately asked Lu not to have a good rest when he heard the words, so as not to be exhausted.

Bid farewell to Dong Zhuo, let Zhang Liao and Gao Shun continue to lead the Bingzhou Army, and Lu Bu returned to his residence.

This battle has achieved a lot, and Lu Bu can't wait to check the system rewards.

In terms of beheading generals, the reward for strengthening internal organs is still given.

It's just that there is no extra reward for the first kill, and the internal organs can only be strengthened slightly once.

Lu Bu took a closer look. Similar to Ji Ling, who could be judged as a "general" by the system, Lu Bu captured five heads this time.

In other words, Lu Bu got five chances to slightly strengthen internal organs.

Ding: [accumulated ten reinforcement opportunities, which can be exchanged for one increase enhancement. 】

The so-called negative enhancement is the effect of Lu Bu's first strengthening of the heart.

The last time was the blessing of the first kill reward, and got an increase in strength.

The effect is also very significant, both force and physical strength have been directly improved, helping Lu Bu defeat Sanying.

"That's fine, save it first, wait ten times, and then give it another big upgrade." Lu Bu made up his mind.

Weak enhancement and increasing enhancement, from the literal meaning, can also be judged that the latter is better.

Lu Bu killed a dozen people one after another, and only five of them were classified as 'generals' by the system, and the rest were rookies, classified as 'elite soldiers' by the system.

And before that, Lu Bu really hadn't killed any soldiers.

This time, some elite soldiers were killed, and the function of killing soldiers was also activated.

Ding: [Kill points: 1000. 】

Ding: [According to the soldiers killed by the host, points are accumulated. The stronger the combat power of a single soldier, the higher the point reward. 】

Killing generals is a reward for strengthening body organs, while killing soldiers becomes points.

After Lu Bu saw the points, he realized that this thing must be able to exchange for something.

As expected, Lu Bu found the corresponding point mall in the system interface.

With curiosity in his heart, Lu Bu opened the system's points mall with a thought, and began to browse the contents inside.

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