Faced with Yuan Shu's questioning, Sun Jian looked unhappy.

Others watched from the sidelines, while Yuan Shu had a smug smile on his face, as if saying, 'I'm just looking for trouble for you'.

It is normal for this kind of battle to attack a city to last for several months, and it is even normal to conquer a city for a year or so.

Now that Sun Jian was only on his first day, it was no big deal that he failed to conquer Hulao Pass, but Yuan Shu jumped out to find fault, which made Sun Jian very angry.

"Leader." Sun Jian got up and cupped his hands to Yuan Shao, "The final general failed to capture Hulao Pass, he was injured, and he is really not qualified for the vanguard position. The leader should appreciate it."

"In addition, the last general believes that the later general Yuan Shu, since he was appointed by the imperial court to hold such a high military position, he must be superior in leading troops to fight. The last general recommended the later general as the vanguard to open the way for our army."

"In the future, with the general's strength, it is expected that he will be able to take down Hulao Pass in less than three days."

After Sun Jian finished speaking, he returned a glance to Yuan Shu, cast a mocking look, and waited to see Yuan Shu's joke.

Yuan Shu is naturally a master at talking, but when it comes to leading troops to fight, he is a scumbag.

First Yu She was killed by Hua Xiong, and then Ji Ling was killed by Lu Bu. Now Yuan Shu has only a few generals who are not famous.

He was not capable of leading troops himself, and he didn't have strong generals under his command. If Yuan Shu were to lead troops to attack Hulao Pass, it would undoubtedly be his own destruction.

Sun Jian also knew that in terms of status and status, he was no match for Yuan Shu when he brought out the eighteen generations of his ancestors.

But although Sun Jian came from a bad background, he was also a hero who came from the bottom with real swords and guns, far better than a dude like Yuan Shu.

Sun Jian knew how important he was to the coalition forces, so he quit directly because he wanted to see Yuan Shu lose his face.

Sure enough, when Yuan Shu heard that Sun Jian was going to let him attack the fortress, Yuan Shu immediately became uncomfortable.

Yuan Shu also knew how much he was, and Yuan Shu, who cherished his life, was even more unwilling to go to the front line to risk his life. His life was precious.

As the elder brother, Yuan Shao naturally knew what kind of guy Yuan Shu was, seeing that Yuan Shu was about to lose face, he hurried out to make love with him.

"Okay, everyone is here to serve the imperial court and get together to help the country, so why bother arguing about some personal grievances and spreading the word to make the world laugh at them."

"General Sun Jian, I see that you must be the pioneer candidate. For the sake of national affairs, you must not act impulsively, and the overall situation should be the most important thing!"

"Hmph!" Sun Jian said with a sneer, "Although I am full of enthusiasm and want to serve the court, there are always villains who make troubles and chill the hearts of many loyal and loyal officials. The leader must not ignore it!"

"Brother Wentai, don't worry." Yuan Shaosu Rong said: "This leader promises that there will never be a next time."

Yuan Shao glared at Yuan Shu as he spoke, signaling Yuan Shu not to jump out and take the opportunity to make trouble.

Yuan Shu felt a little guilty, sat back to his seat and drank a lot of wine, and didn't push Lai Lai any more.

Seeing this, Sun Jian nodded slightly, "Naturally, the general can trust the leader. Since he has the guarantee from the leader, then the general has no objection."

"Okay, okay." At this time, Cao Cao also stood up with a smile, "Everyone, don't be downcast."

"Hulao Pass is the fortress of the imperial court. It guards the key point of Luoyang, the capital. If it can be breached easily, wouldn't the imperial court just build Hulao Pass for nothing?"

"What's more, fortified battles are different from field battles. It's very normal that you can't eat for ten days and a half."

"Although it's a pity that we didn't get off to a successful start, it's not a big deal. You all need to adjust your mentality."

After Cao Cao's words, the emotions in the hearts of many princes also eased a lot, and the atmosphere on the handsome stage was not so gloomy.

"What is General Sun Jian's plan going forward?" Yuan Shao asked at the right time.

"Ah~" Sun Jian shook his head and sighed, "Hulao Xiongguan cannot be shaken by any strategy. There is no good way except forcibly attacking."

"Who doesn't know how to attack?" Yuan Shu couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

Sun Jian ignored the fellow and continued: "This attack is rather hasty. Apart from the ladder, there are no other siege equipment, which is very disadvantageous to us."

"In my opinion, immediately gather the craftsmen in the army and make every effort to build siege equipment."

"If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his weapon." Yuan Shao nodded in agreement, "General Sun is very right, so he ordered the construction of siege equipment. Do you have any other good suggestions?"

Sun Jian thought for a while, and tentatively said, "It would be great if we could increase our manpower."

"There are not many troops in Hulao Pass. If a large army can swarm up, it will be difficult for the opponent to defend."

"Even if you can hold on for a while, it's impossible to hold on for a long time."

"Or take out another 60,000 troops, a total of 120,000, divide them into two parts and rotate them day and night, so as not to let the defenders in the pass have a moment to breathe, and drag down the defenders of the Death Tiger Prison Pass."

Sun Jian is worthy of being a Jiangdong tiger. He has led the army to fight for many years, and he really has something.

Once the several suggestions put forward are implemented, they will definitely cause great trouble to Lu Bu.

It's a pity that although Sun Jian's suggestion was good, other princes did not buy it, especially those small princes with few troops.

"Also send troops? I have a total of 6,000 soldiers under my command, and I have given out half of them!"

"That is, if you want to send troops, you also let the big princes send troops. They have a lot of soldiers."

"Whoever likes to send troops will send troops. Anyway, half of my soldiers are gone."

For a while, the handsome platform was full of voices of opposition.

Sun Jian was helpless when he heard the words, looked at Yuan Shao, the leader of the alliance, and waited for Yuan Shao to make a decision.

"Building siege equipment is easy to talk about. As for adding troops, let's talk about it slowly." Yuan Shao said after a long while.

Sun Jian couldn't help showing disappointment when he heard the words, and didn't say anything more.

With an army of 60,000, it is indeed a bit difficult to take down Hulao Pass where Lu Bu is stationed.

But the other princes were unwilling to send troops, and even Yuan Shao, the leader of the alliance, did not dare to easily disobey the minds of so many princes, so he could only be forced to compromise.

"I have an idea, what do you guys think?" Cao Cao took up the conversation at this time.

"It's okay for Meng De to say." Yuan Shao immediately agreed.

Cao Cao has a lot of ideas, and he is a person who really considers the army, Yuan Shao knows this very well.

"In addition to what Brother Wentai said, we can actually dig a tunnel to enter Hulao Pass." Cao Cao suggested.

Sun Jian couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard the words. It wasn't that he was so good at digging tunnels, but Sun Jian was surprised by Cao Cao's thinking.

Originally, Sun Jian wanted to mobilize more troops to attack Hulao Pass.

It is a pity that so many armies of the Eighteenth Route princes were left unused for nothing.

But the reality is very cruel. These troops are the property of the princes, and they are very precious, and they are reluctant to send out more troops.

However, Cao Cao's suggestion of digging tunnels can draw troops from the hands of the princes.

After all, there is no danger in digging tunnels. Instead of letting the army idle, it is better to dig tunnels. If Hulaoguan is not prepared, it may break the city by surprise.

Cao Cao used the method of digging tunnels to make the princes put more troops into the battlefield in disguise.

Although it is not directly put into the frontal battlefield, it is also of great help to the battle situation, and it can be regarded as waste utilization, so that idle troops can be used.

Liu Bei, who was sitting in the corner, nodded again and again, admiring Cao Cao's intelligence very much.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were both injured at the moment, and Liu Bei had no soldiers or generals, so he could only follow Gongsun Zan to make soy sauce every day.

"How?" Yuan Shao looked around the crowd, "Do you agree with Meng De's proposal?"





Without any surprise, Cao Cao's proposal was unanimously approved.

There is no need to let the soldiers under his command go to the battlefield to fight, just digging a tunnel, it takes a lot of effort, there is no danger, and it can help the army quickly break through the Hulao Pass. There is no reason to disagree with Cao Cao's suggestion.

You know, the faster Hulao Pass is breached, the less damage the 60,000 army on the frontal battlefield will naturally be, which is a good thing for the princes.

"Well, except for the 60,000 vanguard army and the people who built the siege equipment, the rest of the army will all be devoted to the tunnel digging project, working day and night to get through the tunnel as soon as possible." Yuan Shao ordered immediately.

"Obey!" All the princes agreed in unison.

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