Lu Bu led his cavalry to sprint on the battlefield. Wherever he went, the surrounding soldiers dodged aside one after another.

"Sure enough, it's a mob assembled together." Lu Bu sneered, feeling more confident about his trip.

Cao Cao's method can piece together a complete army, but it cannot piece together a complete army spirit.

The morale of the vanguard's 60,000 troops was destined to be divided into eighteen shares long ago.

When all these people rushed to attack the city, they couldn't see anything.

Once there is a danger, someone needs to stand up and take the lead. The weakness of the improvised army will be exposed, and no one wants to sacrifice themselves for others.

Just when Lu Bu thought he could easily reach the bottom of the well, he saw two teams of soldiers approaching him in the distance.

But the opponent is a pawn, Lu Bu doesn't think the opponent can block him.

But Sun Jian's arrangement is obviously not so simple, except for the oncoming Cheng Pu and Huang Gai, the top of the well also received the signal, and stopped shooting at the head of Hulaoguan, but turned around and started to shoot at the cavalry below. Shoot, causing damage to the cavalry.

"Taking the ministries as the unit, the Sima of each army will lead the troops, and the cavalry will disperse!"

A group of 500 people, in addition to Lu Bu's headquarters, was divided into five other groups, spreading out in all directions.

The opponent had as many as 20 well fences, and Lu Bu had to divide his troops to quickly destroy these well fences.

Although with the division of troops, the combat power will definitely plummet, but the current situation does not require combat power, but speed.

The five men and horses split up, and Lu Bu's main team was about to collide with Cheng Pu Huang Gai's men. Lu Bu didn't choose the flying dragon to ride face-to-face and play head-to-head with the opponent, but chose to turn around and go around the opponent's flank .

"Rat!" Huang Gai cursed angrily when he saw this.

In order to deal with Lu Bu's cavalry, Cheng Pu and Huang Gai formed a square formation with their soldiers, but Lu Bu chose to bypass it.

The pawns formed a phalanx, which is why Lu Bu did not choose to fight head-to-head.

Cavalry seldom go directly to the infantry's phalanx, except for heavy cavalry, at least light cavalry will not go directly to it easily.

It's not that you can't beat the phalanx, but that it's not worth it.

How much is a cavalryman? How much is a pawn?

The value of a cavalry is definitely ten times that of an infantry.

Take the cavalry to fight against the infantry phalanx. Even if you win, you will still lose money in the end.

Therefore, in terms of dealing with infantry, the cavalry's preferred strategy is to fly a kite.

By constantly harassing, biting, and attacking, they opened gaps in the original complete phalanx, then plunged in, divided the phalanx, and finally strangled them one by one.

What's more, Lu Bu has divided his troops. There are only 500 people in the headquarters. Cheng Pu and Huang Gai have more troops.

After bypassing the opponent's phalanx, Lu Bu headed straight for a well with five hundred troops.

The archers on the top of the well also sensed Lu Bu's purpose and shot arrows downward with all their might.

However, the cavalry moved too fast, and it was difficult to shoot a moving target. Needless to say, many arrows were shot in the air, unable to cause damage to the cavalry.

Soon, Lu Bu rushed to the bottom of a well rail with his headquarters.

There were guarding soldiers at the bottom of the well, but they were not many. When they saw Lu Bu rushing over, they turned around and ran away, not daring to stop the resistance.


Following Lu Bu's order, the cavalry took out cans of tung oil from their horses and threw them directly on the well rail.

When the clay pot was thrown, it shattered immediately, and all the tung oil was poured on the base of the well rail.

A torch was thrown up, supported by tung oil, and a raging fire ignited in the blink of an eye.

The archers on the top of the well also knew what was going on below, and they were desperately running down the ladder at the moment.

It's a pity that the fire started too quickly, and by the time these people came down from the top, the fire was already very strong.

These people either rush out in a rage, or go back to the top, and both options are difficult to choose.

As for how these people choose, Lu Bu doesn't care at all, he has already left with the cavalry, heading for the next well.

Except for Lu Bu's headquarters, the other five cavalry did the same thing, rushed to the bottom of the well and set fire to it.

Three thousand cavalry, on the frontal battlefield of 60,000 people, seemed to be in the land of no one, and basically encountered no obstacles. Wherever they went, the soldiers all retreated.

The only two, Cheng Pu and Huang Gai, led their subordinates to try to stop the cavalry, but their two legs couldn't catch up with the four legs, which was really powerless.

"Gongfu, what should we do?" Cheng Pu was impatient.

"How about this, the two of us, with our respective subordinates, guard the two wells and wait for the rabbits." Huang Gai said helplessly: "We can't catch up with the cavalry, and we can only be led by the nose. Why don't we use this stupid method to get rid of the cavalry?" Keep one is one."

"Alas~" Cheng Pu sighed, nodded helplessly and said, "That's the only way to go."

Immediately, the two split up and stationed at two well rails that had not yet been embraced by the skin. The two well rails were adjacent to each other, so they could rely on each other.

There are infantry guards below, and the archers above Jinglan are also determined.

The two adjacent wells were connected in series by pawns in this way, forming a corner. There were archers on the top for long-range strikes, and pawns on the bottom formed a phalanx to resist.

Cheng Pu and Huang Gai are also worthy of being famous generals. They were able to make the most suitable choice in a very short time.

After the 3,000 cavalry had burned the other wells, there were only two wells left in the field.

"Your Majesty, there are only two left. Shall we forcefully charge the two phalanxes?" A military Sima asked.

There are more than 20 wells, and now there are only two lonely ones left. No matter how you look at it, Lu Bu's strategic goal has also been achieved.

The firepower of the two wells is very limited, and Hulao Pass only needs a small number of people to suppress the firepower of the wells and liberate the defenders at the top of the city.

Normally speaking, the goal was achieved, and the 3,000 cavalry did not suffer much loss. Returning to the army was undoubtedly the best choice at this moment, and Lu Bu was more inclined to return to the army.

After all, 3,000 soldiers were on the battlefield of 60,000 people. Although these soldiers could not unite as one and did not dare to take the initiative to stop the cavalry, there was no absolute in everything. If the 60,000 people suddenly changed their minds and surrounded them, it would be heaven for Lu Bu. Big trouble.

However, when Lu Bu went to investigate and saw the panel information of the leaders Huang Gai and Cheng Pu, he changed his mind.

The mission of "Four Jiangdong Generals" has started, and Zu Mao was killed.

Now meeting Huang Gai and Cheng Pu on the battlefield, this is an excellent opportunity to take the head.

You know, once the 18th princes' campaign for Dong is over, Jiangdong's four generals will return to the south, and Lu Bu will have to go to Chang'an. At that time, Lu will no longer want to kill them, but it will be extremely difficult. How many years have passed .

Seeing that the opportunity to complete the task is in front of you, you must not miss the opportunity.

But relying on the two wells, Cheng Pu and Huang Gai formed a square formation.

There are spearmen in the front, sword and shield players in the back, and archers are still watching from the well. This is definitely a turtle with thorns. Not to mention its high defense, it is also impossible to attack.

Once it is not handled properly, one's own side will lose troops and lose generals.

Lu Bu looked around the battlefield, fixed his eyes on the distance, and immediately thought about it.

"Soldiers, follow this general and charge!"

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