Above the endless East China Sea, Lu Bu is walking against the wind with the red rabbit on his back.

"Master, where is Yingzhou?" Chitu asked impatiently.

Looking at the unchanging sea surface, you will naturally feel bored after a long time.

Even if there are waves churning, or fish yelling out of the water, apart from the novelty at the beginning, Chitu gets tired of the scene in front of him.

Even though it was the first time for her to see the sea, this novelty still didn't last for too long, and she felt very boring at the moment.

"Weren't you very happy just now, and you got impatient so soon?" Lu Bu laughed and said, "We'll be there soon.

Dongying is not far from Daqin, and Lu Bu's escape speed is very fast, and islands appear on the sea level in a blink of an eye.

"Hey, it's just ahead."

"It's so small..." Chitu couldn't hide his disappointment in his words, "People thought Yingzhou was very big, but it turned out to be about the same size as Qingzhou.

"Such a small place, there must be nothing interesting."

Chitu went out this time with the mentality of playing. As for fighting, I always have confidence in my master.

If "July 17" says who has the most confidence in Lu Bu, it may not be the wives and children at home, but Chitu.

After all, Chitu watched Lu Bu with his own eyes, killing each of his powerful enemies.

The wives and concubines' understanding of Lu Bu's strength comes from "hearing", and Chitu is the kind who has seen it with their own eyes, and is also in the first row of spectators.

Accompanying Lu Bu across the battlefield, fighting bloody battles, Chitu's confidence in Lu Bu is unmatched.

"Okay, okay, let's act quickly, and I'll take you home after killing someone, and you and Lingqi can play like crazy." Lu Bu hurriedly calmed Chitu's emotions.

The character and disposition of the transformed Chitu are no different from that of a teenage girl, almost similar to that of Lu Lingqi.

Carrying the red rabbit on his back and circling around the Dongying Islands, the aura of the Nascent Soul stage monks was fully revealed.

The purpose of Lu Bu's actions is to scare the snakes out of their holes.

"Where is the Daoist friend here?"

As Lu Bu expected, after sensing that there was a Nascent Soul stage strongman in the territory, the person in charge here immediately jumped out to inquire about his intention.

The appearance of this person is still young, but he is in the form of a middle-aged person, which shows that he attained the Tao very early.

After a person embarks on the road of cultivation, his appearance will freeze instantly.

Therefore, the older you are, the shorter the time you have been exposed to Taoism, and the younger you are, it means you have been exposed to Taoism earlier.

The speaker also spoke Chinese language, so Lu Bu had some guesses about the identity of the middle-aged man.

Just as Chitu said, in a place with a bigger fart in Dongying, besides Xu Fu, the possibility of another Nascent Soul stage monk appearing is very slim.

"It turns out that there are fellow Taoists here, so I'm being rude." Lu Bu was very polite, and he planned to find out first, so as not to kill the wrong person.

"I thought it was an uninhabited island. I planned to practice here. I wanted to show off my aura to see if there are any monsters. I didn't expect there to be people of the same way. Please forgive me." Lu Bu did not give the other party a chance to speak. Self-introduction said: "The next Lu Bu is from the Central Plains."

Seeing that Lu Bu was so polite, Xu Fu relaxed his vigilance a little.

Although Lu Bu is not a Nascent Soul cultivator, he is also the same. Generally, both sides are so cultivated, and they rarely go to war without enmity.

After all, a fight would be a catastrophe, and it would be difficult to tell the winner, so why bother to provoke a strong enemy for yourself.

No matter what kind of circle it is, the more you are at the top of the pyramid, the more harmonious everyone is, because everyone knows that the other party is a powerful person and not easy to mess with.

"Fellow daoists are polite, those who don't know are not guilty." Xu Fu called out a judge, "Poverty Taoist Xu Fu, a man of the mountains."

Xu Fu's name means that he was born more than 400 years ago, and Lu does not think of it.

And even if you think about it, what does it matter?

Hearing that the names matched, Lu Bu raised his eyebrows to find fault and said: "I've come to see this treasure land, can fellow Taoists give up their love?"

Xu Fu couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, thinking how could he be polite one second, and turn ruthless the next?

Xu Fu was a little caught off guard by his respectful attitude.

"Uh... Fellow Daoist, you are joking. The poor Taoist has been cultivating here for many years, and he has no intention of transferring it." Xu Fu continued, "However, there are not many islands here, and you can choose one as a place of residence."

"No, I don't mean to share this place with others." Lu Bu said coldly.

Xu Fu couldn't help being arrogant when he heard the words, and said indignantly: "You fellow Taoist are too polite, aren't you?"

Lu Bu laughed when he heard the words, his body blossomed, and he even patted his long legs on his chest.

Chitu naturally understood Lu Bu's meaning in seconds, and also released his aura.

Seeing this, Xu Fu immediately retreated, opened a safe distance, and showed a dignified expression.

The girl on Lu Bu's neck is also a Nascent Soul, something Xu Fu hadn't expected before.

Lu Bu's strength on paper became two Nascent Souls, but Xu Fu didn't panic, and asked instead: "Fellow Daoist, are you determined to become a Daoist?"

"That's right, get the hell out of here." Lu Bu said frantically.

Xu Fu couldn't bear it anymore, and finally showed a sullen look on his face, "Could it be that the poor are easy to bully?! Baqi come out!"

As Xu Fu's voice fell, the sea suddenly became rough, and then something broke out of the water.


There was a continuous roar, and a huge monster appeared on the surface of the sea. It was a big sea snake, and it had eight heads and eight tails [sharing one body.

From the perspective of momentum, it is also a spirit beast of the Nascent Soul Stage.

"Fellow Daoist, this is not a place for you to run wild, leave quickly." Xu Fu warned.

Xu Fu called out Yamata no Orochi, but he didn't mean to start a war. He was more about showing off his muscles, so as to teach Lu Bu to be afraid and act as a deterrent.

Normally speaking, when things get to this place, most people will definitely choose to leave instead of continuing to fight Xu Fu...

But Lu is not different, he is deliberately looking for trouble, how could he be frightened off by a big snake of the opponent.

However, catching the Yamata no Orochi at this moment shows that Lu Bu's previous behavior of finding faults was not in vain, and Xu Fu exposed his hole cards.

"What are you yelling at?! Shut up the stinky snake!" Chitu glanced at the sea in disgust, with a disgusted expression on his face.

When Chitu spoke, he used his true energy, and the sable hat on top of his head was blown away, exposing the two horns on his forehead.

Seeing this, Xu Fu's expression froze, while the big snake below looked at Chitu warily, its body curled up on the sea surface, showing deep vigilance.

Chitu is a dragon horse, with the blood of a dragon on his body, and has a natural ability to suppress monsters such as snakes.

"Fellow Daoist leave quickly, so as not to cause any conflict." Xu Fu said, taking out a treasure from his sleeve, "How about giving this to Fellow Daoist?"

Xu Fu already has a subdued attitude, meaning to let Lu Bu go away with the treasure, first to spend money to buy peace, it seems that he is very afraid of Chitu's dragon blood.

"Hehe, I'm more interested in the heads of fellow daoists than mere treasures." Lu Bu said directly.

"So there's nothing to talk about?" Xu Fu put the treasure away again and asked with a gloomy face.

It never occurred to Xu Fu that when he practiced hard on the island, two Nascent Souls would run out to find fault for no reason.

"Girl, is it okay for you to deal with that rotten snake?" Lu Bu asked, ignoring Xu Fu in front of him.

"Master, don't worry, there's no problem." Chitu said confidently.

If it were other kinds of monsters, Chitu might not be so confident, but the opposite was a snake, which happened to be suppressed by the dragon power on Chitu.

"Go, remember to accept its corpse and give it to the one who gave you dragon blood to replenish your body."

A 0.5 Nascent Soul snake can make up for Mo Xuan's lost vitality no matter what.

"Understood." Chitu vacated Lu Bu and flew towards Yamata no Orochi.

During the flight, red light flashed on Chitu's body, and it instantly transformed into a beautiful horse with dragon horns on its head.

Stepping on the void with four hooves, flames burst out from his body, and he opened his mouth and sprayed a mouthful of real fire at Yamata no Orochi.

Yamata no Orochi hurriedly dived into the water, the flames burned on the sea water, the sea water was evaporated by the flames, and a large amount of steam rose instantly from the sea surface, covered by clouds and fog, making it hard to see clearly.

"Hmph~ into the water? Don't you know that the world is ruled by dragons?"

As Chitu said, he plunged headfirst into the sea water, and his figure quickly shuttled through the sea water, his speed was three minutes faster than Yamata no Orochi.

Lie Yan is a supernatural power evolved by Chitu itself, but water is also an innate skill of dragons, and Chitu with dragon blood is also good at water.

Seeing that the red rabbit is going to suppress the Yamata no Orochi in all directions, Lu Bu retracted his gaze and was completely relieved, looked at Xu Fu opposite, and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, it's time for us to compete .”

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