Seeing what Yuan Shao said, Yuan Shu also understood in his heart that the deal should not be negotiated, and Lu Bu was unwilling to sell the jade seal to the seller.

"Since this is the case, then there is nothing to say, let's go to war directly." Yuan Shu said.

When the other princes heard the words, they also had no opinion, and expressed their support for going to war with Lu Bu.

"Infantry fighting cavalry, we will suffer a lot." Cao Cao couldn't help reminding.

"How big a loss would that be? We have 200,000 troops." Yuan Shu said indifferently.

Cao Cao hesitated to speak, but in the end he did not continue to argue with Shu.

Facts speak louder than words.

After a while, when the coalition forces were deflated, everyone could realize how difficult the cavalry was.

"Boom boom boom"

The sound of war drums sounded, and the 200,000-strong coalition army was very powerful.

Looking around, there is a sea of ​​people, boundless.

Lu Bu and the cavalry under his command were all expressionless, standing where they were without any intention of making a move.

"Attack." Yuan Shao ordered loudly.

The huge coalition army, like a dark cloud covering the sky, pressed directly towards Lu Bu.

"Ho ho ho ho!"

The mighty coalition forces approached aggressively.

Lu Bu sat on the horseback, motionless like a mountain, seeing that the distance was about the same, he immediately ordered: "Shoot the arrow!"

Seven thousand five hundred cavalrymen sat on horseback one after another, shooting bows and arrows.

Because the 200,000 phalanx of the coalition army is too large, the Bingzhou cavalry don't need to aim at all, just shoot arrows into the sky.

Large swathes of arrow rain fell on the phalanx. Immediately, countless people were hit by the arrows, and a large number of soldiers fell to the ground.

The originally tight square formation inevitably had some chaos.

Some soldiers who were injured by the arrows were not dead at first, but fell to the ground after being shot by the arrows.

But it was impossible for the phalanx to stop because of their injuries. The phalanx continued to advance, and the soldiers who fell on the ground were trampled to death.

"Oh, it's just drizzle." Yuan Shu said disdainfully, "Fire me back with arrows, and let Lu Bu see what arrow rain is!"

If the Bingzhou army can shoot the coalition army, the bows and arrows of the coalition army can also shoot to Bingzhou.

After the military order was issued, the archers in the coalition phalanx also fought back one after another, shooting arrows towards the Bingzhou Room.

The rain of arrows, which was more than ten times denser than that of the previous Bingzhou Army, covered a large area in darkness, covering the sky and covering the ground.

"Withdraw!" Lu Bu pulled his horse back. 04

In fact, there is no need for Lu Bu to command. The moment they saw the Allied soldiers bowing their bows, the Bingzhou cavalry had already pulled their horses and retreated, and their quality was very high.

When the rain of arrows from the coalition forces fell, the cavalry had already withdrawn from that area, so that all the arrows fired by the coalition forces fell into the empty space.

"Bastard! Cunning villain!" Seeing this scene, Yuan Shu couldn't help but cursed in anger.

However, when the princes were even more angry, they were still behind. Lu Bu led the cavalry, relying on the mobility and flexibility of the horses, and began to circle around the phalanx of the coalition forces.

The arrows fired by the phalanx were all left behind by the cavalry, and they could not hurt the cavalry at all.

In the interval between each shot of the coalition forces, Lu Bu would lead the cavalry to close the distance, throw a wave of arrows at the phalanx at will, and then slip away.

All the cavalry dodged the rain of arrows shot by the phalanx.

Facing the rain of arrows shot by the cavalry, the huge phalanx looked very dumb, and there was nowhere to hide.

Pulled down by several waves, the huge phalanx of 200,000 people was completely paralyzed by Lu Bu.

You can't beat them, you can't catch them, you can only get beaten like a donkey, and you can't even fight back.

At this time, the princes finally realized how passive infantry and cavalry were in fighting each other.

"Meng De, what should I do?" Yuan Shao got angry and asked Cao Cao for help, hoping that Cao Cao could give him an idea.

"If the cavalry doesn't take the initiative to attack the formation, the infantry will have to be beaten passively, there is no other way." Cao Cao said in a deep voice: "Only the cavalry can deal with the cavalry.

"Prefect Gongsun, I have to trouble you to deal with Lu Bu." Cao Cao said, looking at Gongsun Zan.

Among the eighteen princes, the only one with cavalry as the main force is Gongsun Zan from Youzhou.

"But I don't have as many troops as Lu, and I'm afraid I'll die if I go up." Gongsun Zan didn't want to go against Lu.

The white horses in Youzhou have never been weak, but the cavalry in Bingzhou are not easy to compete with.

Both of them were fought with the barbarians at the border, and there will not be much difference in combat power.

You must know that Lu Bu is from Jiuyuan County, Wuyuan County, Bingzhou. This place is Baotou, Inner Mongolia.

On the side of the Bingzhou cavalry, most of them were from the same background as Lu Bu, and they were all men with horses.

In the case of almost the same quality of cavalry, it is to see who has more troops and charges more fiercely.

Although Gongsun Zan was a vassal of the same town, he was not from a noble family. Moreover, the consumption of cavalry was much more terrifying than that of infantry. This also led to the limited number of Gongsun Zan's cavalry.

To Gongsun Zan, every cavalry soldier is precious, and he has spent a lot of money and painstaking effort on it.

Gongsun Zan was not very interested in Chuan Guo Yuxi, and he was not in the mood to make wedding dresses for others.

In addition, there was Lu Bu sitting on the opposite side, so Gongsun Zan didn't have to make trouble for himself, so he would confront Lu Bu's cavalry when he couldn't think about it.

"Serving the country, how can you look forward and backward?!" Yuan Shao Dayi said awe-inspiringly, which is actually a moral kidnapping.

"If I had cavalry, I would have already lined up to attack Lu thief. How can I allow him to be arrogant?" Yuan Shu also chimed in.

"Hmph!" Gongsun Zan didn't buy it, "There's nothing to say, and a certain family is not stupid, and won't let their subordinates die by themselves."

Gongsun Zan was so reticent that the Yuan family brothers had nothing to do with him. It was really difficult to ask someone else to die for them.

Yuan Shao looked around the field, and when he saw Liu Bei, his eyes lit up.

"Xuande, I heard that you and Gongsun Taishou are brothers and sisters, so you have to persuade Gongsun Taishou." Yuan Shao smiled and said: "The jade seal of Chuan Guo is on Lu Bu. Could it be that Xuande has the heart to cherish such a treasure and become a traitor?" hand?"

As we all know, Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan are disciples of the great scholar Lu Zhi.

And Lu Zhi's teacher was Ma Rong, and Ma Rong's daughter married Yuan Wei's two nephews, Yuan Shao and Kenshu.

It can be said that in terms of seniority in Confucian classics, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Liu Bei, and Gongsun Zan are all students of the same generation, and they are all the disciples and grandchildren of Ma Rong.

However, the Yuan family brothers obviously did not intend to let go of Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan, two distant senior brothers.

When Liu Bei heard this, a tangled look appeared on his face, and he was in a dilemma for a while.

On the one hand, as a clan member of the Han Dynasty, he really wanted to take back the Chuanguo Yuxi.

On the other hand, Liu Bei didn't want Gongsun Zan to be used either.

"In my opinion, our alliance should be disbanded." Yuan Shu said in a strange way: "Look, the clansmen of the Han Dynasty don't care about the Han Dynasty anymore, so let's not serve the country

It has to be said that Yuan Shu's mouth is really poisonous, and he blocked Liu Bei to the edge of the cliff in one fell swoop.

If Liu Bei doesn't come out to express his position, he will become a clan member of the Han family who doesn't care about the Han family.

"Senior brother, look..." Liu Bei bite the bullet and opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to finish the words.

"You, you! Confused!" Gongsun Zan was furious, but seeing Liu Bei's troubled look, he couldn't bear to talk about Liu Bei anymore.

"Here are eight hundred cavalrymen, and I'm going back to Youzhou!" Gongsun Zan said, pushing away the crowd and leaving.

Liu Bei looked at Gongsun Zan's leaving back with bitterness on his face.

"Eight hundred?! Why is eight hundred enough?" Yuan Shu refused to let go.

"Brother Gonglu, don't we each have some war horses under our command? The big guys take out some and gather together a cavalry army. Using these 800 cavalry soldiers as the skeleton, we can build a cavalry army."

Cao Cao said.

Although Gongsun Zan only gave 800 cavalry, it solved the problem to a certain extent.

With these 800 cavalry as a framework, other princes can pull out a cavalry team temporarily.

But when Gongsun Zan left, he lost his cavalry commander.

Among the remaining princes, the battlefield experience is not rich, even Cao Cao has not fought a few battles.

In terms of battlefield experience, the ones with the richest experience are Sun Jian and Gongsun Zan, both of whom are fierce fighters who came from the bottom.

It's a pity that Sun Jian is already dead, and Gongsun Zan couldn't stand the cowardice, so he just left the picker and left.

In the end, the task of commanding the cavalry fell on Liu Bei.

Gongsun Zan's 800 cavalry were given to Liu Bei, and it was most appropriate for Liu Bei to command the cavalry.

What's more, bringing cavalry to confront Lu Bu is definitely a dangerous thing.

During the time when the princes were discussing, Lu Bu had not been idle, leading the cavalry to rely on mobility, tearing and killing the princes' phalanx all the time, and the coalition forces of the princes were complaining endlessly.

At this time, in the phalanx of the princes, the attack was completely given up, and all those with shields held up their shields, standing in place and being beaten, trying not to be shot to death by the Bingzhou cavalry.

It's not that the allied forces of the princes don't want to fight back, but that their counterattacks are useless at all, and they will even capitalize on the enemy.

The arrows that Bingzhou cavalry can carry are limited. After a pot of arrows is shot, the quiver is empty and they cannot continue shooting.

However, the Bingzhou cavalry could pick up the arrows shot by the phalanx of the princes before and use them again.

There are 200,000 people in the phalanx of the princes, and a wave of arrows rains down, that is tens of thousands of arrows, enough for the Bingzhou cavalry to shoot more than a dozen waves of arrows.

When the phalanx of the princes discovered that the Bingzhou cavalry was shooting with their arrows, they shot very wisely.

Otherwise, the phalanx will always provide arrows for the Bingzhou cavalry and support the enemy, then the arrows of the Bingzhou cavalry will be inexhaustible and can be shot continuously.

Lu Bu played very easily, and the opponent couldn't touch himself anyway.

Keep going, drag it on for a while, I dare not say that you can defeat the opposite phalanx, as long as you can drag it on for a while.

When the infantry had opened up a sufficient distance, Lu Bu could leave with the cavalry directly, anyway, the coalition forces of the princes could not catch up.

However, the princes obviously would not sit still and quickly pulled out a cavalry team, not intending to let Lu not easily get what he wanted.

"These vassals are too solid, it's really hard to deal with." Lu Bu couldn't help cursing.

Originally, it would have been enough for Lu Bu to leave directly after delaying for a while and using the speed of the cavalry.

But seeing the princes on the opposite side also organized a cavalry, it was inconvenient for Lu to know that this would not work.

Lu Bu can leave with the cavalry, and the cavalry of the princes can also chase after Lu Bu.

Once the Bingzhou infantry who had left before were overtaken by the cavalry of the princes, Ribu would be the passive one.

Therefore, Lu Bu could not leave before the infantry reached Hangu Pass, or before the princes' cavalry were wiped out.

"How much dry food did the cavalry bring?" Lu Bu asked Zhang Liao beside him.

"Back to the lord, I only brought dry food for one day." Zhang Liao looked serious and realized that the situation was not good.

Pulling out a cavalry on the opposite side made Lu Bu's only mobility advantage disappear, and the situation fell into a passive situation.

"Send someone to inform the justice that within one day, the infantry must march to Hangu Pass." Lu Busurong ordered.

Luoyang is not far from Hangu Pass, but normally, it takes two or three days to walk.

Before Lu Bu was rejected by Niu Fu, he was able to return to Luoyang quickly because he had war horses and rode

Soldiers and infantry took turns riding on horseback, so that they could quickly return to Luoyang within a day.

But now that the Bingzhou cavalry was being held back, it would definitely not be an easy task for the infantry to arrive at Hangu Pass within a day.

But the current situation is like this, Lu Bu directly gave Gao Shun the death order.

As for how Gao Shun completes the military order, it all depends on Gao Shun's ability.

Zhang Liao immediately went to make arrangements, and the five Bingzhou cavalry broke away from the large team and headed west quickly, and the general's order was conveyed to Gao Shun.

After arranging everything, Lu Bu couldn't help but began to look at the large cavalry house of the coalition forces on the opposite side.

In terms of numbers alone, the number of coalition cavalry is more than 5,000, but it is not as large as Lu Bu's.

In terms of elite level and combat power, the opponent is not as good as the Bingzhou cavalry.

After Dong Zhuo took Luoyang, the arsenal also fell into Dong Zhuo's control.

The arsenal was the central arsenal of the Han Dynasty, and the most sophisticated weapons and armor were stored in the arsenal.

And these equipments were all used by Dong Zhuo to equip his Xijing Army.

Lu Bu killed 5,000 Xiliang cavalry, horses, weapons and armor, but they were all stripped from the dead.

And the 3,000 cavalry under Lu Bu's original command also had excellent weapons and equipment.

The 7,500 Bingzhou cavalry on Lu Bu's side are all uniformly equipped and standard light cavalry.

On the other hand, on the side of the coalition of princes, except for Gongsun Zan's eight hundred white horses, which are also standard light cavalry equipment, the rest are messy and completely different.

There are good horses and bad horses, iron armor, leather armor, and even cloth.

The control of armor was very strict in ancient times, and it was fine to hide swords, bows and arrows privately, and no one even cared about walking on the street.

But if you dare to hide armor and crossbows privately, once you catch them, you will be guilty of conspiring to rebel.

This also led to the rise of troops by the eighteen princes, even if they searched the world, they could not get excellent armor.

In terms of combat power on paper, Lu Bu clearly has an advantage, and the advantage is not small.

But Lu Bu didn't underestimate the opponent too much. Wars are not counted, and we can't just look at the strength on paper.

No matter how bad the cavalry on the opposite side is, it is still a cavalry, with horses under their crotches.

When the real cavalry confronted each other, once the two horses ran up, the two cavalry on the horses fell off the horses, and the chances of surviving were not high.

Moreover, Lu Bu is not inclined to be tough with the other party because of his family background.

"Let's fight cavalry for a while to avoid head-on collision. Let's play horseback riding and archery." Lu Bu instructed Zhang Liao beside him.

"The general understands." Zhang Liao turned around on horseback, and made a series of gestures to the soldiers behind him.

After the school captain saw it, he gestured to the army Sima, and so on, to ensure that the military order was issued quickly and let every soldier know.

When Lu Bu issued the military order, Liu Bei on the opposite side was not idle, and he was leading a white horse Yicong to explain something.

"I will fight Lu Bu in a while, and I will leave the command of the cavalry to you."

"Don't worry, Mr. Xuande." Bai Mayi accepted the order with his fists clasped.

How does Liu Bei know how to command cavalry? When Liu Bei fought the Yellow Turbans, he led a small team of hundreds of people at most.

It continues to command.

"We will fight in a while, what should we do?" Liu Bei asked worriedly.

"It's best to confront the tough directly." Bai Mayi said without hesitation.

"Why is this? I think there is a big gap between the weapons and equipment of the two sides." Guan Yu interjected.

"Because except for the white horse Yicong, the other cavalry are not cavalry, they are just infantry who can ride horses, and they don't know how to fight immediately. It is better to fight head-to-head than to be killed by the opponent.

Hitting can also kill a lot. "Bai Ma Yi said bluntly.

Everyone was silent when they heard the words, and after a while Liu Bei said, "Then let's do this.

"Command!" Liu Bei pulled out his sword, "The target faces the enemy, the whole army charges!".

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