Riding a horse to the outside of the imperial city, handing Chitu to the care of the soldiers, Lu Bu went straight into the imperial city.

The so-called imperial city is not as tall and magnificent as imagined.

Compared with the tall palace walls of the Luoyang Imperial City, the Chang'an Imperial City has been in disrepair for a long time, and the imperial court has no money to repair it every year. During the reign of Emperor Huanling, the Chang'an Imperial City was completely dilapidated.

The palace wall in front of him is not as tall as Lu Bu, and it is dilapidated, mottled, and even has holes in some places.

After entering the imperial city, weeds were overgrown, and there was only one shabby little palace, which was repaired temporarily by Dong Zhuo.

In history, when Liu Xie was with Cao Cao, he still had the dignity of the emperor, and he was offered food and drink.

But when he followed Dong Zhuo, Liu Xie had a very miserable life. Not to mention the dignity of the emperor, food and clothing were problems.

Entering the court hall, all the officials looked at it one after another, and when they saw that it was Lu Bu, they quickly bowed their heads.

Randomly finding an empty seat, Lu Bu swaggered and sat down, waiting for Dong Zhuo to come to court.

Looking at the officials of the Manchu Dynasty, their faces were pale and their clothes were still patched, it was extremely miserable.

Dong Zhuo didn't care about the lives of these people at all. When he migrated from Luoyang to Chang'an, many officials died on the way.

After waiting for a while, a child appeared in a crown suit and sat on the head seat.

"Your Majesty is waiting for you."

Without asking, you can tell that this child must be Liu Xie, the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

The emperor has come, but Dong Zhuo has not yet come, which shows the power of Dong Zhuo in the court.

After about another stick of incense, Uncle Zhuo Cai walked into the hall leisurely.

Wearing shoes, wearing a sword, and walking on the sword.

After entering the hall, the emperor did not salute the emperor, but the emperor got up from the dragon chair and saluted Dong Zhuo.

The emperor saluted, and all other officials followed suit.

"Meet Xiangguo."

Dong Zhuo came to the front of the jade steps with a blank expression on his face, and then sat on his exclusive seat.

In the main hall of the court meeting, there is not only the dragon chair, but also Dong Zhuo's seat. Others can only sit on their knees on the ground.

Seeing that Dong Zhuo had sat down, Liu Xie, the emperor, dared to sit down.

"Let's start the court meeting." Dong Zhuo ordered.

Afterwards, the ministers began to report, talking about some people's livelihood matters.

But Liu Xie is still young, ignorant, and can't understand it.

But Dong Zhuo didn't care, he just didn't bother to listen.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about these irrelevant things." Dong Zhuo was a little impatient, and interrupted the courtier's report with a wave of his hand.

"Li Ru, tell me." Dong Zhuo ordered.

Li Ru immediately came out and said: "This time the Eighteenth Route rebels rebelled, Duting Hou Lu Bu has repeatedly made military exploits, killed 100,000 enemies, and even beheaded the rebel Sun Jian. He quelled the rebellion for the court, and his credit is in Sheji.

Li Ru was eloquent and began to brag about Lu Bu's military exploits. His words were quite watery, obviously exaggerating Lu Bu's achievements.

But this is also done on purpose, and its purpose is to intimidate these officials.

Let all the officials be honest, don't have any delusions, let alone expect the eighteen princes to save them.

Sure enough, according to Li Ru's narration, the atmosphere in the hall began to be dull, and all the officials felt sympathy and sorrow from it.

It was thought that the mighty eighteenth route coalition of princes could defeat the Xiliang army, kill Dong Zhuo, and rescue the emperor and hundreds of officials.

Unexpectedly, it failed in the end.

"Lu Bu, the Marquis of Duting, made great contributions to killing the enemy. In order to commend his achievements, the emperor issued an edict and granted him the title of Marquis of Xiangwu Township, with a thousand households in the city."

Originally, Lu Bu's title was Marquis of Ting, but he was promoted to a rank of Marquis of Xiang.

However, titles are vain titles, and apart from the nature of honor, there is not much difference in other aspects.

But the following rewards surprised Lu Bu very much.

"There is a vacancy in the position of Taiwei in the middle of the court. The Marquis of Xiangwu will be appointed as Taiwei. He will rank ten thousand stones. He will be given a gold seal and a purple ribbon, and the government will be established."

Taiwei, one of the three lords, Lu Bu didn't expect Dong Zhuo to let himself be a Taiwei, which was simply too unexpected.

However, it is not uncommon for Dong Zhuo to appoint the Sangong. Since Dong Zhuo came to power, Dong Zhuo has replaced many of the Sangongs in the court.

Dong Zhuo proclaimed himself Xiangguo, ranking above the princes and kings surnamed Liu, second only to the Son of Heaven.

And Dong Zhuo forced Liu Xie to call him Shangfu. It can be said that Dong Zhuo's status is higher than that of the emperor, and a Taiwei is nothing.

"Zhang Liao and Gao Shun have made great achievements in killing the enemy, and they are named Zhonglang General."

Hearing this, Lu Bu finally understood Dong Zhuo's intention, which was to empty himself.

Taiwei, as the highest military position, in addition to assessing the merits of military officers across the country and taking it as the basis for promotion, is also the emperor's supreme military adviser.

The army of the Han Dynasty was commanded by generals, generals, and lieutenants, and the Taiwei could not directly command the army.

That is to say, Lu Bu is the number one in the military in name, but in fact he has no military power and cannot directly command the army.

Granting Zhang Liao and Gao Shun the positions of Zhonglang General gave them the independent right to lead the army.

As a result, Lu Bu lost the command of the Bingzhou Army and transferred it to Zhang Liao and Gao Shun.

After that, Dong Zhuo could win over Zhang Liao and Gao Shun.

As long as Zhang Liao and Gao Shun waver and are successfully recruited by Dong Zhuo, the Bingzhou Army will be actually controlled by Dong Zhuo, but Lu Bu will be kicked away.

If Zhang Liao and Gao Shun cannot be won over, then slowly find opportunities to deal with Zhang Liao and Gao Shun.

In this way, directly weaken Lu Bu's military power.

Dong Zhuo did not directly deal with Lu Bu, but instead gave Lu Bu a high-ranking official and a generous salary. This method of rising up and down in the dark is not easy to force Lu Bu's rebellious psychology, so he doesn't have to worry about Lu Bu throwing the table and directly rebelling.

The abacus was crackling, if it was Lu Bu in the past, he must have been fooled.

But now that Lu Bu has changed, he can see through Dong Zhuo's plan directly.

However, Dong Zhuo's methods are more or less in the nature of conspiracy. Even if Lu Bu sees through it, he cannot avoid it, so he can only be on guard as much as possible.

But there is only a thousand days to be a thief, not a thousand days to guard against a thief.

It is definitely not enough to be on guard all the time, because all people will inevitably make mistakes.

No matter how cautious Zhang Liao and Gao Shun are, they will be caught after a long time, and Dong Zhuo will take the opportunity to take them out.

So the best way to solve the problem is to solve the person who caused the problem.

As long as Dong Zhuo is resolved, all problems will be resolved.

After the canonization of Lu Bu is over, Dong Zhuo intends to leave the court and return to Kuangwu to be happy.

But at this moment, an official suddenly appeared.

"Xiangguo, I heard rumors suddenly spread from the government and the public that Xiangguo intends to proclaim himself emperor."

Dong Zhuo was about to get up, but when he heard this, he returned to the chair, looked at the person who spoke, and said, "Oh, it turned out to be Wang Situ, so what do you think about it?"

The person who came out was none other than Wang Yun, who was ranked among the three princes.

"The lower official thinks this is a slander to the prime minister!"

"Xiangguo is loyal to His Majesty and the Han Dynasty, and he went to fight against the Eighteenth Route rebels in person before, how could he have the heart to rebel and usurp the throne?"

Wang Yun just flattered Dong Zhuo, but Dong Zhuo didn't buy it, and his face drooped on the spot.

Dong Zhuo was already fascinated by the throne. At this time, Wang Yun praised him as a loyal minister. It's no wonder Dong Zhuo was happy.

But Dong Zhuo also knew that proclaiming himself emperor was not easy, and he needed to figure it out slowly, so he didn't explode on the spot.

"It's still Wang Situ who understands our family. Our family is dedicated to the country and is not afraid of any gossip.

"Xiangguo is wise!" All the officials said in unison.

"Let's go." Dong Zhuo got up and left after speaking.

In just a few words, Dong Zhuo understood the attitude of the officials, who obviously did not support him proclaiming himself emperor.

After the dynasty was dispersed, the emperor Liu Xie waited for Dong Zhuo to leave before he dared to get up from the dragon chair and leave, and all the officials also dispersed.

After leaving the palace, Lu Bu did not return to his home, but wandered around the street for a while, and after seeing Wang Yun's order, he looked for Shangdi.


"Oh, it turned out to be Lu Taiwei. I haven't congratulated the Taiwei yet, so I'm rude. Wang Yun was polite, but his tone was very distant.

"Where, the younger generation is just lucky to be favored by the emperor and be able to serve as the post of Taiwei, which is far inferior to the high reputation of the prince." Lu Bu said a little flattery.

"The Taiwei is too famous." Wang Yun's expression softened slightly.

The so-called reaching out and not hitting people with smiling faces, Lu Bu is so modest, and Wang Yun is not good at keeping his face dark.

"I heard that the prince is also from Bingzhou?" Lu Bu asked.

"That's right." Wang Yun nodded and said, "I'm from Taiyuan, Bingzhou."

"That's true." Lu Bu showed a look of surprise, "I didn't expect that the prince and I are still from the same hometown. It is a blessing to meet people from my hometown in a foreign country."

In fact, Lu Bu and Wang Yun were not considered fellow villagers at all, they had to be at least one county in order to qualify as fellow villagers.

Although Lu Bu and Wang Yun are both from Bingzhou, one is from Taiyuan County and the other is from Wuyuan County, which are too far apart in terms of distance.

Can a person from the grasslands and a person from the Central Plains be considered fellow villagers?

Wang Yun was also at a loss when he heard the words, and didn't know why Lu Bu suddenly made friends.

But Lu Bu continued to say to himself: "Oh, it should be a happy event to be promoted to Taiwei today."

"It's a pity that as a native of Bingzhou, I was rejected by those Xiliang people, and no one came to congratulate me, let alone a promotion banquet.

"Hehe, the junior is rude, and accidentally told the prince these bad things, which annoyed the prince."

"It's okay." Wang Yun waved his hands again and again, thoughtfully.

Lu Bu said these words on purpose to Wang Yun, and deliberately let Wang Yun know that Lu Bu was rejected in the Xiliang army.

"The junior will not bother the prince anymore, take your leave." Lu Bu made a gesture to leave after speaking.

"Hey." Wang Yun stopped Lu Bu subconsciously.

"Is there anything else the prince can order?"

"As an official in the same dynasty, the old man and the Taiwei are both Sangongs and fellow villagers. I didn't know it before, but now that I know it, I should get close." Wang Yun tentatively said: "If the Taiwei doesn't dislike it, go to the old man's house , Have a few drinks and celebrate the promotion of Taiwei."

"Your Majesty's words are serious?" Lu Bu was pleasantly surprised.

"How dare someone lie to the Taiwei." Wang Yun stroked his beard and smiled.

0...asking for flowers...

"That's great, this is the honor of the junior, how dare you refuse the prince's kindness?"

"Please, Captain." Wang Yun invited Lu Bu to his home.

"The prince is out of sight, just call me Fengxian."

"Then the old man will be bold, rely on the old and sell the old, and ask for the first."

Lu Bu intends to make friends, and wants to trigger the beauty trap, so as to gain Wang Yun's trust.

When Wang Yun heard that Lu Bu was isolated, he wanted to get in touch with Lu Bu to see if he could find value.

The two have their own ghosts, but they are both smiling, as if they are really fellow villagers.

Along the way, the more they chatted, the more speculative they became, and the more they chatted, the happier they were, and they came to Wang Yun's mansion before they knew it.

"The prince is suffering." Looking at the shabby mansion in front of him, Lu Bu said with emotion.

The emperor Liu Xie still lives in a small dilapidated palace that leaks wind and rain, and he still expects Dong Zhuo to treat his ministers well? It would be nice to have a place to live.

All the good mansions in Chang'an City have been taken over by the Xiliang army, and it's not bad for all the officials in the court to mix with the folk houses.

The dignified Situ lives in an ordinary small courtyard.

"The humble house is humble, but let Feng

See you first laugh. "

Without talking nonsense at the door, Lu Bu and Wang Yun entered the mansion together.

After entering the door, Lu Bu looked around to see if he could find Diao Chan.

At any rate, they are the four beauties, and their looks must be particularly brilliant, even if they don't know each other, they will definitely be recognized at a glance.

But after looking around, Lu looked away inconveniently and disappointed.

Except for a few average-looking maids in twos and threes, there were no top beauties in the courtyard.

"Come here, prepare a banquet, the old man wants to entertain distinguished guests." Wang Yun instructed the housekeeper.

Wang Yun and Lu Bu came to the main hall together, and the furnishings in the room were also very simple, except for a few tables and chairs, there was nothing else.

After the host and guests were seated, the butler brought food and drinks after a while, but they were all very shabby.

"Thin wine and thin feasts, Feng Xian absolutely dislikes them."

"How dare you, being able to sit at the same table with the prince is better than any delicacies and wines."

"Hahaha." Wang Yun laughed loudly when he heard the words, and raised his wine glass, "Come, please."

"My lord please."

After finishing speaking, both of them drank in one gulp.

As soon as the drink was in the mouth, Lu Bu almost spit it out. The wine was sour and unpalatable, so he finally downed it.

"Fengxian, I heard that you were excluded in the army before, why is that?" After putting down his wine glass, Wang Yun couldn't help but began to inquire about Lu Bu's situation.

Wang Yun's move undoubtedly hit his heart, so he began to vomit bitterness to Wang Yun.

"The prince doesn't know something..."

Lu Bu talked endlessly, but the core idea was to tell Wang Yun that he was excluded and isolated in the army, all the generals in Xiliang had grudges against him, and Dong Zhuo didn't trust him too much.

Wang Yun's eyes flickered, his face was thoughtful, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Sigh." Lu Bu continued to say to himself, "I was a general who led troops to fight, but Xiangguo asked me to be a lieutenant."

"Although he has been promoted, he will not be able to lead the army in the future. Sitting in the yamen every day is really boring."

Wang Yun's eyes moved, combined with Lu Bu's words before, Dong Zhuo's move was obviously to sway Lu Bu's military power.

He didn't know the inside story in the army before, and Lu Bu was Dong Zhuo's righteous son. As for Lu Bu's appointment as Taiwei, Wang Yun just thought that Dong Zhuo was supporting him again.

But now after listening to Lu Bu's narration, Wang Yun knew that things were not easy.

The relationship between Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu, the righteous father and son, is obviously not what the outside world sees.

"Perhaps Xiangguo asked Feng Xian to be the Taiwei. What's the deep meaning?" Wang Yun asked tentatively.

"What deep meaning can it have?" Lu Bu asked for advice: "Please also ask the prince to teach me."

"Hehe, the old man just said it casually." Wang Yun didn't answer.

Today is only the first time we meet, Wang Yun dares to trust Lu Bu completely, even if he wants to stir up the relationship between Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu, now is not the time, let's wait and observe later,

Otherwise, it will kill your life.

"By the way, what does Fengxian think of the rumor that Xiangguo proclaims himself emperor?" Wang Yun changed the question to test Lu Bu's attitude towards Dong Zhuo.

"I don't think it's right." Lu Bu was very clear about Wang Yun's thoughts, and immediately expressed his attitude, "Xiangguo is already an extremely powerful minister, and the emperor is so kind, so Xiangguo should be loyal to him.

Can you have his heart again?"

As a minister, you should be loyal to the emperor, gracious. "

"If Xiangguo really has the intention to presume, I will definitely go personally to persuade Xiangguo to dispel Xiangguo's idea." Lu Bu said righteously and loudly.

Wang Yun's eyes lit up. He never expected that Lu Bu was still a good young man who was loyal to the emperor and patriotic. He felt overjoyed and felt that he could pull Lu Bu to his side.

How to win over Lu Bu, Wang Yun had a difficult time.

‘Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo are foster fathers and sons, as long as I get married with Lu Bu, we can get closer directly. ’ Wang Yun soon became concerned.

Since ancient times, the simplest, direct and effective way to get closer is marriage.

"Come on, let Diao Chan come out and perform dance six for the Taiwei."

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