Three Kingdoms: Warriors Lu Bu, You Can Become Stronger By Killing Enemies

Chapter [74] Xu Rong Takes Action To Wipe Out The Xiliang Army

Everyone came to attend the enthronement ceremony, and everyone's attention was on Dong Zhuo.

When the focus is on one person, it loses focus on others.

For example, Xu Rong was not from Xiliang at all, but he was a good guy in the Xiliang army, but no one would think of him when something happened to him.

Xiliang Barracks.

After Li Jue and other Xiliang generals left, Xu Rong, who was a general of Zhonglang, became the highest-ranking existence in the barracks.

Xu Rong ordered to gather all the deputy generals in the Xiliang army and call them to their tents.

"Everyone sit down and be more casual." Xu Rong still had the attitude of a good old man.

Although Xu Rong had a higher position, these lieutenants had no fear of Xu Rong and sat down at random.

"General, you called all our brothers here, but do you have any orders?" A lieutenant general asked.

"You all know that I'm not from Xiliang, but a Liaodong native, and I'm thousands of miles away from Xiliang." Xu Rong teased himself: "So I didn't go to such a big event as Xiangguo's ascension to the throne." To join in the fun, it's useless to go anyway, and you won't get an official job.


Many lieutenants were amused by Xu Rong's humorous statement.

"It's better to stay in the army and take care of the army. Even if there is no credit, it can be regarded as hard work. Maybe it will be discovered by Xiangguo's wise eyes and be promoted a little."

"It's the same with you, the general is going to attend the grand ceremony, you can only stay in the barracks."

"We brothers help Xiangguo to stabilize the army, don't make any troubles, show a good performance, maybe Xiangguo will be happy after he ascends the throne, think of us brothers who are suffering, seeing that we have performed well, maybe we will be rewarded. "

"Brothers, do you think it's reasonable or not?" Xu Ying laughed at everyone.

"The general is right!"

"That's the reason."

"The general has vision, no wonder he can be a general."

With a few words, Xu Rong formed himself and this group of lieutenants into a community of interests.

"In this case, I have a suggestion, brother, let's discuss it." Xu Ying said with a smile.

"Brother Xu 247 But it's okay to say, we brothers are listening."

"The military appearance and discipline of our Xiliang Army... I won't say much about this, everyone knows it by heart."

"Normally, that's okay, but on a day like today, don't we have to tidy up the barracks and clean them up?"

"After Xiangguo ascends the throne, he will definitely come to inspect the barracks. When he sees that the army looks neat and tidy, how can we lose our benefits?"

After Xu Rong finished speaking, he stopped talking, and gave these assistants time to think.

"The general is right!"

"This is a rare opportunity to perform."

"Xiangguo must be happy when he sees it."

A group of lieutenants discussed it and all agreed that Xu Rong's suggestion was feasible.

"General, we are all listening to you. Let the soldiers clean up."

"Hey!" Xu Rong quickly waved his hand and said, "You all know the virtues of Xiliang soldiers, the boss must not be happy, isn't each battalion assigned to the 500 Bingzhou Army, this kind of hard work is assigned to the Bingzhou Army, just right They set the rules."

"That's right! This is a good way."

Xu Rong's suggestion was unanimously approved again.

"Since that's the case, I won't go overboard, and you will give orders to the camp."

Everyone heard the words and got up one after another, intending to return to the camp to give orders.

"Hey hey! Don't leave." Xu Rong said with a smile: "The next order is to let the soldiers go or not."

"Brother, I have already prepared the banquet, let's just drink and run errands myself?"

After speaking, the people below brought wine and meat, and began to prepare the banquet.

Xu Rong said everything, if he left directly, it would be too disrespectful to Xu Rong.

Xu Rong was a good general at any rate, and he still had some face in front of these lieutenants.

What's more, Xu Rong just gave them an idea, these lieutenants all took Xu Rong's affection, so they sat down one after another, and then sent their own soldiers to deliver the order.

Under Xu Rong's greeting, a group of people started drinking in the army, and the atmosphere quickly became lively.

Not long after, the personal soldiers of the various lieutenants returned to their orders one after another, saying that the order had been conveyed, and the state army began to clean up.

Xu Rong counted them one by one, and seeing all the soldiers who conveyed the military order returned, he drank the wine in the (aeci) wine bowl in one gulp, then stood up suddenly, and smashed the wine bowl on the ground heavily.


There was a crisp sound in the military tent, and the wine bowl was smashed to pieces.

A group of lieutenants who were drinking were at a loss when they saw this, and didn't understand why Xu Rong smashed the bowl so well.

Just when the lieutenants were in a daze, a group of armored soldiers rushed in from the outside.

"Do it! Don't leave a single one behind!" Xu Rong ordered indifferently.

A group of lieutenants were beheaded and killed by the soldiers who rushed in in a state of bewilderment. They screamed and blood flowed into the army tent.

Zhang Liao allocated 500 soldiers to each Xiliang general, and Xu Rong naturally got 500 Bingzhou troops from Zhang Liao.

The Xiliang army didn't know, but the Bingzhou army knew that Xu Rong was one of them.

After a stick of incense, many lieutenants, together with their own soldiers, all fell into a pool of blood.

Xu Rong sat down again, took a big gulp from the wine jar, and ordered: "Notify brothers, the bell rings to act!"


Xu Rong was sitting in the blood-stained military tent, sipping wine to relieve the tension in his heart, while waiting for the bell to ring.

Rebellion! It would be a lie to say that you are not nervous.

But Xu Rong was still very restrained and did not drink excessively, making sure that he would not get drunk and miss a major event.

"The success or failure of life and death depends on today...My lord, you must succeed!" Xu Rong looked outside the military tent, looking in the direction of Chang'an City.

In the barracks.

Since all the lieutenants of each battalion ordered the Bingzhou Army to start sweeping the entire army, the Bingzhou Army had the convenience of marching the entire army.

The Bingzhou army can freely enter and leave the arsenal, stables, granaries... all important places are unconditionally open to the Bingzhou army in the name of cleaning, and it will not arouse anyone's suspicion.

"Hey! Look at those Bingzhou barbarians."

"I dared to challenge us before."

"Aren't you just like a dog now, cleaning up the room for the old men?"

Xiliang soldiers gathered in twos and threes, taunting, making fun of, and insulting the Bingzhou Army.

However, the Bingzhou Army turned a deaf ear to it, remained unmoved, and was busy working in the barracks step by step.

Cursing and cursing, the Xiliang army felt bored. After all, the other party didn't even talk back, and all of them were expressionless. The Xiliang army couldn't get feedback, and couldn't see the anger or frustration of the Bingzhou army. Boring, the crowd gradually dispersed.

When no one was paying attention, the Bingzhou Army of each battalion tacitly divided into two parts.


The melodious bell rang, and all the Bingzhou Army heard it clearly.

"Do it!"

And the state army began to move, some went to the arsenal, and some went to the stables.

The Bingzhou army headed to the arsenal, killed the Xiliang army inside after entering the gate, and then began to put on armor.

A pair of fine armor weighed several kilograms, and no one would wear it on weekdays. They were all placed in the arsenal for management. Only soldiers on patrol and on duty in the barracks would wear Shenzhou.

The Bingzhou army in the arsenal put on a pair of armor, then carried another set, and finally tied a white cloth around their arms.

"Set fire! Burn the arsenal."

Bingzhou soldiers lit fire one after another, and the arsenal soon caught fire.

On the other side, the Bingzhou army, who was sweeping the manure in the stable, lit the fire immediately after hearing the bell, and opened the door of the stable.

Countless war horses were frightened by the fire, frantically rushed out of the stables, rampaged in the barracks, and ran wildly.

The sudden change caught the scattered Xiliang army by surprise.

In the entire barracks, there are war horses running wildly everywhere, not to mention the formation, if the Xiliang army is not careful, they will be hit or trampled to death by the war horses.

In the end, the Xiliang Army, which was still guarding the gate of the barracks, opened the gate of the barracks, and the frenzied war horses found a vent, and all ran out along the gate of the barracks.

"It must be from Bingzhou!" Xiliang soldiers quickly realized.

But it was useless at all. At this moment, the Bingzhou army in the stable had joined up with the Bingzhou army in the arsenal, and the former also got a pair of helmets from the latter.

There are only 500 Bingzhou troops in each battalion, and their numbers are nothing compared to the Xiliang Army.

In the Xiliang barracks, the total number of all Bingzhou troops is only a few thousand.

But these thousands of people are wearing hard and sharp clothes, while the Xiliang army is bare-handed, without any protective measures.

Soldiers with armor and weapons and soldiers with nothing are completely two concepts.

The Xiliang army also wanted to go to the arsenal to get equipment, but the arsenal was already on fire, and no one could enter the arsenal.

On the school field of the Xiliang military camp, all the Bingzhou troops gathered together, and each Bingzhou soldier had a piece of white cloth wrapped around his arm to distinguish him from the Xiliang army.

Xu Rong also came out of the military tent at this time, came to the school grounds, and ordered: "Security to the gate of the military camp, and wait for the cavalry to come!"

With Xu Rong sitting in the town, with an order, thousands of Bingzhou troops carried out the military order, and all went towards the gate of the barracks.

There were also armored men in the Xiliang Army, but they were not many, that is, the hundreds of people patrolling and the hundreds of people guarding the gates added up to less than a thousand.

Seeing thousands of heavily armed Bingzhou troops approaching, these armored Xiliang troops were routed and fled as soon as they made contact.

In this way, the Bingzhou Army successfully controlled the gate of the Xiliang Barracks under the situation of inferior forces.

Looking at the current Xiliang army, the main generals are all attending the grand ceremony in the palace, and the deputy generals are all dead. They are completely in a dilemma without a leader. No matter how many troops there are, they still cannot be organized.

The poor military discipline on weekdays was fully exposed in this sudden situation.

The upper limit of the combat power of the Xiliang iron cavalry is very high. In the early period of the Three Kingdoms, it can be said that the Xiliang iron cavalry was the best in the world.

However, the lower limit of the Xiliang army is also very low. After losing their horses, armor, weapons, and generals, the Xiliang iron cavalry, which is the best in the world, is only mediocre, and their adaptability is terrible.

In the end, countless Xiliang soldiers rushed towards the gate of the barracks, pushing and shoving each other, without organization, discipline and cooperation.

Before rushing to the front of the Bingzhou army, the Xiliang army didn't know how many people died due to the stampede.

After the Xiliang Army and the Bingzhou Army came into contact, the battle was completely one-sided.

The Xiliang Army, which lacked weapons, could not pose a threat to the Bingzhou Army at all.

And the Bingzhou army could directly take away the life of a Xiliang army with a simple stab of a spear.

In a short while, corpses were lying in front of Bingzhou Army, and the soles of shoes were soaked in blood.

The Xiliang army was in despair, they couldn't break through the siege at all, and they would only die if they rushed over.

Many Xiliang soldiers with quick brains have already started to escape from all directions over the wall at this moment.

"Don't worry about it, let's just guard the gate and prevent the main force of the Xiliang Army from running out." Xu Rong ordered in a deep voice, "As for those who escaped, there is nothing wrong with it.


There was a thunderous sound of horseshoes behind him, Xu Rong looked back, and saw that Bingzhou cavalry had arrived.

After the bell rang, the Bingzhou cavalry set off from the Bingzhou barracks and rushed towards the Xiliang barracks.


The Xiliang army suddenly discovered that the Bingzhou army blocking the door gave way. Just as the hope of escape rose in their hearts, despair overwhelmed all the Xiliang army.

Here comes the cavalry!

It is true that Zhang Liao sent out some soldiers, but those who were sent out were all infantry, and those who stayed in the Bingzhou barracks were all cavalry.

There was only one military order for the cavalry, and after hearing the bell, they rushed to the Xiliang barracks.

The cavalry entered the arena, and this war, which had no suspense at all, completely lost its suspense.

The massacre was one-sided, and the Xiliang army had no power to fight back.

In the battle against the Xiliang Army, the Bingzhou Army achieved an overwhelming victory without any casualties.

But the Xiliang Army was not wiped out at this point, and the Xiliang Army that was wiped out by the Bingzhou Army was only a part.

A part of Hangu Pass, a part of Tongguan, Chang'an and a part of Dong Zhuo's side, and a part of permanent troops in Meiwu.

Dong Zhuo's family background is very strong, so he will not be easily killed by the Bingzhou Army.

The Xiliang Army in Hangu Pass and Tongguan don't have to worry about it for the time being, they are too far away from Chang'an, and they will not pose a threat to the Bingzhou Army at the moment, so they can be ignored directly.

"The whole army has it! Go to Meiwu and lie in ambush on the way from Meiwu to Chang'an." Xu Rong ordered loudly.

Such a big incident happened in the barracks, and many Xiliang soldiers escaped. It will be a matter of time before the news leaks out.

After Meiwu received the news, he would inevitably dispatch a large army. Xu Rong's task was to ambush and intercept the main force of the Xiliang army.

As for Chang'an City, it can only rely on Lu Bu himself and the 800 people trapped in the camp. .

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