Chang'an, the General's Mansion.

The newly built Taiwei Yamen was immediately changed to the General's Mansion after Lu Bu killed Dong Zhuo.

After Lu Bu received the news, he called his three generals together for discussion.

"The Xiliang army is making a comeback. It's no accident that it's Li Jue and Guo Si, and their strength is as high as 50,000. Tell us your own opinions." Lu Bu spoke first~.

When entering Guanzhong from Hangu Pass, Lu Bu's army was around 13,000 people.

After the rebellion, the Bingzhou army suffered a lot of losses, and now only Wanran is left to fight.

The number of Xiliang army is fully five times that of Bingzhou army.

"I think the final battlefield must be determined first." Zhang Liao said, "Whether we should meet the enemy in Chang'an or in Meiwu."

"That's right. We don't have many troops. If we divide our troops to garrison Chang'an and Meiwu, it will be very unfavorable to us." Xu Rong agreed.

"Mei Wu can be more convenient for defense." Gao Shun said directly.

Chang'an City has been in disrepair for a long time, and its defense is definitely not as good as the newly built Meiwu.

And Meiwu is a huge dock, and its purpose is to serve as a solid military fortress, so it must be more functional than a city like Chang'an.

Moreover, there is still enough food and grass in Meiwu, and the Bingzhou army is firmly guarding Meiwu, so it can be said that there is nothing wrong with it.

The three generals, one person and one sentence, basically finalized the matter, and saved Lu Bu from continuing to burn his brain.

"Since that's the case, let's make arrangements to move all the emperor's officials and their families into Meiwu, and then dismiss the people." Lu Bu made a decision immediately.

As long as the imperial court is removed, Chang'an City will have nothing to hold on to.

The discussion was dispersed immediately, and the three generals performed their duties, and began to arrange for the emperor, hundreds of officials, and the family members of officials and soldiers to go to Meiwu.

Lu Bu also returned to his home and told Yan Shi about going to Meiwu, so that the family could clean up easily.

Taking advantage of his spare time, Lu Bu also asked his soldiers to find a carriage for the convenience of the three daughters in the family.

After everything was settled, Lu Bu left the house with his family and saw Xu Rong coming.

"Wen Sheng, how is the team strength?" Lu Bu asked without speaking.

"Returning to my lord, everything else has been properly arranged, but only the emperor is still in the palace."

"What's the matter? The little emperor is not willing to leave?" Lu Bu couldn't help frowning.

"That's not true. The emperor has no objections. The grand master rushed to the palace and refused to let the emperor leave." Xu Rong described the situation.

"Old Deng, look for something to do if you have nothing to do!" Lu Bu cursed upon hearing the words.

At this time, Zhang Liao and Gao Zhi came to report the situation.

"My lord, the officials, soldiers and family members have all set off."

"My lord, the news of the Xiliang army's arrival has spread, and the people in Chang'an City have been dismissed.

The people in Guanzhong, especially the people near Chang'an, absolutely hate the Xiliang army.

Dong Zhuo never governed the local area, let alone restrained the army.

This caused the Xiliang army to rob people directly when they saw them in Guanzhong, and rob graves when they saw graves.

The people in Guanzhong were deeply affected by it, and they couldn't avoid the Xiliang army. When they heard that the Xiliang army was coming to Chang'an again, they took their belongings and ran away, leaving Chang'an for the time being, and returning after the Xiliang army left.

The common people in Guanzhong have summed up their experience on how to avoid the Xiliang army.

Dismissing the people in Chang'an can prevent them from being murdered by the Xiliang army on the one hand, and on the other hand it is equivalent to fortifying the wall and clearing the wilderness.

Without the people, the Xiliang Army would not be able to plunder, nor could it obtain any supplies. It was a source of water.

"You lead the team and leave first, I will go there."

After Lu Bu finished speaking, he rode the red rabbit horse and headed straight for the palace.

When he came to the main hall of the imperial palace, Li Su greeted him directly, "Grand General, the grand master doesn't know why he is crazy, but he just doesn't want the emperor to move.

"I see." Lu Bu got off his horse and strode into the palace.

People who haven't seen Wang Yun heard Wang Yun's voice.

"Is there any emperor who runs away in this world?!"

"Let the emperor escape from the city before the enemy comes over? Absurd!"

Lu Bu went deep into the palace with a dark face, and saw Wang Yun standing in front of Liu Xie, preventing Li Su's soldiers from taking Liu Xie away.

After all, Wang Yun bears the status of a grand master, and soldiers have a natural fear of superiors, so they really dare not do anything to Wang Yun.

"Fengxian, what's the matter with you? How can you escape before the enemy comes?" Wang Yun saw Lu Bu coming in, so he questioned him.

Lu Bu was too lazy to deal with this old Deng, the enemy was at hand, and Lu Bu didn't want to deal with Wang Yun for the time being, in case something went wrong.

Wang Yun was a little too careless, and Lu Bu planned to take care of this old thing after repelling the Xiliang army.

He didn't even have military power in his hand, so he called him a woman, Wang Yun really thought he was a character.

Lu Bu walked up to Liu Xie, held Liu Xie up with one hand and walked away, not forgetting to ask, "Have you got the jade seal?"

"Take it." Liu Xie nodded like a little chicken.

Lu Bu didn't say any more, just ignored Wang Yun, and left with Liu Xie.

Looking at Lu Bu's tall back, Wang Yun moved his lips a few times, but finally he didn't dare to stop him.

Judging the situation, Wang Yun dared to brag to the soldiers below, but he really didn't have the courage to brag to Lu Bu.

"Bastard! How dare you ignore this old man."

After Lu Bu left, Wang Yun cursed a few times, trying to save face in front of other people.

The emperor left, and the maids and eunuchs in the palace naturally all followed suit.

After a moment, Wang Yun was left alone in the hall.

"No, the old man has to go to Meiwu too." Wang Yun said to himself and walked out.

Wang Yun is not stupid, everyone has left, he still stays in Chang'an City, and when the Xiliang army arrives, he will be in bad luck.

But Wang Yun was still angry. He wanted to find a sense of existence, but Lu Bu thought he was air.

After everyone withdrew from Chang'an City, the whole Chang'an became an empty city.

There were not many people in Chang'an, and the evacuation work was very simple.

The imperial palace occupies two-thirds of the area of ​​Chang'an, and the mansions of dignitaries and dignitaries occupy a considerable part of the area. There are not many real places left for the common people to live in.

Moreover, Chang'an was not for the people to live in from beginning to end. The so-called Chang'an people refer to the villagers living outside Chang'an city.

However, during Dong Zhuo's rule in Chang'an, the Xiliang army also brought disasters to the people outside the city.

People who are unable to leave basically have to wait to die after being robbed of food, or to catch fish, hunt birds, and pick wild fruits.

Those who have the ability to escape will drag their families and move to other places to escape.

After a few days.

The Xiliang generals arrived outside Chang'an City with 50,000 Xiliang troops. Looking at the Chang'an City with its gates wide open, the Xiliang generals did not react for a while.

"Beware of fraud!" Jia Xu said at the right time, reminding everyone not to be impulsive, "Send a few people to scout the way."

A group of Xiliang troops entered Chang'an City cautiously [then left and returned after a while.

"How's it going?"

"Reporting to the generals, there is not even a ghost in the city, it is just an empty city."

After listening to the soldiers' report, all the generals in Xiliang were at a loss, and they couldn't help but look at the only military adviser, Jia Xu.

The generals in Xiliang felt that Jia Xu was very capable, so they asked Jia Xu to be their military adviser.

Jia Xu frowned, obviously he had never expected this situation.

After thinking for a while, Jia Xu said: "Check the ruts, if the whole city evacuates Chang'an, there will be obvious ruts on the official road.

The Xiliang army sent people to reconnaissance again, and brought back news after a while.

"Going west!"

"West side?" Jia Xu thought for a while and said, "Could it be that you went to Meiwu?"

"Let's go! Just go and have a look." The Xiliang generals planned to go to Meiwu to have a look.

"There is a treasure house in Meiwu, and there are endless food and grass, as long as they are captured, it will be ours!" Li Jue reminded.

As Dong Zhuo's former subordinate, the Xiliang generals knew exactly what treasures Meiwu had.

The generals thought that after taking down Meiwu, they would be able to share countless rare and rare treasures, and they couldn't help but feel enthusiastic, and became more determined to attack.

Fifty thousand Xiliang troops came straight to Meiwu.

"Dang Dang Dang!!!"

The Bingzhou Army, who was on duty at the head of Meiwu City, saw the dark enemy army in the distance, and immediately rang the alarm bell at the head of the city.

Lu Bu inside Meiwu, after hearing the alarm, came to the top of the city immediately and began to observe the enemy's situation.

"There are so many people." Lu Bu's tone was relaxed, without any tension.

"No matter how much you come, it's useless. People like this don't even want to break through Meiwu." Zhang Liao said with a smile.

Due to the news that the Xiliang Army was attacking in advance, the Bingzhou Army was very well prepared.

Not only were they all moved to Meiwu, but the military supplies for the defense of the city were well prepared. A large number of rolling stones were excavated in advance, and countless logs were cut down.

The arrow reserves in Meiwu are also considerable, and there is also a large amount of tung oil.

Such a complete armament, coupled with the iron wall of Meiwu, can withstand the 50,000 Xiliang army without any problem.

The more important point is that there is no shortage of food and grass in Meiwu, and there will be no shortage of food for a long time.

But the Xiliang army is different. At this moment, there is not even a hair left around Chang'an, and they have no way to obtain food and grass.

Once the rations in hand are exhausted, the Xiliang army outside the city will collapse by itself.

"Let's go, don't pay attention to them, the Xiliang army can't attack the city today." Lu Bu looked at the sky and said: "The other party came after a long journey, and we have cut down the trees around Meiwu. The army can't even build a ladder."

A small number of Bingzhou troops were left on duty at the top of the city, and everyone left the top of the city one after another.

If the Xiliang army wants to attack Meiwu, it is impossible to fly up.

Before the Xiliang army builds the ladder, there is no need to worry about a sudden attack by the Xiliang army.

outside the city.

Looking at Meiwu in front of him, Jia Xu suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. Can the Xiliang army, which is not good at attacking the city, really be able to take down Meiwu by force?

In Jia Xu's vision, although Chang'an's city wall is tall, it has been in disrepair for a long time, which is conducive to attack.

The 50,000 Xiliang Army relies on its strength, and the more than 10,000 Bingzhou Army is definitely not easy to defend. The chances of taking Chang'an are still very high.

0...asking for flowers...

But never expected that Lu Bu would abandon Chang'an and hide in Meiwu with the Bingzhou army.

Moreover, the people were dispersed, and the strategy of fortifying the walls and clearing the fields was implemented, so that the Xiliang army could not obtain food and grass supplies through looting.

"Isn't Lu just a common man? Does he know the art of war?" Jia Xu couldn't help but wonder.

"Mr. Wenhe, what should we do?" The Xiliang generals asked Jia Xu for advice.

"Set up a camp and build a ladder. Let's travel a long distance and make preparations first, let the soldiers have a good night's rest, and then formally attack the city." Dixu said without thinking.

Jia Xu's arrangement was quite satisfactory, and there was nothing surprising about it.

This is also a helpless thing, no matter how high Jia Xu's intelligence is, it is useless in the face of a tall and strong city wall.

The only way to reach Meiwu is to step on the ladder and climb up. Anyone who comes here has to fight like this.

After the Xiliang generals finished listening, they dispersed one after another and began to

Deploy your soldiers.

Some military tents were quickly set up, and the generals in Xiliang respected Jia Xu and asked Jia Xu to rest first.

Jia Xu didn't refuse either. He was already old, and he was still a scribe, so his body was naturally weak.

Hurrying to Chang'an from Hangu Pass, Jia Xu's body couldn't take it anymore.

After entering the military tent and lying down, Jia Xu fell asleep without knowing it.

When Jia Xu woke up, it was completely dark.

Worried about the situation of the Xiliang Army, Jia Xu got up and went outside to check.

At one glance, Jia Xu's heart sank.

It was pitch black outside, with only a few torches dotted here and there, and the few soldiers on duty were basically dozing off.

Not to mention the camps, there are no such things as horses and antlers at all, just some tents are set up in the wilderness, and there is a camp of Xiliang Army in Liba City at least in the small farmyard.

The land doesn't even have a fence.

"Come here!" Jia Xu shouted.

A soldier hurried over, "What orders does the military adviser have?"

"Who is the general on duty tonight?" Jia Xu asked immediately.

"It's General Duan Yao."

"What about the others?"

"Go back to the military division, the general said he was dozing off, just let us keep an eye on it."

"Every man is not enough!" Jia Xu couldn't help cursing, "Go, call him here."


It wasn't until Jia Xu got impatient with waiting that Duan Yan rushed over in a daze.

"Mr. Wen He, why can't we talk about it tomorrow!" Duan Yan complained.

Seeing this, Jia Xu secretly sighed, the commander-in-chief has this kind of virtue, no wonder the night watchmen are dozing off.

The Xiliang army is called an army, but it is actually bandits.

A team without military discipline at all, if led by a strong leader, is indeed very wild.

Just like the Hu people in the northern grasslands, they also have no military discipline, but once a powerful Khan or Shanyu appears, the Hu people's combat power will be very fierce.

The previous Dong Zhuo was such a strong leader.

In addition, the Xiliang army is all cavalry, and their combat capabilities are strong, without military discipline, and they are indeed fierce after their wildness is fully stimulated.

But everything has two sides. This method of running the army without military discipline also has advantages and disadvantages, and the advantages and disadvantages are very obvious.

Dong Zhuo died, and the Xiliang Army lost its leader.

Although the Xiliang generals are still there, they are all at the same level. There is a long list of generals, but there is no real leader.

In this way, the shortcomings of the Xiliang army's laxity are exposed to the greatest extent.

If Dong Zhuo was here, he would set up camp with an order, and he would definitely carry it out with all his strength.

But Jia Xu is a military adviser, and his suggestions have not been implemented.

"General Duan Yan, didn't I let you set up camp before? Why is this the situation now?" Jia Xu couldn't help asking.

"Oh, the surrounding trees have all been felled, so we need to travel a long way." Duan Yan explained: "We discussed it and prioritized building ladders to save delays

Siege the city tomorrow, let's talk about the camp later. "

"Then what if the Bingzhou Army attacks tonight?" Jia Xu asked back.

"Blind, Bingzhou Army only has 10,000 people, but we have 50,000 people, how dare they come and attack us at night?" Duan Yanman said indifferently.

"Since we don't build camps, we should arrange more people to stay on duty at night, which can also play a preventive effect." Jia Xu said earnestly.

"Oh, the soldiers came to Chang'an from Hangu Pass, and they are already very tired. We have to let them attack the city tomorrow, so let them rest first." Duan Wei waved his hands indifferently,

"Just one night, surely nothing will happen?"

After hearing Duan Yao's very 'reasonable' rhetoric, Jia Xu was completely silent.

At this time, it is completely unrealistic to call the soldiers to get up and toss them up to stand guard.

Jia Xu could only pray in his heart, hoping that the Bingzhou Army would not seize this opportunity.

"Lu is not an ordinary man, so he probably wouldn't come here to attack at night..." Jia Xu comforted himself in his heart.


In the middle of the night, Lu Bu suddenly called all three generals.

"I want to lead the cavalry out of the city and attack the Xiliang barracks at night. How do you suppress it?"

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