“What conditions?”

When Huang Zhong heard that there was a possibility of healing his son, his eyes suddenly lit up with hope.

In the past few years, he has traveled all over the country, and even after experiencing countless disappointments, he has never given up.

Even if there is even the slightest hint of hope, he must seize it.

“If I cure Ling Gongzi, you must stay in Zhao Cheng.”

Zhao Lei smiled slightly and said, “Of course, if you don’t want to stay, it’s not impossible. ”

Speaking of this, he pointed to Zhao Feng and Zhao Yun, who had already walked to his side, and said: “These two are the Zhao Family Double Dragons, as long as you defeat any of them, you can leave with your son.” ”

“Okay, no problem.”

Huang Zhong glanced at Zhao Feng and Zhao Yun, and he was naturally no stranger to the reputation of Zhao’s Double Dragon.

In Zhao Cheng, in addition to Zhao Houye, there are Double Dragon Ten Tigers and Twenty-four Masters.

Among them, Double Dragon is the most famous.

After all, seven days ago, the Son of Heaven personally canonized them as the captains of the black and white double dragons, and also gave the two black and white double dragon flags, which made their name of double dragons resound all over the world.

However, Huang Zhong is still very confident in his martial arts, and it should not be a problem to single out one of them.

Of course, if Zhao Lei can really cure his son, Huang Zhong will choose to stay and repay the favor even if he wins Shuanglong.

“Okay, you wait outside.”

After Zhao Lei finished speaking, he opened the curtain again and said to the girl: “Girl, can you come out first?” My treatment method is relatively unique and not suitable for outsiders. ”


The girl obviously also heard the conversation between Zhao Lei and Huang Zhong, and without any hesitation, she got up and got out of the carriage and stood next to Huang Zhong.

Only then did Zhao Lei board the carriage and sit next to Huang Zhong’s son.

“System, exchange me for a weakened version of Qin Qiong Martial Soul Stone.”

Qin Qiong belonged to a super first-class martial general, and it required 500,000 energy points to exchange his martial soul stone.

The weakened version of Qin Qiong’s martial soul stone belongs to a first-class martial general, and only needs 100,000 energy points.

At present, Zhao Lei only has 140,000 energy points, and he can only exchange it for a first-class martial soul stone.

Moreover, he is not yet a first-class peak martial artist.

Of course, after the fusion, their strength is not fixed, and with the continuous cultivation of the inherited martial arts, there is still a chance to continue to improve.

“The weakened version of Qin Qiong Martial Soul Stone has been exchanged.”

As the system’s prompt sounded, a crystal clear soul stone appeared in Zhao Lei’s hand.

He looked at the young man who was not much different from the corpse, frowned slightly, and asked in his heart: “System, he can’t crush the martial soul stone, can I help him?” ”

“Absolutely. After the host is crushed, it can be fused to anyone. The system responded.

Zhao Lei suddenly realized that he had always thought that if he wanted to fuse with whom, he would have to crush himself, and it turned out that he could replace it by himself.

With a gentle force, the martial soul stone was crushed, and a golden light shone brightly in his hand.

Raising his hand and pressing the golden light on the young man’s forehead, the golden light suddenly disappeared into the young man’s body.

The next moment, a powerful energy flowed in the young man’s body, strengthening his physical body.

Zhao Lei didn’t know what kind of disease Huang Zhong’s son had, but when he fused the soul stone, the energy in the soul stone would raise the physical fitness of the fused person to a level that matched the realm.

Among them, the diseases of the fused, old injuries and the like will be cured.

This is also the way he came up with to treat Huang Zhong’s son.

As for whether this method had any effect on Huang Zhong’s son’s illness, he did not dare to guarantee it, and now he could only wait quietly.

I don’t know how long it took, Huang Zhong’s son’s body became full at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It’s done.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Zhao Lei’s mouth.

The flesh that had just become full was still a little pale, but as the energy of the soul stone continued to strengthen and quench, it gradually became rosy.

After a long time, the boy suddenly rolled over and sat up, raised his hands to look and look, and tears of excitement flowed from his eyes.

Zhao Lei smiled slightly, turned and left the carriage.

Huang Zhong hurriedly greeted him and asked nervously: “Hou, Hou Ye, how, how?” ”

Every time he found a so-called famous doctor and asked about the results, he was extremely nervous.

He was afraid of hearing results that he didn’t want to hear, but each result disappointed him.

The girl also jumped over and asked expectantly, “Hou Ye, can my brother be cured?” ”

Zhao Lei said with a smile: “You’ll know later.” ”

Could it be….

Seeing Zhao Lei’s expression, an incredible guess flashed in Huang Zhong’s heart.

He searched for a famous doctor for five years without success, could it be that today…


Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded after a long time.

Huang Zhong’s body shook, his whole body became stiff, and he wanted to turn around to look, but he couldn’t move.

Maybe it’s because I’m afraid that everything is a dream, and turning around will break this beautiful fantasy.

“Dad, it’s an older brother, it’s really an older brother.”

The girl turned to look, covered her mouth in surprise, and said excitedly.

Really, Su’er?

I didn’t dream.

Was he really cured?

“Daddy! I’m fine. ”

The familiar voice sounded again, and then he saw a handsome young man appear in front of him.

“Good, good, good!”

Huang Zhong was so excited that he hugged the young man into his arms, and tears flowed from his eyes.

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